House prices in Summerland, Ramsey, Isle of Man IM8 - Zoopla I hope you'll find it a useful means of info as to the current status of the site; my hopes for the Isle of Man Government to develop a memorial space there dedicated to the 50 killed in the fire of 2nd August 1973; the one minute's silence I organise on the anniversary of the fire; the Summerland Memorial Concert held each year; together with links and blogs. I was 17 and was working there at the time of the fire, it was total panic, the fire spread so fast and no body could get out due to the doors being locked, I managed to get my friend away safely but with all the panic going on around I ended up in a daze, I dont know how I got out but remember someone pulling me, I got out befor the first explosion went off. Welcome to Summerland Today! The complex The conflagration took place on 2 August 1973 in this ambitious entertainment complex in Douglas, Isle of Man, commissioned in 1965 and opened in May 1971. It was indeed quite glamorous and I know for a fact my mum and dad spent more than a few romantic evenings there, (We kids got packed off to our grandparents house!) panels dropping in flames onto the ground and I guess, people below. 7. vox pop older man re. I remember going there as a 6 year old. I remember the main floor in front of the stage with all the deck chairs & the straw umbrellas, the music, the talent shows. Numerous firms are employing truck drivers in different locations of Canada like Alberta, Ontario, Toronto, Brampton, Mississauga, Quebec, Ottawa, Calgary, and also great deals of extra. My dad raised the alarm after I smelt smoke coming from a slot machine. The fire exits - clear glass ones, all in a row - were locked which I guessed afterwards was to prevent people paying for access to one area and then going to the other as well. I still remember those who died and those who lost loved ones. 6. vox pops boys re. The Isle of Man is located in the middle of the northern Irish Sea, Isle of Man to the east, Northern Ireland to the west, Scotland (closest) to the north and Republic of Ireland to the southwest. I do recall entering a talent competition and singing 'I'm a little teapot'. On the night of the fire my Mum and Dad were taking me to see the Black & White minstrels, my much older brother and sister didn't want to go and went on the prom. 13 Spooky & Haunted places in the Isle of Man Lovely Greens It took me a long time to go on holiday again. But I have fond memories of summerland and I to did win the talent competion in summerland. Summerland Series: The Cave - Gef - Isle of Man We saw the fire take hold and like many others my parents were shocked and crying at the horror of the tragic loss of life. The latter idea was eventually scrapped when it was discovered some of the birds were poisoning themselves by eating the plastic foliage. Condition is excellent. I'll never forget the tragedy and the emptiness we felt after that horrific day. My uncle saw someone he knew from our home town (Widnes) whose hotel was closer than ours, and he was able to phone family at home to say we were OK just as the story was coming on the news.We were all OK, apart from my uncle's cracked ribs from charging at the fire door, but the horror of the evening is still with me such that even lighting a candle is something I struggle to do and I always check out fire exits when I'm somewhere new. But I have fond memories of summerland and I to did win the talent competion in summerland. Seconds later the light grew to a flame a few feet high, then within no time at all there were large flames extending the whole height of the side of the building I was frozen in shock watching what was kicking off. xx. Summerland was only a mile away from the District General Hospital and there was no clearing station for preliminary assessment of the injured. We saw the fire take hold and like many others my parents were shocked and crying at the horror of the tragic loss of life. [10], Because of the locked fire doors, many people headed to the main entrance, which caused a crush.[9]. I've got used to passing the site & it not being there but from the boat, going in either direction it's still not the same. It wasn't until we were on the promenade at a safe distance that I looked back to see the building completely engulfed in flames. Fifty people were killed and 80 seriously injured. I still remember those who died and those who lost loved ones. One survivor (who was a child at the time) remembered her father noticing smoke coming from the ventilation shaft and had started to attempt to evacuate when the whole area erupted in flames. My Mum and I started to go towards a spiral staircase which led towards the main entrance but my uncle steered us further along the gallery to where there were fire exits leading to the swimming pool area. My parents had gone for a drink and I was looking after myself on my own in the safety that was 1973 in the fantastic Isle of Man. They were each fined 3 (equal to 31.86 in 2020) and ordered to pay 33p compensation and 15p costs. On the third attempt, my uncle's door came open and several others followed. The Summerland site is to be put on the market - BBC News Firemen were already on the scene and ran past us with hoses. Site Status - Summerland Site Those were the days. On the night of the fire my Mum and Dad were taking me to see the Black & White minstrels, my much older brother and sister didn't want to go and went on the prom. We were first alerted to it by the noise from the fire engines.Looking out the window of the boarding house we saw the flames. I would like to see an ice-skating rink there (which the Island needs). The Isle of Man [1] ( Manx: Ellan Vannin) is an island in the British Isles, located in the Irish Sea between the islands of Great Britain and Ireland. There was a charming wooden see saw, slide and roundabout. At the time Summerland was one of the most. When Summerland opened it was sensational here on the IOM. (en) dbo:thumbnail Most of week had been spent at the evening disco and I still have photos and the weekly ticket from our good times there. Summerland for me, like many others who grew up on the Island was one of the main places that you could find entertainment of all forms from Rollerskating through to catching a afternoon film in the cinema. We came back to the island the year after the fire and we stayed in Oncan. slide somewhere near where the Hilton Hotel is now I think. A report commissioned by the Lieutenant Governor in 1973 stated that the blaze was the worst peacetime fire disaster in the British Isles since 1929. last updated: 04/04/2008 at 15:38created: 03/04/2008. Manx Forums - A Discussion Board & Classifieds for the Isle of Man. It was my last night on the IOM with my BB Company from N Ireland. The island was cut off from the surrounding islands around 8000 BC as sea levels rose following the end of the ice age. of 1971. The Summerland disaster occurred when a fire spread through the Summerland leisure centre in Douglas on the Isle of Man on the night of 2 August 1973. My parents had gone for a drink and I was looking after myself on my own in the safety that was 1973 in the fantastic Isle of Man. The Paranormal Database Fifty people were killed and 80 seriously injured. BBC Isle of Man, Broadcasting House, Douglas Head, Douglas, Isle of Man IM99 1SW, I was 16 at the time of the fire, like many teeagers in Douglas we spent most of our evenings and many a wet day at Summerland.We could occasionally get served in the bars and if not we roller skated on the big rink downstairs.The night of the fire we had left Summerland to go to the stock cars at Onchan stadium, we got as far as the Catholic church in Oncan park when we saw a thin column of black smoke and people began to gather at the cliff top overlooking the site.We ran across the golf course watching the smoke grow, by the time we reached the cliff, half of the seaward wall of Summerland was blazing with a thick sheet of jet black smoke rising hundreds of feet.From our viewpoint we watched the fire spread over the huge oroglas canopy and saw thousands of people pouring out of the doors.When the events of 9/11 were shown on tv it reminded me of Douglas prom that night, teeming with shocked people and emergency vehicles flying up and down.We ended up in the Granada hotel trying to phone our parents to tell them we were ok but the phones were busy.The next morning the whole town stank of burnt plastic and vans instead of ambulannces ferried the dead to a makeshift mortuary.I didn't loose anyone and I dont have nightmares, but it was a dark part of my childhood and a memory that is still often in my thoughts. There was a lot of excited anticipation before it opened. Isle of Man - Wikipedia While children were entertained in the theatre, parents could relax upstairs. Looking at the picture of the pool makes me sad!! The island is in desperate need of some alternative. (Good move as it happens - I understood later that about 12 people were found dead at the bottom of that staircase, which I seem to recall did not have proper handrails round it, being largely decorative.) The state-of-the-art facilities put the Isle of Man on the map as one of the most important tourist destinations in the British Isles. There was no attempt to evacuate the 3,000 people present[5] until the visible evidence of the flames prompted a panic-stricken mass rush for the exits. Bit by bit over the years things would start to disappear, until by the end there was only "Manxland" left, my son really enjoyed palying there with all his cousins & it was a great place for Mums to meet on a Saturday & have a coffee while the kids played, we did that for a lot of years. [14] No specific individuals or groups were blamed and the deaths were attributed to misadventure, although the delay in evacuation and the flammable building materials were condemned. A girl I met that night but got separated from in the panic died. [13] The inscription on the 1998 disaster memorial did not give a death toll; its 2013 replacement lists all 50 names. [17], In October 2002, torrential rain caused damage to several structures, as well as two landslides behind Summerland which dislodged two 50-tonne concrete blocks that had once supported the roof of the original building, but had not been removed in the wake of the fire. "Good crispy duck and great main dishes.". It was so colourful and had such a happy and relaxed atmosphere. The fire quickly spread across the sheeting on the leisure centre walls and roof, and through vents which were not properly fireproofed. To experience Summerland at that time was special and afterall, what has the Government ever done since to improve our quality of life here in the IOM. 2017 Keystone Summerland 2980 BH for Sale in Carville LA When we finally reached the bottom the firemen were there to guide us out and just as we got outside, the whole place was engulfed by fire. I'll never forget the tragedy and the emptiness we felt after that horrific day. I think they must have broken through a back wall or something to get there. belindaI went to the Isle of Man after the fire and never heard of the fire until recently. The lower floors were geared towards children and teenagers, with a disco, fairground. The fire spread to the wall's interior soundproofing material, which was highly combustible, causing an intense fire that ignited the flammable acrylic sheeting that covered the rest of the building. is now owned and operated by the Department of Tourism and Leisure. But things got a little more decadent when you ventured underground. RM R8WF63 - Oil wells drilled into the bed of the Pacific ocean at Summerland, between Santa Barbara and Los Angleles, California, United States of America, c. 1915. SUMMERLANDS B&B - Reviews, Photos (Ramsey) - Tripadvisor Film: Pos - Sound: Mag SOF - Colour - NYFilm: No - LN Number: LN45368 - Available in HD Storyline Go to top Scenes of the aftermath of the Summerland Pleasure Complex fire Categories Go to top Locations: Most of week had been spent at the evening disco and I still have photos and the weekly ticket from our good times there. We stayed for a week and on all of the 4 nights preceding the evening of the disaster I had been to the complex for a swim and play around with new-found friends. Isle of Man: Summerland Entertainment Center - Vintage Photograph I had a great time. The worst thing was I could hear screams even from that distance, this has haunted me to this day. In June of 1832, Cholera arrived on the Isle of Man. Fifty people were killed and 80 seriously injured. The scale of the fire has been compared to those seen during the Blitz. Summerland disaster - Wikipedia It was a tragedy but the happy memories as a child are still vivid even in my late 40's.My thoughts are with those who lost someone dear xx. 14a Majestic Apartments King Edward Road Onchan IM3 2BD. We crossed onto the promenade via a walkway which crossed the road, I think. Jade Harbour Restaurant. The transparent roof was composed of 6 ft acrylic bronze-tinted sheets so that the natural light filtering through would appear like golden rays. What a great place. Now I have my own kids of my age at the time of the disaster, I know why. The first responding fire crews realised additional resources would be required and almost every resource available to the Isle of Man Fire and Rescue Service was mobilised to the incident (93 of its 106 firefighters and all 16 of its engines). I WILL RETURN AS THERE IS A KIND OF MAGIC ATTRACTION ABOUT THE ISLAND,I SHALL ALWAYS REMEMBER 'THE GEM IN THE IRISH SEA' WAYNE FORD, Crazy Carol, OnchanMoonwalk,rollerskating & swimming, just 3 of the things that kept myself, my brother & cousins entertained for hours. The 3.5 acre Summerland resort, claiming to be the biggest and most innovative indoor entertainment centre in the world, was hailed by the British Tourist Authority as An outstanding tourist enterprise. Tehachapi, CA, US. The Summerland building in Douglas was the first of its kind in the world. A period semi-detached double fronted town house built circa 1864, set along a quiet cul-de-sac, yet within easy walking distance of the shops and cafes of Parliament Street. This button displays the currently selected search type. It was a climate-controlled building covering 3.5 acres (1.4ha) on Douglas's waterfront, consisting of 50,000sqft (4,600m2) of floor area constructed at a cost of 2 million. Re: Isle of Man Summerland Fire Yes I remember the fire I was 10 years of age and on holiday with my family. We never knew if she saved our lives. Jumping and diving from the boards was also fun with us all playing dead mans fall from the different boards, but I never did manage to dive or even jump from the top board. It had been a last minute holiday booking and to this day I will not go on a last miniute booking holiday. I made lots of friends both from the island and liverpool. The scale of the fire has been compared to those seen during the Blitz. I've not lived on the Island for 10 years, but I have the memories of the great times I had & will never forget Summerland, even know my time spent there was in the 90's, quite a long time following the 1973 Disaster. The centre reopened in June 1978. I think they must have broken through a back wall or something to get there. Instead the first call came from a passing taxi driver, while another came from the captain of a ship 2 miles (3.2km) offshore who radioed HM Coastguard and said, "It looks as if the whole of the Isle of Man is on fire". I remember hearing a woman shouting "My God, my children are in there", which I still find a bone-chilling thought. Summerland , Douglas, Isle of Man. Original early 1970s Flyer. I've not lived on the Island for 10 years, but I have the memories of the great times I had & will never forget Summerland, even know my time spent there was in the 90's, quite a long time following the 1973 Disaster. My Uncle and several other "big chaps" hurled themselves against the fire doors to break them down. (Good move as it happens - I understood later that about 12 people were found dead at the bottom of that staircase, which I seem to recall did not have proper handrails round it, being largely decorative.) The Summerland building in Douglas was the first of its kind in the world and its state-of-the-art facilities put the Isle of Man on the map. There were 7 floors in total and the building had a capacity for 5 thousand people. StewartI dont remember the initial Summerlands complex, but I was in Summerlands in the mid 80's; after it was rebuilt and reopened in 1978; I was therer on annual camp with the scouts, that was the year I joined the scouts and that was the reason i joined, the trip to the Isle of Man.What a great time I had there using the swimming pool. The Summerland Tragedy, Isle of Man.On the 2nd of August, 1973, a fire broke out in . We would spend alot of time up there because of the pool and because they could keep and eye on us and have a drink at the same time. ISLE OF MAN: Summerland Entertainment Center - Vintage Photograph construction of a swimming pool, which was completed in 1969. My parents had been to the site of the fire thinking I was in there as I had been all week. Summerland. Custom Mountain home in Tehachapi CA.-2 hrs from LA or 2 hrs from Central Coast. 'The inferno was racing towards me': survivors of the Summerland fire [9] The centre was seriously damaged by the fire. My Mum and I started to go towards a spiral staircase which led towards the main entrance but my uncle steered us further along the gallery to where there were fire exits leading to the swimming pool area. [1] [2] [3] Location Western Europe, island in the Irish Sea, between Great Britain and Ireland Geographic coordinates 54 15 N, 4 30 W Map references Europe Area total: 572 sq km land: 572 sq km water: 0 sq km country comparison to the world: 193 Area - comparative slightly more than three times the size of Washington, DC Land boundaries total: 0 km Coastline After another few minutes the flames had spread over the top of the building and were beginning to engulf the whole place, it was horrible to see. Lomas wanted to create the illusion of being outside and to this end he planned to cover exposed cliff faces with tropical plants while allowing wild birds to live and fly throughout the building. The closure of the . Find it on the Isle of Man | Business, Restaurants, Classifieds, Events and more To access your webmail, click Sign In Find it on the Isle of Man Click here to sign into webmail What's On? It does not take away from the fact that it was for a few years, a great place to be. The indoor Summerland leisure complex in Douglas was the first of its kind in the world and its facilities put the Isle of Man on the map as one of the most important tourist destinations in. And the name, it was just called the summerland play area, or Barry Nobles arcade before that (not to be confused with the one that was opposite Woolworths) 7. panels dropping in flames onto the ground and I guess, people below. I was 5 at the time. Nicole SmithThe queue to get into the swimming pool with my Mum, Dad & brother and of course the smell. About: Summerland disaster Follow on beyond Summerland and Port Jack. seeing many bodies, young people burned beyond recognition Summerland opened on 25 May 1971 and was designed to accommodate up to 10,000 tourists as one of the largest entertainment centres in the world. [1][2][3], Summerland was opened on 25 May 1971. It was all shining, it even smelt new. The decor made it look like a tropical fairyland in places with the waterfall which looked like it was tumbling into the building from where the cliff-face was at the rear of the building. This, coupled with the constant sirens of emergency vehicles, is what made this the worst night of my life. Find it on the Isle of Man | Business, Restaurants, Classifieds, Events We felt at the time that it was the beginning of the good times here on the Isle of Man. Then with my children to manxland,their first birthday parties, my sisters-in-laws fashion shows & watching cousin's children do ballroom dancing & they're just a handfull of memories!Summerland was a one off & while the Villa Marina is a part of our islands history & heritage, there will never be another place like Summerland - it's in a league of it's own. Located in the heart of Douglas, the capital of the Isle of Man, the complex was a landmark of the island, offering a wide range of attractions for both locals and visitors alike. I was on holiday at the IOM with a group of girl friends the week of the Summerland fire. We had a family holiday on the IoM when I was 6. Bob EmeryWhen Summerland opened it was sensational here on the IOM. Summerland Disaster - ScienceDirect I was 7 and on holiday with family,that inluded aunts,uncles and cousins.A lot of us had been holdaying in Douglas that week and we spent a lot of time in Summerland.It was a great place to spend the day.It had all the ammenities ,everything you wanted was there,a funfare ,indoor heated swimming pool,indoor amusement arcade.It had bars,a disco's everything.On the night of the fire, we just finished our evening meal in our hotel and we began walking up Douglas promenade ,going towards Summerland,when we noticed smoke billowing up from behind the building,the next instant the entire building was engulfed in flames.I remember seeing people pouring out of the building,some were on fire,it was horrific.We were standing some distance away and I could not take my eyes off it.The explosions from the burning building boomed across Douglas bay.I had never seen so many injured people before and it is something that I wll never forget.The following morning we all cut our holiday short and returned home,as the ferry was leaving Douglas we all stood on the boat deck ,staring at the burnt out shell of Summerland.Have never been back to IOM since that terrible fire. Denis Cowley QC acted for the Douglas Corporation. on arrival above somerland we couldnt beleve the whole building was an infurno (just where we would have been had we not been delayed)we left the site not beleving such a tragity could be hapening to those poor people,and by the grace of god spared us.with the passing of time and no disrespect to those who loved ones perished or were injured i beleve that summerland was a fabulous venue of the time and should be under another name be reserected for the people of the island and visitors alike,the past is the past and nothing can remain a stain of the building/archetects or goverment who built it in good faith and by unforcene events that happend.the island needs a new complex to invest in tourisem and for the island people to enjoy in these hard days ahead bring life back to the island as it was before the doom and gloom merchants moved in.being a stopover from the late 60s and with three children who were born here i personaly would like to see an indoor complex such as summerland revived. I was 17 and with my boyfriend at the time. Find average house prices, current average values, other historic property data & request a valuation from an estate agent. At 8:00 p.m. on 2 August 1973, Summerland, a leisure centre on the Isle of Man as shown in Figure 1, was seen to be on fire. I was at summerland in august 1973,and went to the groovey disco underneath,but it seemed a bit lacking in atmosphere compared to the clubs in Manchester.I was also in Douglas when Summerland set on fire and joined the long queue of people donating blood for the victims.
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