Diagnosed with PCOS four months ago. Do you have any family history of mental illness? ), Shes pretty healthy. The Shadow Health Comprehensive Assessment (SHCA) is an online assessment tool that is used by nursing students to measure their knowledge and understanding of health concepts. I start in two weeksIm really excited! what do you usually do before bed I took something for my acne. Have you tried anything else to treat the scrape? (Clarified to: Do you control your diabetes through, Yeah, I stay away from sugar and watch what I eat, in general. Hover over thePatient Dataitems below to reveal important information, includingPro TipsandExample Questions. those identified by nursing experts to be of particular importance to this patient. The following details are facts of the patients case. Shadow health Heent education and empathy - HEENT Results | Turned In Advanced Health Assessment - - Studocu Shadow Health Assignments for virtual clinical hours sales tax notification: elsevier inc. dba shadow health charges applicable sales tax as required state and Skip to document Ask an Expert Sign inRegister Sign inRegister Home Im actually feeling really good lately. We socialize before and after church, and I go to Bible study on Wednesdays, too. During the patient interview, there are a number of opportunities to provide patient education and empathy. Pro Tip: When inspecting the pupils for size, shape, symmetry, and reaction to light, unequal or unreactive pupils can indicate significant underlying health problems. Ms. Jones is a pleasant, 28-year-old African American single woman who presents for a pre-employment physical. She denies chest pain during the episodes, but does endorse Experts selected these examinations as essential components of objective data collection for this patient. Skin on neck has stopped darkening and facial and body hair has improved. The pain sometimes radiates to his left leg. She has asthma too, but she almost never has attacks. The first number represents the amount of points you earned. I used to have a lot of trouble with asthma attacks back then. TIna states she does not drink coffee and alleviate her palpitations Any pending input will be lost. This will show an outline of your score. meat and vegetable, snacks are French fries or pretzels. Terms and Conditions Privacy Policy Cookie Settings. This includes conducting shadow health neurological assessments, shadow health cough assessments, and shadow health abdominal assessments. bed, and I'll read to try to distract myself from feeling nervous until I feel like I can fall asleep. work and school. Strengthening clinical skills. (Clarified to if I have ear drainage.). This shows the Overall, Exam, and Post-Exam Timers. You will not see a grade for this activity from Shadow Health, but your instructors may choose to grade your responses. Home | blog | Shadow Health Comprehensive Assessment Guide | Help. How does interviewing a heathy patient differ from interviewing a patient with a known health condition? Pro Tip: Follow up questions about Tinas birth control prescription can help you to understand how effectively she complies with her treatment plan. Our simulations are designed for your program goals and course objectives - select your program level below to learn more. been told her blood pressure was high in the past. Mom has high cholesterol and blood pressure, I think. Pro Tip: Its important to inspect your patients hair for distribution, color, and texture because abnormal hair growth or characteristics can indicate underlying health problems. Tina Jones endorses that she does not really watch her diet. I just always want to be learning new things and getting better at my job. This button will mark this attempt as Turned In, signaling to your instructor that it is ready to be graded. . Attempting to palpate the kidney helps determine enlargement or tenderness. I think she had high blood pressure and cholesterol, too. If the Reopening feature is enabled, you can make up the lost point in the education and empathy section by recreating the opportunity. (Clarified to: if I have a history of psychiatric illness), Model Statement: "It sounds like you have a lot on your plate. This button will open the Lab Pass for your attempt. The Lab Pass functions as a certificate of completion, showing your name, the assignments name, and the scores you achieved. Pro Tip: Palpating the maxillary sinuses checks for sinusitis. Return to Assignment (/assignments/493256/), Lab Pass (/assignment_attempts/10113755/lab_pass, Tina Jones presents with episodes of "fast heartbeat" which has been When did you most recently use the flovent inhaler? If you are are experiencing audio issues while using Safari, please visit this article (support.shadowhealth/hc/en-us/articles/360009548313-Audio-issues-in-Safari) on our Biology Mary Ann Clark, Jung Choi, Matthew Douglas. She does not associate the rapid heart rate w Cross), Give Me Liberty! Clicking on each of the Education & Empathy topics will show you more information and the part of your transcript. Lately, though, it's just these racing thoughts of everything I'm worried about, and it's harder to control. sweats. Question Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology, Documentation Electronic Health Record Week 9 Comprehensive Assessment Tina Jones.docx, Comprehensive Assessment | Completed | Shadow Health 1.pdf, Comprehensive Assessment _ Completed _ Shadow Health Plan of Exam.pdf, Tina Comprehensive Assessment Shadow Health Subjective Questions.pdf, Tina Jones Health History Education & Empathy.pdf, Week 1 Shadow Health SOAP Note course hero.docx, Health History _ Completed _ Shadow Health(Education).pdf, NR 509 NP Week 1 Shadow Health Education-Tina Jones-infected foot.pdf, History Weimer Republic Yannick Word.docx, Midterm Review HW-Justine Jan Mendoza.pdf, 10 Mar 18 9115 Alan Closed 3 Nov 17 10 Mar 18 6024 Adam Closed 3 Nov 17 24 Mar, both recent or historical Data which is collected for different purposes is, progress of science and technology the emergence of large scale and high speed, A recent news program reported that the presidential approval rate was 51 with a, 274 15 DAlembert Principle and Derivation of the Lagrange Equations To derive, COPYING eKIT MATERIALS FROM THIS COMPUTER IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED Copyright 2013, 408 b Myrdal estimates that in 1850 about 2 3 of the average familys budget was, AM_Prepare_&_deliver_a_presentation_290812.pdf. She has been feeling tired at the end of the day. Pro Tip: Palpating the frontal sinuses checks for sinusitis. Tested negative for HIV/AIDS and STIs four months ago. how do you feel when youre stressed Capillary refill < 3 seconds. Pro Tip: Performing deep palpation determines the shape, consistency, tenderness, and pulsations of abdominal masses. Description: Tina describes how busy she is with school and work. Most people, with diabetes feel better when they limit all. 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Nursing Essay Examples (82) Pro Tip: The medications that a patient takes indicate their health concerns or problems, health literacy, and current treatment plans. Comprehensive Assessment Tina Jones Shadow Health Transcript, Subjective, Objective & Documentation. Ill be helping a more experienced accountant with her clients, and then eventually Ill get more responsibility, and build my own client list. Opportunities marked as Followed Up were followed up by students, and include the dialogue between student and patient. about 8 or 9 hours a night. Comprehensive Assessment Tina Jones Shadow Health Transcript, Subjective, Objective & Documentation, Scattered pustules on face and facial hair on upper lip, Right eye: equal hair distribution on lashes and eyebrows, lids without lesions, no ptosis or edema, Left eye: equal hair distribution on lashes and eyebrows, lids without lesions, no ptosis or edema, Thyroid smooth without nodules, no goiter, Upper eyelids: conjunctiva pink, no lesions, white sclera, Lower eyelids: conjunctiva pink, no lesions, white sclera, Right pupil: equal, round, reactive to light, Left pupil: equal, round, reactive to light, Peripheral vision intact in both eyes, all fields, Inspected interior eyes with ophthalmoscope, Left fundus with sharp disc margins, no hemorrhages, Right upper quadrant: no masses, guarding or rebound, Right lower quadrant: no masses, guarding or rebound, Left upper quadrant: no masses, guarding or rebound, Left lower quadrant: no masses, guarding or rebound, Liver: palpable 1 cm below right costal margin, Neck without swelling, masses, or deformity, Right shoulder without swelling, masses, or deformity, Right arm without swelling, masses, or deformity, Right elbow without swelling, masses, or deformity, Right wrist and hand without swelling, masses, or deformity, Left shoulder without swelling, masses, or deformity, Left arm without swelling, masses, or deformity, Left elbow without swelling, masses, or deformity, Left wrist and hand without swelling, masses, or deformity, Fingernails: no ridges or abnormalities in nails, pink nailbeds, Hips without swelling, masses, or deformity, Right leg without swelling, masses, or deformity, Right knee without swelling, masses, or deformity, Right ankle without swelling, masses, deformity, or discoloration, Right foot without swelling, masses, or deformity, Left leg without swelling, masses, or deformity, Left knee without swelling, masses, or deformity, Left ankle without swelling, masses, or deformity, Left foot without swelling, masses, or deformity, Toenails: no ridges or abnormalities in nails, pink nailbeds, 128/82 mm Hg (97.3 MAP) HR 78 SpO2 99% RR 15 Temperature 37.2 c Weight 84 kgs, Height: 170 cm Weight: 84 kg BMI: 29.0 Blood Glucose: 100 RR: 15 HR: 78 BP:128 / 82 Pulse Ox: 99% Temperature: 99.0 F, The patient is a 28-year-old female who presented for a pre-employment physical exam. This button will not appear after the due date of an assignment, or if your instructor has set the assignment so that only the first attempt is marked as turned in. are you taking any new medications Advanced Health Assessment for the APN - Fall 2021, 625, /site_notice_dismissals?from_flash=true&site_notice_id=499, Sales Tax Notification: Elsevier Inc. DBA Shadow Health charges applicable sales tax as required by state and local, /site_notice_dismissals?from_flash=true&site_notice_id=283. Copyright 2023 StudeerSnel B.V., Keizersgracht 424, 1016 GC Amsterdam, KVK: 56829787, BTW: NL852321363B01, Advanced Health Assessment - Summer 2021, NUR 703, (/site_notice_dismissals?from_ash=true&site_notice_id=, those identied by nursing experts to be of particular importance to this patient. About five months ago, I came in here for a check-up, and the nurse practitioner got me on metformin. Shadow health assessments lead to: If you have a pending shadow health comprehensive health assessment assignment, you should consider using a writing service. She is well-nourished, well-developed, and dressed appropriately with good hygiene. Comprehensive Assessment Tina Jones Shadow Health Transcript, Subjective, Objective & Documentation. Asking if Tinas been using her inhaler more frequently since exacerbation can indicate how shes been treating her symptoms since exacerbation. These are your achieved scores for the different activities in the assignment. Pro Tip: Inspecting the facial skin for the presence of discoloration, lesions, or abnormal hair growth assesses for underlying medical problems. The Exam Time is time spent asking questions, performing actions, and documenting in the exam room. She describes t I understand your, frustration at having your life interrupted by foot. She started me on birth control, and it seems to be helping things. A pass on the SHCA means that the student has answered all ten questions correctly. To post social content, you must have a display name. Respiratory: She denies shortness of breath, wheezing, cough, AA 1. . 3. $15.00 Add to Cart. I havent had any problems with diarrhea. . has been feeling more stressed lately due to her school and wo NR 509 Shadow Health Comprehensive Assessment; Tina Jones-STUDY PACKAGE. Family History has hypertension, hyperlipidemia, diabete melluitis, Pro Tip: The medication that a patient takes reveals a current treatment plan and healthcare access. Comprehensive Assessment Tina Jones Shadow Health Transcript, Subjective, Objective & Documentation. Pro Tip: Tinas response to a question about managing her diabetes will reveal the severity of her symptoms, her health literacy, and the way shes complied with previous treatment plans. illness? What is the name of your diabetes medication? abnormalities present on chest wall. Im going to be an Accounting Clerk at this really nice accounting firm. ), No, I dont think so. Overview. What medical problems does your mum have? Hello, my name is . drinking as much water as her normal. 1 Expression of pain Followed Up Description: Tina expresses frustration about her level of . When asking interview questions to collect subjective data, there will be scored opportunities to provide either an educational or empathic statement in response to the patient. flatulence is one of the side effect of metformin. Currently, the only assignment that does not include this method of scoring the Objective Data Collection is the Comprehensive Assessment assignment. . I mean, I still have asthma and diabetes, but both of those are under control. Pro Tip: Initially establishing a chief complaint allows the patient to express their reason for seeking care, primary concerns, or condition they are presenting with. What is your relationship like with your family? Cross), Forecasting, Time Series, and Regression (Richard T. O'Connell; Anne B. Koehler), Campbell Biology (Jane B. Reece; Lisa A. Urry; Michael L. Cain; Steven A. Wasserman; Peter V. Minorsky), Principles of Environmental Science (William P. Cunningham; Mary Ann Cunningham), Biological Science (Freeman Scott; Quillin Kim; Allison Lizabeth), Give Me Liberty! . It works pretty well. : an American History (Eric Foner), Brunner and Suddarth's Textbook of Medical-Surgical Nursing (Janice L. Hinkle; Kerry H. Cheever), Principles of Environmental Science (William P. Cunningham; Mary Ann Cunningham), Biological Science (Freeman Scott; Quillin Kim; Allison Lizabeth), Civilization and its Discontents (Sigmund Freud), Shadow Health Assignments for virtual clinical hours, "Im sorry to hear about your trouble sleeping and str, Lab Pass (/assignment_attempts/9908788/lab_pass.pdf), Shadow Health Tine Jones Health History Subjective Data, Shadow Health Mental Health Subjective data, Shadow health Heent education and empathy, Top-30-nclex-medspdf-pdf-free - NCLEX HELP, Engaging Contemporary Media - Lecture 2 Notes, Advanced Care of the Adult/Older Adult (N566), Biology: Basic Concepts And Biodiversity (BIOL 110), Managing Business Communications and Change (MGT-325), Pediatric And Perinatal Clinical Nurse Specialist Practicum I (NUPR 569), Management of Adult Health II (NURSE362), Fundamentals of Biology: Cellular and Organ Physiology (BIO 203), Ethical and Legal Considerations of Healthcare (IHP420), Professional Application in Service Learning I (LDR-461), Advanced Anatomy & Physiology for Health Professions (NUR 4904), Principles Of Environmental Science (ENV 100), Operating Systems 2 (proctored course) (CS 3307), Comparative Programming Languages (CS 4402), Business Core Capstone: An Integrated Application (D083), How Do Bacteria Become Resistant Answer Key, A&p exam 3 - Study guide for exam 3, Dr. Cummings, Fall 2016, Docx - HIS 104 - Essay on Cultural Influence on Womens Political Roles in Rome and, Philippine Politics and Governance W1 _ Grade 11/12 Modules SY. A fail on the SHCA means that the student has not answered any of the questions correctly. These prompts encourage you to consider the development of their clinical reasoning skills, as well as identify key lessons learned from the assignment. during the night), how do you feel when you wake up in the morning I really need help sleeping so I can focus on cardivascular consitions and/or disease. Nana was 73 when she died of a stroke about five years ago. JVD. Pro Tip: Tinas response to a question about managing her diabetes will reveal the severity of her symptoms, her health literacy, and the way shes complied with previous treatment plans. anxiety which is related to the pressures of schools and work. the last time I was sick was when I was having those heartburn problems a while ago. . . Do you follow a diet to manage your diabetes? Pro Tip: Assessing range of motion of each major joint noting any limitations in mobility, pain, or crepitation can identify joint disease or injury. specific changes in her diet recently, but notes that she has not b Nursingstudy.orgs Shadow Health Comprehensive Assessment writing services can help you to create a thoughtful and well-organized document that meets all of the requirements of the SHCA. Pro Tip: The medication a patient takes indicates their health literacy, treatment plan, and access to healthcare. All the materials from our website should be used with proper references.
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