This jutsu is something that Sasuke works on quite a bit as a kid to impress his father. At first the target doesn't even notice that such a technique has even happened and continues moving like it's nothing, however after a little while the target begins to falter about and then collapses as he feels his entire body coarsing with pain and exhaustion unable to get back up. This technique requires a great deal of lightning, so Sasuke uses the lightning from the thunderclouds. Another lightning release Jutsu, Kirin is a technique that Sasuke Uchiha developed during his training with Orochimaru. The high concentration of chakra on such a small surface area makes it a very devastating technique. Description: An overall simple yet very effective technique, the Cloud-nin creates a sort of electrical current on his hand, this current can then be transferred onto any weapon he happens to be holding at that moment be it a kunai, senbon, shuriken, or even a sword. Kirin is one of Sasuke Uchiha's most powerful jutsu. Description: The jutsu is just like it's name. Shien has referred to it as a way of Smiting, similar to what Gods themselves do to the unworthy, sometimes seireitou also refers to this as well. Depending how many times a Cloud-Nin has hit the opponent with this will depend on what happens. This technique can be used in escaping combat, and also to travel to some extent. Like all the other natures, Lightning Release has its strengths and weaknesses. Lightning Release is naturally strong against Earth Release and weak against Wind Release;[3] in Kakashi Retsuden, this strength against earth is explained to be because impurities in the earth naturally conduct electricity. Fiveof them are elemental and includefire, water, wind, lightning, and earth. Description: Generally used as a ranged defensive maneuver when a Cloud-nin wishes to hit multiple targets in front of him. Kamui Lightning Cutter is one of the strongest techniques in the entire series. In order to perform most Lightning Release jutsu, users must convert their chakra into electricity. There is no major difference between this jutsu and the regular chidori except for the fact that this jutsu requires the use of susanoo. In the past, Kakashi had tried to add Lightning Release to the Rasengan, but he had failed. Indra's Arrow is Sasuke's strongest offensive move, and he only uses it once. Kumo Keba no Jutsu (Cloud Wisp Technique). Collecting electricity through his entire body he immediately pushes all of it into the ground below him, almost instantaneously bolts of lightning begin rising from the ground in a rhythmic fashion covering his front, back, and side, but still allows him to be attacked from above. They attack the target simultaneously from the front and back, and it results in the target being decapitated. The extremely large amount of chakra used will drain the users of almost all their chakra.Raiton: Rairyu Rendan no Jutsu (Lightning Release: Lightning Dragon Attack)Description: Sends a create dragon to smash into the opponent, sending forth an incredible shock through the opponents body. This technique can be used in escaping combat, and also to travel to some extent. After this, the skies suddenly open up, and a huge beam of white lightning strikes where the user was aiming, decimating the target and causing powerful shockwaves to affect the area 500 feet from the point of impact, most likely decimating anything with a foundation. Classification The Third Raikage's Hell Stab, usable with his own Chakra Mode, is so powerful as to referred to as the "strongest spear". The shinobi cannot move while in this state.Kumo Keba no Jutsu (Cloud Wisp Technique)Description: A scouting technique forming warm air into his hands the Cloud-Nin creates a cloud that is infused with chakra, the entire process takes a post in itself, after forming the cloud the nin loses all form of mental consciousness and the cloud flies away. The blade is very thin, and depending on the user's chakra, anywhere from 8 inches to a foot long. One time of being hit by this technique causes minor burns, chest constrictions, blurred vision, and overall pain. Many people often see elemental techniques that take the form of throwing weapons as low grade techniques, and as such enemy shinobi often scoff when they see this technique occurr. The kunai that are developed are made of pure, concentrated lightning, heated to the point that with the amount of power that they are thrown it it could go through most forms of metal and still do some damage.Rensa Raikou no Jutsu (Chain Lightning Technique)Description: A useful technique generally used in an attempt to take out a group of enemies by surprise. 1 Raikiri. 6 Lightning Release Chakra Mode Is One Of A's Greatest Assets After Minato sacrifices himself and dies, A boasts that he now possesses the greatest speed in the world. This is a simple bolt, akin to a fireball, as opposed to being a continuous stream. This technique was used by Hiruzen Sarutobi in the Fourth Great Ninja War. One example is Indra's Arrow, an attack where Sasuke Uchiha launches Tailed Beast chakra at a target using a bow and arrow created by lightning chakra. A's speed can be attributed to his Lightning Release Chakra Mode, which makes him fast enough to keep pace with Naruto in Kurama Chakra Mode. Capable of being used like a flamethrower, prolonged exposure has been known to transform boulders and cliff side's into molten piles of magma. The sudden influx of electricity affects the signals coming from the brain. Because of the high amount of voltage, small lightning bolts can arc from the beam to someone standing within two feet of it, causing shocks a little bit more damaging than those of Lightning Bolt technique. Lightning Release (, Raiton, English TV: Lightning Style) is one of the five basic nature transformations. On impact, the target will suffer minor electric shocks. The glowing aura then disperses from the body, and turns into what would look like Fire Flies. Description: An upgraded version of Lightning Bolt, this jutsu works the same way except now it is a continuous blast of electricity. By absorbing chakra from all of the Tailed Beasts into a Susano-o container and forming a lightning-chakra infused bow and arrow, he launches an attack that's powerful enough to match Naruto'sSix Paths: Ultra-Big Ball Rasenshuriken. First, he begins to grow electricity-based needles all over the front area of his body. This website saves cookies to your browser in order to improve your online experience and show you personalized content. Also, nearly missing with this jutsu also has some effect. The 16 Strongest Lightning Release Jutsu In Naruto, Ranked. A third case of exposure will cause a third degree burn on the spot that the hands touched and will cause major orificial hemorrhaging cause by internal bleeding, and unconsciousness. Being in a state similar to lightning, the user plunges completely into their target, and ends up in their physical state on the other side of their opponent. This jutsu is highly destructable and can destroy a small forest. It creates an aura around their body for one whole post (3 sentences long). However current training standards in the academy show how a cloud-nin tends to make electricity through the use of chakra, turning most Cloud-nin in to human capacitors, technically. Raiton: Jiten Rakou Dangan (Lightning Release: Spinning Lightning Shot). MORE: Naruto: Best Teachers In The Series. The blast of wind goes out three feet and knocks a victim back at least five feet and can stop projectiles. But when the string is used to detect outsiders, they can adapt a quality that is string-like and electrical at the same time. It is around 2 to 3 inches wide, and it lacks a hilt. Increases speed of punches, kicks and the like by +100. Lightning Release techniques involve unleashing lightning chakra. Most form of projectiles (i.e. If done by method of Kirigakure no Jutsu, the technique still occurrs and the mist is still very debilitating but it is unable to maintain the charge for the jutsu to be used via the Kirigakure again, and as such, fog must be created for the user to perform the jutsu again. After Obito gave Kakashi Six Paths chakra and both of his eyes, which allowed him to use Kamui once again. Description: After the hand seals are completed, a crackling, sparking sphere of yellow electricity appears in the user's hands. Wind Release is known for being stronger than Lightning Release in general, so that shows you just how powerful this particular move is. However, the shocks are only a little bit stronger than static electricity, and usually do no damage at all. Description: A capturing technique, after flashing the necessary handseals the shinobi brings electric chakra into his hands, shoves his fingers into the ground, and fires electricity through the ground towards an opponent. The target can generally see this technique coming as small bolts of Lightning dance across the ground towards them, later if they have done nothing to avoid this technique a chain of lightning bursts out of the ground and wraps itself around the ankles of the target. Game At the end of the seal session of the jutsu, the user emits glowing chakra. Going at a particularly high speed this tube begins to tear up all peices of land it touch and bores large holes through anything that has the horrible chance of being in front of it and then explodes in a huge burst of electricity essentially electrocuting anyone within close proximity of the explosion. Depending how many times a Cloud-Nin has hit the opponent with this will depend on what happens. This was first used against Pain when Kakashi tested this jutsu out to see if he could repel both Ninjutsu and Taijutsu. It can only change directions by bouncing off another object, such as a tree or a boulder, but the user is capable of bouncing off in any angle they wish to. Teikou no Kuntou (Electricity Resistance Training). Because of the fast speeds associated with this skill, the user will feel dizzy, confused, and often nauseous for some time afterwards.Note: This technique can be used in conjunction with other jutsu, such as the Call of Lightning Technique, or the Lightning Clone Technique, to confuse the opponent. Hando no Semeku (Hands of Torture)Descriptions: Considered by most to be more of a torture technique then an actual attack the user can lay his hands on his opponent and send several thousands of volts of electricity into the target. Description: Bring forth lightning that is compressed into a ball that sends forth shots of lightning, that spin through the air that has slight drill qualities, allowing the shot to partially get into the opponents body, giving them a powerful shock to the system, that can render the closest organ it attacks paralyzed for a few moments. Literal English In addition to giving the target a painful electrical shock, this skill may or may not paralyze their opponent. However current training standards in the academy show how a cloud-nin tends to make electricity through the use of chakra, turning most Cloud-nin in to human capacitors, technically. (75ft. Anyone using a taijutsu on him, between now and when he attacks, from the front side will get a slight sting, attacking from the sides or from the back is still effective however. The technique relies on natural lightning, so the user has to exhaust their chakra to make thunder clouds if there are none around. When he is not writing, he is reading manga, and playing games. Less commonly, users can instead take control of natural lightning, as Sasuke does with Kirin; because natural lightning can be difficult to come across, he uses Fire Release in order to produce ideal weather conditions for lightning. The original number of targets this jutsu can initially hit is three.Dendou Kaitengi no Jutsu (Electric Gyroscope Technique)Description: This technique offers the user both offensive and defensive capabilities, presenting some interesting strategic options. Also while one is performing this move he must keep his hands on the ground so he is unable to attack others while performing this move.Junsei Raikou Kunai no Jutsu (Pure Lightning Kunai TechniqueDescriptions: As the user flashes a number hand seals the shinobi begins to develop 4 kunai between his fingers that he can throw at his opponent. As it is written, this technique is optional. [1] One of the simpler ways to use this electricity is to channel it into ninja tools, increasing the weapon's cutting power by making it vibrate or causing a numbing effect to those the weapons contact. This particular jutsu requires the user to gather black lightning and then release it to attack their opponent. With an additional five control one can control this bright glow to make the light flicker, using it as a code or a signal. To use this technique, Hiruzen created four Shadow Clones. Seiteki Suji no Jutsu (Static Strings Technique). Which lightning release jutsu do you think is the strongest? Once the bugs surround a certain area or abject, the ten thousand fire flies will explode once the bird seal is released. The user forms the necessary handseals and, by focusing his chakra, creates a pair of rings of electricity around himself, that spin about like a gyroscope, maintaining a constant electric field throughout its radius, which is half a meter from the user. The extremely large amount of chakra used will drain the users of almost all their chakra. (Raitoningu) This Jutsu hits the opponents at a lightning speed and only a few are capable of dodging it. However, no skills can be used in this state.Raiton: Raikou Jishaku no Jutsu (Lightning Release: Lightning Magnet)Description: This jutsu creates electrical clouds around the area that attract metal, any metal projectiles thrown will be altered because of the clouds. The user is able to move around while the shield is active, however at a slightly slower speed. Description: This is the pinnacle of the single-target ranged lightning jutsu. Bye spending 1 chakra the ninja may charge any battery powered device for 1 hour, or provide 1 hour . In this technique, the Raikage only used one finger to attack, and it was powerful enough to cut all the tails of Gyuuki. Yurayura Ranpu no Jutsu (Flickering Light Technique). Descriptions: Considered by most to be more of a torture technique then an actual attack the user can lay his hands on his opponent and send several thousands of volts of electricity into the target. The original number of targets this jutsu can initially hit is three. Lightning Release Class Offensive Range Mid to Long range (5m+) Other jutsu Parent jutsu Tailed Beast Ball Users Gyki Killer B A smaller version of the Tailed Beast Ball that has been infused with lightning chakra which Killer B or the Eight-Tails can use to bring down a target's defences and inflict major damage. Due to the need for a large amount of chakra, Lightning Cutter can only be used a handful amount of times per day. However, it swerves as it flies through the air, making it difficult to aim and making it more likely to miss the farther the user is from the target. But because the blade is very thin, it is capable of doing some major damage, if used properly. These shocks esentially can cause physical debilitation and at worse unconciousness. Kamui Raikiri is the strongest known Jutsu of Kakashi Hatake. Black Panther is different from the regular Lightning Release techniques as it requires the use of black lightning instead of the regular one. Descriptions: A defensive technique that covers the immediate area of the Cloud nin from a large degree of angles. The move can only be used once because the attack evaporates all the thunder clouds in the area. The Henge automatically dissipates when the user makes contact with a living target. The Henge automatically dissipates when the user makes contact with a living target. Targets hit head-on with this jutsu will experience a fantastic amount of pain and be stunned after the jutsu ends. On impact, the target will suffer minor electric shocks. This quality makes the static strings into a string of electricity, but with such a weak current that it is rarely noticed by Shinobi who accidentally walk through the strings. This particular Jutsu was used by Sasuke in his fight against Naruto Uzumaki. RELATED: Naruto: Rarest Kekkei Genkai, Ranked. This jutsu requires 4 highly-skilled ninja to use it to stand in a cardinal formation.The area in which to be affected by this jutsu depends on how far the formation is spread out. In Naruto Shinden: Parent and Child Day, Chji Akimichi says it's a bad idea for Lightning Release users to wear metallic accessories, such as earrings. Upon contact with the opponent, the electricity is shot into him and the targets weight almost doubles, making it harder for the victim to move.Kumo Tate no Jutsu (Cloud Shield Technique)Description: After flashing a series of hand seals the shinobi uses chakra to condense the air immediately in front of him into a thick, chakra-embedded barrier made of cloud. However once this fog has been summoned the Cloud-Nin, now on his next post, is able to fire at one target or a number of targets indirectly by sending an electrical current through the droplets of condensed water that composes this fog esentially creating a series of small, but powerful, electrical shocks and as such vaporizing the fog. However, this strand of lightning is incapable of changing directions on its own. But unless the opponent felt the weak current as they walked through the strings, the opponent will usually never know the strings were there. This can be dangerous for both parties. In this quick state, nothing is done slowly - everything is in a rush for the user. Anyone who is hit by the needles receives a nasty shock and slight numbness to the afflicted part. Description: A rather sophomoric skill in itself forming electricity into the primary hand of the Cloud-Nin the shinobi delivers a full on palm strike to the body, the voltage of this particular technique is considered high enough that the target generally loses control of the bowels and bladder causing a rather distracting mess in their undergarments. More often times then not the ghosts many foreign shinobi claimed to of seen in The Gate is nothing more then a shinobi using this technique, the wispling looks like a slight misty ball and some could even see the face of the nin form into it giving it a more ghost-like appearance. 19 Fire Style: Fireball Jutsu. Going at a particularly high speed this tube begins to tear up all peices of land it touch and bores large holes through anything that has the horrible chance of being in front of it and then explodes in a huge burst of electricity essentially electrocuting anyone within close proximity of the explosion.Shina no Kourin (The Descent of Shina)Description: A technique used generally to remove a huge group of nins or to breach a heavily guarded section of wall. It was created by Kakashi Hatake when he was still a kid. If he uses an A rank jutsu, he may be paralyzed until he regains strength.Dendou Hebi no Jutsu (Electric Snake Technique)Description: A capturing technique, after flashing the necessary handseals the shinobi brings electric chakra into his hands, shoves his fingers into the ground, and fires electricity through the ground towards an opponent. Descripton: A more powerful version of Lightning Release: Four Pillar Bind, the user creates sixteen giant pillars, which then form a giant oven-like structure to trap the enemy. Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! However, this blade can also hurt the user, anywhere except for the fingers where the blade is held.Dendou Kariyou no Jutsu (Electric Overdose Technique)Description: The user takes one post to channel a large amount of electricity into a limb, making the chakra visible. This jutsu can be ended prematurely by the user.Dendou Bakuhatsu no Jutsu (Electric Detonation Technique)Descriptions: Flashing a number of Hand seals the user causes all lightning bunshins that are under his specific control to explode into a burst of electricity, shocking anyone that happens to be near them.Raiton: Yusuburu Kasugai no Jutsu (Lightning Release: Jolt Clamp)Description: The user turns their chakra into electrical current and grab the opponent, sending a jolt of electricity into the opponent, temporarily paralyze an area of muscle.Denki Hifu no Jutsu (Electric Skin Technique)Description: making a simple couple of handsigns the user makes sparks travel along their skin to power up lightning type jutsu's for 5 minutes (posts) (7 for jounin)(10 for Kage/sannin) this move also makes it very difficult to make contact with the user for the danger of being severly electricuted. It is also able to attack using taijutsu, however it's ability to attack is around 1/10 in perspective to the user, in return for this weakness it's attacks deliver shocks of electricity to the opponent's body.Seiteki Suji no Jutsu (Static Strings Technique)Description: This skill allows the user to create strings of electricity that can either act physically as strings, or as a medium that can send small shocks to an opponent. The fourth exposure causes death, and pretty much leaves the area smelling like burnt flesh.Kouten no Saiketsu (Heaven's Judgement)Description: A technique that causes overall destruction and chaos, performing a number of seals a large spinning tube of lightning launches itself out of the user's body and speeds away in the direction that the Cloud-Nin was facing. The target can generally see this technique coming as small bolts of Lightning dance across the ground towards them, later if they have done nothing to avoid this technique a chain of lightning bursts out of the ground and wraps itself around the ankles of the target. Doton: Tsuka no Tsuchi Souzou (Earth Release: Earth Mound Creation) Anyone using a taijutsu on him, between now and when he attacks, from the front side will get a slight sting, attacking from the sides or from the back is still effective however. Lightning edit The glowing aura then disperses from the body, and turns into what would look like Fire Flies. This jutsu requires 4 highly-skilled ninja to use it to stand in a cardinal formation.The area in which to be affected by this jutsu depends on how far the formation is spread out. Darui can also take this technique up a notch by creating a shadow clone and making it use the same technique, so they can attack the opponent together. Lightning Style:Lightning Strings. If anything from outside attempts to enter this radius, the rings will shoot a blast of electricity potent enough to knock back a person and completely deflect any projectile. On impact, the target will suffer minor electric shocks.Raikou Henge no Jutsu (Lightning Transformation Technique)Description: This technique, while being a branch of Henge no Jutsu, allows the user to transform in a way they never dreamed of. With an additional five control one can control this bright glow to make the light flicker, using it as a code or a signal. Kumo Tate no Jutsu (Cloud Shield Technique). Kyuutai Tate no Jutsu (Sphere Shield Technique). Data An additional five power allows the user to create a flicker so bright it can disable anyone who looks directly at him for a post.Raikou Bunshin no Jutsu (Lightning Clone Technique)Description: This technique makes a simple clone of the shinobi however unlike the standard bunshin, which is a genjutsu, this bunshin takes an actual physical form through the use of electrically charged chakra. One of this technique's most useful features is its ability to allow the user to detect outsiders. Due to its rapid movement, the technique can be used against multiple opponents at the same time. Raiton: Yusuburu Kasugai no Jutsu (Lightning Release: Jolt Clamp). One can generally tell that this technique is occurring by the fact that the skies turn black, thunder begins sounding, and it starts to rain during the time of preparation as well as a sudden increase of heat.Raiton: Jrokuch Shibari (Lightning Release: Sixteen Pillar Bind)Descripton: A more powerful version of Lightning Release: Four Pillar Bind, the user creates sixteen giant pillars, which then form a giant oven-like structure to trap the enemy. Ninjutsu Description: This is the pinnacle of the single-target ranged lightning jutsu. This technique lasts for 10 minutes. However once this fog has been summoned the Cloud-Nin, now on his next post, is able to fire at one target or a number of targets indirectly by sending an electrical current through the droplets of condensed water that composes this fog esentially creating a series of small, but powerful, electrical shocks and as such vaporizing the fog. Concentrating on the his two fingers, he will aim his fingers at the opponent, and release the chakra from his fingers, creating 2 devastating arrows of light. Description: A technique that causes overall destruction and chaos, performing a number of seals a large spinning tube of lightning launches itself out of the user's body and speeds away in the direction that the Cloud-Nin was facing. Game What sets it apart from other techniques is that it isn't limited by the chakra in Sasuke's body. Description: A simple technique in concept and execution, in which the user performs the necessary handseals and then emits a short bolt of lightning from his or her hand. Vanishing Rasengan is an upgraded version of the regular Rasengan. It is a very basic Jutsu. Naruto: Ultimate Roleplay Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. Offensive Shinkou Arashi no Jutsu (Rising Storm Technique). The user of this technique now must keep his eyes set on one specific object that he can see through this seal for the next two minutes, if he moves or does anything else but aim during this period the technique is cancelled. Individuals who make heavy use of Water Release, such as members of the Hzuki clan, are similarly very vulnerable to Lightning Release. It is used after Earth Release: Sticky Earth Drop to cover the enemy in mud and then followed by Fire Release: Fired Pottery Technique, creating flames inside the oven to roast and harden the mud, immobilizing the enemy.Note: Must Know Four Pillar BindSigh of the Yellow DragonDescription: Often considered to be Nagai Jyushin's trademark technique the few who have ever seen it have gazed in awe at the complete output of chakra one would have to use in order to perform such a move as this. Lightning Release (Raiton) is one of the five basic elemental nature transformation techniques that allows the user to generate lightning by increasing the h. However, no skills can be used in this state. This was first used against Pain when Kakashi tested this jutsu out to see if he could repel both Ninjutsu and Taijutsu.Kouseitan Kawa (Element Skin)Description: A jutsu that allows the user to transform their skin into one of the users elements. It is a more refined form of Chidori, which makes it more dangerous. This is a simple bolt, akin to a fireball, as opposed to being a continuous stream. However, when this happens, the user at once will feel a small shock in their fingers, or where ever else they are keeping the strings intact. Most form of projectiles (i.e. Raikou Bunshin no Jutsu (Lightning Clone Technique). Lightning Release is weak to Wind Release, and it ties in perfectly with Naruto and Sasuke's rivalry. Description: A technique used generally to remove a huge group of nins or to breach a heavily guarded section of wall. To make the technique work, it is extremely important that both the users apply the same amount of force; otherwise, the target will simply bend. Description: A technique often used for the sake of demolitions purposes, the user flashes a number of seals and finally ends the series with an odd looking seal that auspiciously looks like the seal that the Yamanaka use for their own techniques. The strength of this blade isn't as strong as a normal blade, as it is nowhere as dense or as heavy. However by performing this technique by such methods will cause the essential water vapors to disappear. More often times then not the ghosts many foreign shinobi claimed to of seen in The Gate is nothing more then a shinobi using this technique, the wispling looks like a slight misty ball and some could even see the face of the nin form into it giving it a more ghost-like appearance. A fairly simple, yet new technique. Capabilities. A person who doesn't take this skill will generally feel pain when even performing their own electricity based techniques, also one who tends to take this ability tends to notice that minor shocks generally do not hurt them as badly. Obviously the catch is however that one has to be hit by the palm strike to fall victim to this immature tactic. As it is written, this technique is optional. When performing this skill, the user transforms into an extremely quick 'strand' of lightning. Obviously the catch is however that one has to be hit by the palm strike to fall victim to this immature tactic.Raiton: Raikou Shunshin (Lightning Release: Lightning Instantaneous)Description: When performing this technique, the user does a single seal, (Bird), and the user disappears in a wisp of electricity. Kirin is a long-range jutsu that was invented by Sasuke Uchiha. Concentrating enough chakra to just the hand one could place it on the opponent's chest and regulate the heart to beat slower then the human body needs to survive. The formation can stretch as far as an entire castle. All Lightning Style Jutsus & Ultimate Jutsus (4K 60fps) Naruto Storm 4 Next Generations SaiyanLegends 639K subscribers Subscribe 211K views 1 year ago This video contains all Lightning Style,.
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