The fastest way to defeat this one is using combos when you have the chance. Brasidas wants to kill him quietly in a cave, while Anthousa wants to have him die with a big show. Who Can Benefit From Diaphragmatic Breathing? Which Teeth Are Normally Considered Anodontia. The misthios, Myrrine, and Deimos are alive: kill Nikolaos when confronting him, and kill Stentor when given the chance. Spartan War Hero Belt can be acquired by eliminating Lagos, The Archon during the Main Quest "To Kill or Not to Kill" in Episode 7 in Arkadia. She also reportedly supported Prince Oyekan over Ademola for the title of Alake of Egbaland. Be sure to avoid the attack and hit Deimos from a distance. Is Lagos a cultist? One of these quests focuses on Brasidas, who is the leader of Arkadia. I went for the Sacred Cave, personally, but it doesnt matter. After these conversations, Lagos will be revealed as a cultist and the mission will come to an end. Spartan War Hero Belt can be acquired by eliminating Lagos, The Archon during the Main Quest "To Kill or Not to Kill" in Episode 7 in Arkadia. Is it better to play as Alexios or Kassandra? What is the best weapon in Assassins Creed Odyssey? Depending on the ending that the player receives based on their decisions, they will then be able to get a special cut scene that shows what remains of the family. How To Get Spartan War Hero Set . It can be found sitting on a rock. Once you defeat Monger to his knees, Anthousa will come into the cave and ask you to kill him publicly inside the theatre. Here its confirmed that Kassandra was the older sibling and that Alexios went onto become Deimos. Now that youve located and eliminated the entire Peloponnesian League and acquired the Spartan War Hero set, browse our Assassins Creed Odyssey walkthrough and guide for more help with everything youll see and do in Ancient Greece. Location: Temple of Zeus, Valley of Olympia, Elis. If you do everything the right way, collect evidence and accuse the right one, youll unveil him as a cultist, allowing you to kill him. He drops Artifact Fragment and Spartan War Hero Belt (Legendary Belt). Spartan War Hero Belt can be acquired by eliminating Lagos, The Archon during the Main Quest To Kill or Not to Kill in Episode 7 in Arkadia. 2022 - 2023 Times Mojo - All Rights Reserved It also comes with a legendary spear & a Spartan Renegade skin for Phobos. It will take time but you will be able to defeat him. When Lagos attacks, hell turn red and you must kill him to capture the Spartan War Hero Belt. The Athenian War Hero Helmet can be acquired by eliminating Kodros the Bull in the Mytilene Leader House in Lesbos - part of the Hephaistos Islands. The best one shows the Hero and his family reunited at their family home. Just like some of the other armor sets in our list, the Spartan War Hero Set is acquired by killing the member of the Cult of Kosmos and for this set, you will need to get rid of the Peloponnesian League . And if he turns red dodge away. Basically, both of his older brothers would have to die without heirs of their own in order for Leonidas to become king. The Spartan Renegade Pack can be purchased from the game's Helix store for 1,000 Helix credits. The early Athenian tradition, followed by the 3rd century BC Parian Chronicle, made Cecrops, a mythical half-man half-serpent, the first king of Athens. As the Archon of Arkadia, Lagos sent every mercenary under Helios to hunt Alexios. Welcome to Sharing Culture! Again, it doesnt matter at all if you have the proof or not. Not only that, but if you kill him, you'll later on have to battle Stentor, another powerful, high-ranking Spartan. Killing the champions wont help: In this choice your suggestions wont help, he will tell you to complete the mission or die. 3 days ago. Check Out In-Game Store Guide! This will impact your relationship with Brasidas negatively. His untimely death cannot be avoided in the game. The first phase of the fight ends. Its Pausanias, so be sure to accuse him. Does cholent have to be cooked before shabbos? During the Peloponnesian War, the belt was in the possession of Lagos, the Archon of Arkadia and a friend of Brasidas. Spartan War Hero Belt can be acquired by eliminating Lagos, The Archon during the Main Quest "To Kill or Not to Kill" in Episode 7 in Arkadia. Do you still get the Spartan war hero belt without killing Lagos? Please enable JavaScript to see comments. You will meet a Mercenary who will attack you after the cutscene. Leonidas (540-480 BC), the legendary king of Sparta, and the Battle of Thermopylae is one of the most brilliant events of the ancient Greek history, a great act of courage and self-sacrifice. Once you learn this, youll have to find and kill the cultist. Do i kill the monger in the cave or theater? When you kill him, youll have completed the quest. February 27, 2023 alexandra bonefas scott No Comments . After departing from Kephallonia, Anais married a Spartan man named Dantos, with whom she had a son named Arion. To complete the AC Odyssey quest called A Bloody Feast, you first have to know which Spartan King to accuse of being a member of the Cult of Kosmos. You must kill Lagos before you can kill other enemies. It's a site that collects all the most frequently asked questions and answers, so you don't have to spend hours on searching anywhere else. Therefore her death serves as a catalyst for the game itself. Do you still get the Spartan war hero belt without killing Lagos? Your email address will not be published. Below is the location of every cultists in the Peloponnesian League, and what must be done to unlock them. Join. She will tell you that the king had called the Ephors into his realm. Can Deimos be saved? He can be fought, killed and have his death confirmed as if he was a cultist. AC Odyssey Peloponnesian league locations Phase 1 Your first competitor is Orion a Level 44 enemy. In the cutscene, you get two choices. noun. You may get a proof if you have convinced Lagos to leave the sect. This armor set is ideal for those who prefer brawling. Remember that most of these items will grant you a new Engraving. To hunt him down and claim the final piece of the Spartan War Hero set, you need to find him running south through Lakonia towards the port of Gytheion. If you helped Brasidas kill the Monger silently in Monger Down, you should be able to convince Lagos to leave the cult. The Monger is identified, located, and eliminated during the Monger Down quest, but you get to choose where the killing takes place. Home | About | Contact | Copyright | Privacy | Cookie Policy | Terms & Conditions | Sitemap. Does Brasidas die Assassin's Creed? You can sneak in relatively easily from behind. There are many ways to get a good ending in AC Odyssey. The clue will point to his location in Fort Samikon, in the region of Arkadia , which will be revealed during the main story. Try to eliminate him with a bow. Youve gotten to Fort Samikon in the Forest of Soron, a location south-west of the Valley of Olympia. In case you were wondering who really is the real protagonist of the game, its Kassandra. My mothers plan is better You choose to kill Lagos here, Brasidas will be unhappy with the decision. A legend goes that it was supposedly crafted for the late Leonidas I, the King of Sparta. You will not attract any guards, but he's not an exceptionally difficult opponent to kill. Your plan is better, Brasidas Brasidas suggest to let Lagos live because Sparta relies on his food supply and your mother will not like the plan. Therefore her death serves as a catalyst for the game itself. You will earn an artifact fragment and Spartan War hero belt. Why Do Cross Country Runners Have Skinny Legs? Simply progress through the main story until the Monger is dead. The Version table provides details related to the release that this issue/RFE will be addressed. Filters. However, you will not be able to see him again until you kill him. The one in Kephalonia occurs through the quest Blood Fever and can be stopped by killing the family. You can achieve this by listening to the conversations of cultists, or by searching for and killing stealthy enemies. You have to find and kill Pausanias, which may not be so easy, as he can be guarded by a real army of soldiers. Spartan War Hero Belt can be acquired by eliminating Lagos, The Archon during the Main Quest To Kill or Not to Kill in Episode 7 in Arkadia. Home | About | Contact | Copyright | Report Content | Privacy | Cookie Policy | Terms & Conditions | Sitemap. In the second part I will show you some of the Best Weapons. How to get the best ending in Assassins Creed Odyssey. He was technically in the line of succession, but way down it. How do you get the good ending in AC Odyssey? If you choose to spare him, you can also use him to hunt Champions. He can be fought, killed and have his death confirmed as if he was a cultist. If you choose Galinn, Birna will eventually join your clan and you will be able to take her on raids. The novelization of Assassins Creed Odyssey, where the adventures we take part in the game are written down in print, follows Kassandra instead of Alexios. The king will be banished, although its not the end yet. Should I keep Lagos alive? Next, you will need to talk to the merchant who is in a room the left corner of the banquet area. Rewards: Legendary XP and, if you haven't killed Lagos, Artifact Fragment and Spartan War Hero Belt (Legendary Waist). The king will be banished, although it's not the end yet. Therefore, you will have to fight him. After killing the cultist meet Mryrrine and Brasidas. Do not save Myrrine. Do I need more proof to accuse the cultist King? In Chapter 6: Catching Up, tell Myrinne you will save Deimos from the cult. HMS St Albans was a 50-gun fourth rate ship of the line of the English Royal Navy, launched at Deptford Dockyard in 1687. Our team has collected thousands of questions that people keep asking in forums, blogs and in Google questions. Can you still get the Spartan war hero belt without killing Lagos? Additionally, if Lagos is killed, you will not get adequate evidence for the mission A Bloody Feast. You dont need to finish the battle to claim his legendary item and cross him off the list. Here its confirmed that Kassandra was the older sibling and that Alexios went on to become Deimos. I Killed Nikolaos If you choose this option, and she will go on about friendship bring the answer. If you dont kill him, you will not be able to capture the Spartan War Hero Belt. How to Get: Spartan War Hero Belt. Can you still get the Spartan war hero belt without killing Lagos? For more updates on the game, you can also check our Assassins Creed Odyssey Wiki guide. In the Assassins Creed: Odyssey novel, Lagos is killed by Myrrine and is the 36th of the 42 Cultists to die. 53. r/assassinscreed. If you choose Somas traitor incorrectly, itll affect Somas standing with you, and Birna will not join your clan. Your plan is better, Brasidas Brasidas suggest to let Lagos live because Sparta relies on his food supply and your mother will not like the plan. Bill, who is also known as Rumpo, is a lifelong gamer and Toronto Maple Leafs fan. | Just after talking to Brasidas you will get the identity of the cultist you have to kill. Brasidas wants to talk in a farmhouse nearby, and Myrrine suggests taking him down by burning silos and killing guards to loosen his hold on the region. Phoebes death serves a purpose to the story to make Kassandra (or Alexios) more driven into hunting down the Cult of Kosmos and destroying the organization. The best way to kill this mercenary is to stay a bit far and taking headshots as much as possible. The official skill of Assassins Creed Odyssey, Alexios is designed to be the ultimate tool for life at home and in the game world. In the Assassins Creed: Odyssey novel, Lagos is killed by Myrrine and is the 36th of the 42 Cultists to die. Sparta was an oligarchy. How to Get: Spartan War Hero Belt. The ship fought in the Battle of. You can convince him to leave the Cultists of Kosmos . Once he is revealed, find and kill him. The goal is to convince Lagos to leave the cult, but it may not be possible. Why Do Cross Country Runners Have Skinny Legs? Some of these decisions will affect your characters overall game progress, such as keeping Deimos alive, convincing Nikolaos to intervene with Stentor, and not killing Myrrine. Spartan War Hero Belt can be acquired by eliminating Lagos, The Archon during the Main Quest To Kill or Not to Kill in Episode 7 in Arkadia. The Peloponnesian League of the Cult of Kosmos are a finicky bunch of cultists based on the fact that most of them are hidden away behind story progression. You may get a proof if you have convinced Lagos to leave the sect. Can you still get the Spartan war hero belt without killing Lagos? Though the game provides no clarification within the story over this, other media in the world has. The other method is to kill Lagos before he kills you. In order to obtain all pieces of the Legendary Spartan War Hero armor set in Assassin's Creed Odyssey, youre going to have to eliminate all the lesser members of the Peloponesian League of the Cult of Kosmos. If you have chosen the Brasidas' method then you will get White Lies and Blackmail support quest. The state was ruled by two hereditary kings of the Agiad and Eurypontid families, both supposedly descendants of Heracles and equal in authority, so that one could not act against the power and political enactments of his colleague. How to Get: Spartan War Hero Belt. Unfinished Business Exotic quest - Destiny 2, How to get Polymorphic Shellcodes - Destiny 2, Mario + Rabbids Sparks of Hope gets new demo on the Switch, Assassins Creed Odyssey walkthrough and guide. He will just tell you about the champions location who is training in Messenia. Kassandra: So, what? Location / How to Get: Defeat all Cultists in the "Peloponnesian League" branch (bottom branch). Take it to Alkibiades to save his life. Save Myrrine, and save Deimos from the Cult of Kosmos. Leonidas was the third son of the Spartan king. During the battle, hell enter the fray. In the Assassin's Creed: Odyssey novel, Lagos is killed by Myrrine and is the 36th of the 42 Cultists to die. Look behind the curtain also. You can convince him to leave the Cultists of Kosmos . You can spot him in the region pretty easily. The Spartan War Hero Belt was a belt part of the Spartan War Hero Set owned by a branch of the Cult of Kosmos. Loot: Spartan War Hero Helmet; During the Monger Down quest, the Monger is located, identified, and killed, but you get to decide where it happens. Odyssey is really Kassandras story that players experience. Once you defeat Monger to his knees, Anthousa will come into the cave and ask you to kill him publicly inside the theatre. Snake Legendary Armor Set. If Lagos is spared in Judge, Jury, Executioner, he will roam the city of Arkadia, carrying his shield and spear. This will help earn you goodwill with Deimos that is essential towards the end of the game. Lagos family has been kidnapped by the Cult of Ares and the Spartan war effort is in jeopardy. This is a question our experts keep getting from time to time. Lagos the Archon is another Peloponnesian League cultist that is unlocked through the main story. Confirm the kill, and the next leg of the mission should begin. Now, we have got the complete detailed explanation and answer for everyone, who is interested! However, if you want to do everything by the book, you should accuse Pausanias. The Athena Pack is a downloadable content pack for Assassins Creed: Odyssey.It can be purchased on the Helix store for 750 helix credits and consists of a gear set, a mount and a short blade. For more Assassin's Creed, sail over to Mike's review of AC: Odyssey right here, or check out what you can expect from Valhalla's characters here. The conversation depends on your choices regarding Brasidas. Assassins Creed Valhalla technically has two endings, since the crucial changes that alter Sigurds opinion of Eivor do provide consequences. If he is convinced to leave the cult, he will hand over the evidence. It's time to deal with the Archon, Lagos. The Spartan War Hero armor in Assassin's Creed Odyssey provides you some pretty neat combat boosts, and it's definitely one of the better armor sets in the entire game. If you lack evidence or accuse the wrong one, youll be kicked out of town and the guards will become hostile, but youll still unveil the cultist. I ignored the quest and killed this cultist with my bow from a bush a short distance away. The good news is that Lagos is not particularly difficult to kill. If you don't kill him, you will not be able to capture the Spartan War Hero Belt. If Lagos is spared in Judge, Jury, Executioner, he will roam the city of Arkadia, carrying his shield and spear. Hes a vulgar cult leader who will be a hindrance to the ending of the game. If you use fire arrow he can deflect them with his shield. If you kill him, you will be able to complete the section faster. Be sure to avoid the attack and hit Deimos from a distance. In the Assassins Creed: Odyssey novel, Lagos is killed by Myrrine and is the 36th of the 42 Cultists to die. Filters. What Disney Collectibles Are Most Valuable? Be sure to avoid the attack and hit Deimos from a distance. Whereas many cultists can be found and eliminated on the players terms, nothing but quest grinding will get you close to a few of the fools who populate this wing of the Cult of Kosmos. The direction for Alexios sounds clunky, so he comes across as a bit of a meathead who cant think for himself. Hints: Lagos is in Arkadia. The biggest news of the day airdropped to your inbox. Promise Myrinne you will try to save Deimos from the Cult of Kosmos in Chapter Six. This is the fourth and final mission of a small . It will also give you a great deal of experience for your campaign. Assassins Creed Odyssey Should I Kill Lagos Or Not? Another way to get a good ending is to complete all the side quests in the game. Copyright 2023 Gamer Network Limited, a ReedPop company. Factoring in this in top of the aforementioned boosts for Warrior damage from all pieces in the set, youll be an unstoppable force on the battlefield. Nobody seemed to mind. The Spartan Renegade Pack can be purchased from the games Helix store for 1,000 Helix credits. He will drop an artifact that will be needed to upgrade the spear. If you dont kill him, you can still complete the quest. How do you get the best ending in AC Odyssey? Hes the leader of the island. Convince Nikolaus to intervene with Stentor when you encounter both again during Chapter Seven. They will say that you think friendship is the answer, and it will lead to you saying you are taking down the cult. His plan to weaken Kleons hold on Athens is to create a comedy to embarrass him. In the end, there will be two choices: Ill kill the champions for Sparta: He will be happy that you follow the orders. Tell them: You dont need the Cult. When Deimos tries to fight, make the final decision by choosing the option: I dont want to fight you. You offer them your spear, instead, and theyll take it. Climb up through the broken wall, and stick to the roofs of buildings and bushes. This actually shouldnt be as hard as you might think, since if youre doing the side missions that involve Brasidias and Myrrine, youll eliminate the members as you go through the plot and thus get the Spartan War Hero armor. If you arent a fan of combat, there are several ways to deal with Lagos without having to kill him. Ill Pay You Pay him and he will do as you ask, no problems here. The goal is to convince Lagos to leave the cult, but it may not be possible. However, you can also let him live if you want to complete the quest. Phoebe's death serves a purpose to the story to make Kassandra (or Alexios) more driven into hunting down the Cult of Kosmos and destroying the organization. This mission has several decisions that will have long-term effects on the story. Can you save Lagos? Also, Lagos will not trust you if you dont kill him. Check all of them one by one. In the cutscene you will see Alkibades is poisoned, to investigate the issue go with the choice Im going to find Demophanes. In Which King Is the Traitor in Lagos, the player must first determine the identity of the king who is behind the killing of Lagos. Kill Evie as Jacob in Assassins's Creed Syndicate. How to Get: Spartan War Hero Belt. Try to eliminate him with a bow. Even if you decide to give it to someone else, there shouldn't be a problem. Spartan War Hero Set. There are also two alternate endings, and the best is to save Myrrines family and Deimos from the Cult of Kosmos while leaving Nikolaos, Stentor, and Myrrine alive. noun. If you kill him then you will be kicked out of Sparta.
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