Only our top benchers were allowed to go to Tims to bench, the rest had to stay at Westside and suffer. And what about your mental approach? Westside had begun an 18-month experiment with using chains for AC. As you know, speed strength day calls for 9x3 reps between contests. out of the best shirts. This was not an easy task as the worlds best lifter at the Arnold Classic. But it was how he did it, George recalls it must have taken 10 seconds to lock out and win top coefficient bench over Clark. sloth that drops dead, no one takes notice. Get a bulletproof core. Plus, 80 percent of the training is on small special exercises. Not there long after, Chuck stepped into the bare-bones Westside gym. Meanwhile, he is kicking and punching me. Also at the meet George knew he could not compete again and felt he should leave the gym for good. We don't care if you have bumpers on the bar (which just means you aren't very strong because you can't go over 500 with bumpers), but don't ever, ever, let go of the bar and drop it from the top. Greg Panora came to Westside with a 2250 total. know there is some excitement going about. Don't listen to what people say but look at what they have done to see if they are an expert. Just f*cking stop when the hips reach extension. And in 13 months total time, Matt broke the all-time world record with a 1010-pound squat. Always have looked up to older lifters such as yourself, chuck, and Dave tate. After thinking very deeply for a long time, Jonathan realized there are no limits if you believe fully in yourself and if you dont worry about what others think. Dave was the youngest person ever to total 2400, 2500, 2600, 2700, 2800, and 2900. While this The fact we always kick their asses might have something to do with it. The bench came from Kmart, it was about 8 in. George pushed up the JM presses and included a lot of close-grip step-incline presses. like Ryan just want to have fun! In the warmup room, Dave said to me, I have never had even competition before, and I replied, You do now.. wide bench. Vlad met his first goals at a meet in Columbus, Ohio, making an 1100-pound squat and an 805 deadlift. Man I'm getting old.I first started talking to my wife at Chuck's 40th birthday party. I started Kenny Patterson at 14. It was said that Frank held the bar up for so long people thought he was In his last fight he broke his opponent's nose, jaw, and cheekbone and we don't do anything for arms other than one-arm dumbbell pressing. It was a great time and we talked about a lot of good times that we had been through and some not so good. They said yes. Eighty percent of his training is made up of small special exercises to raise his weak muscle group. I quit doing it. He is the man behind the JM Press. and broke the total record with at 2234! These numbers seem crazy after Matt Dimels 1,010 lb. But that was Tom, Westside to the bone, forever. Along with the Brandon Lilly and his cube system. Westside Wisdom - T NATION Brandon Lilly is the creator of the Cube Method, he is also a Elite level powerlifter having best lifts of 1,008 in the squat, 832 in the bench, and 804 in t. Arnold Coleman was just starting and later became the world record holder in the squat and total at 181. Sign up for Patreon and get the exact programming Matt recommends for each modality. Amazing It may also be found as a variant:. deadlift. A short story about Dave: when lifting at the APE Nationals in Chicago he passed out doing a heavy deadlift. That's the key. He came up to me after the meet and said, You got me, mother f__. We laughed, and he said, See you at the next meet. But, unfortunately, he passed on. Chuck Vogelpohl's 50th birthday - | EliteFTS raw bench. George Halbert was his name. Many consider him to be the most intense powerlifter in the history of the sport and Vogelpohl was without a doubt the . They equal 100 pounds in the bottom and 200 pounds at the top. He was looked down upon from the elder seagulls for flying fast was not the job a seagull was intended to do. I would rather be coached by Chuck in powerlifting than any of these so called "experts" that people are paying hard earned money towards because they are good marketers. This shows that there are many ways to overcome a plateau. . You do the math. At that time, his squat was 1000 pounds. There are 265 military records available for the last name Vogelpohl. I told him he must make his triceps stronger so that they can carry most of the load. His back strength is unbelievable due to the Goodmorningsalmost a forgotten exercise, but take Phils and Vlads word on it, they work. You must switch up the exercises to avoid the law of accommodation. Tom Waddle knew George and said he would like him to come bench with us on Sunday, at Tim Vanhorns place. a couple weeks before he pulled out in the warmup room at The Arnold. The reason why is because Ryan Sample is predominantly from Anglosphere countries, View the tallest/shortest surnames in the world. EFS: The major reason why we wanted to do this interview was to clear things up on your new video, "Vogelpohl XXX". I can go on Look, this is nothing I'm doing. world record at SHW in the 80s. Go to to get started on your first purchase and receive a FREE 1-year supply of Vitamin D and 5 travel. Jerry Schwenker, a national level bodybuilder with a big bench, helped George out with a diet. So while I lay in the hospital bed, I read all the books I could from the Soviet Union (they were miles ahead of us). The four workouts during the year raised A. J.s squat strength up to become Westsides third 1200-pound plus squatter. It would be an honor to break Oleksandrs total record and put it on the wall at Westside forever. You pick the muscle that you need and that's what you train. An army is only as strong as its weakest soldier. How much is too much band tension? He will help coach and spot any lifter in the gym. And Chuck V., Dave Tate, and myself in the squat and deadlift. This keeps you from getting injured. Then it came804. (The classic Westside template has two Dynamic days and two Max Effort days, one of each for both the upper and lower body.) And to answer the question, he retired. Sprinkle in a lot of coaching time with Louis Simmons, Dave Tate, Steve Goggins, and Eddie Coan, and JL turned into a professor of the deadlift. Be sure to also use a variety of movements. If you don't feel a movement switch it the next workout. He came to train, became very strong, and started a personal training business. squat at 264 lbs. He said, I heard those Westside guys are crazy, but he eventually became a Westsider and still is today. And that's just not how people get strong and then stay strong. Try these accessory exercises to strengthen them. Jay went on to break two world records ending with 750 pounds at 181 body weight, which still stands on our record board. You can't lift massive loads safely if the movement comes from the sacroiliac (SI) or lumbar spine instead of the hips. At the meet Jake made an 1135-pound meet personal record. Well, almost guarantee it. total at 63 years old, 20 years after I had retired, making top 10 for 30 years and a USPF Elite Total for 37 years. In Texas, John Inzer put on a Bash for Cash along with Joe McCoy. Once you master the initial setup and the basic mechanics of the lift, you'll quickly see that the greatest opportunity to improve comes from putting the bar down better. I made 13 reps, KP could only do 16 reps, for some reason on a stability ball. pounds to squat over a 1000 in competition so it was needless to say that more Dave Barno, a power house 308-pounder was lifting. I ran over to help him up once he came to. And while serious deadlifting doesn't exactly feel like a backrub and a homecooked meal, the best way to extend your lifting lifespan is to keep your physical stresses channelled into places that will strengthen you instead of beating you up. In 1880 there were 49 Vogelpohl families living in Illinois. They had no idea who would show up for that kind of cast. Ano also deadlifted 837.8 After accumulating 40 years of training knowledge, Westside has found most of the answers inside our walls, but many lifters and scientists have helped to solve our problems. yet. So I said, Sure. He then says, Youre right buddy. I dialed back because I had already learned by this time that when you get called out on shit like that, you stop squatting with compensatory acceleration; you just start standing up with 405. It persisted continuously, so Doug would only do mild incline and decline presses. We do lots of sled pull work with UFC fighter Matt Brown extra weight on the shoulders, up to a half-mile, sometimes farther. on how much a year of training can help huh! world get a chance to compete and make a decent living at it. You'd train at 50-60 percent for speed strength with a bar speed of 0.8 meters per second. Louie Simmons This builds mechanical power. The most Vogelpohl families were found in USA in 1880. Matt was only 33 years of age.". Chuck Vogelpohl would eventually not only break world records, but do so in three different weight classes. To me, I Simply return it within 30 days for an exchange. He became the youngest World bench press holder with 720 pounds at 20 years old. So if you have no triceps, in this workout you're going to train tris. The most Vogelpohl families were found in USA in 1880. Then 585, and KP made a strong 590 and called it a day. He had to retire early due to personal obligations and Ryan went on to become one of the greatestif not the greatestbench presser of all time breaking all-time world records and ending with a mind-blowing 1075. click here! Walking up to the party my wife and I realized how that really seems like yesterday but was a decade ago.It was a great time and we talked about a lot of good times that we had been through and some not so good. Wes McCormack came to Westside with an 800-pound squat, a 515-pound bench, and a 560-pound deadlift to total 1880 at 165 body weight. Learn more about Ryan Kennelly, There are 1,000 census records available for the last name Vogelpohl. The OpenPowerlifting project aims to create a permanent, accurate, convenient, accessible, open archive of the world's powerlifting data. He left Westside and quit competing in gear shortly after breaking the total record in the 308s. Chuck Vogelpohl became his training partner and his understanding of the deadlift changed forever. Frank also ended up with a 2562 total and folks it will Another one of Louie's favorite deadlift special exercises is the deficit deadlift. Even though he took second to Steve Goggins, it will only be a matter of time. He was not happy to say the least. I know they tried to kill me, but I am still in good enough shape to be their pallbearer, you assholes. old in 1997). He missed. In a career spanning almost two decades, powerlifting legend Chuck Vogelpohl competed in weight classes from 90kg all the way to 125kg. I only ask you to train to your absolute strength. Illinois had the highest population of Vogelpohl families in 1880. pricedeborah12. The surname Vogelpohl is primarily found in The Americas, where 62 percent of Vogelpohl live; 62 percent live in North America and 62 percent live in Anglo-North America. 2023 Westside Barbell. I remember, George had just got off work and was in his work jacket when he came in the gym with the blacked-out windows. Liftin' Heavy S**T & Chuck Vogelpohl, The Legend According to Dave Tate, Chuck had just gotten out of his neck brace after hed broken his neck (Matt Dimel broke it) and had been squatting for a couple of weeks. Log in or register to post comments. His main training partners were Kenny Patterson and Gerry O. Not very fast. There was crazy storiesfrom Westside days, great times at meets and a lot of other fun stuff that isn't fit to talk about in this setting. Shooting the knees forward and sliding the bar down the quads like they're a ramp will launch you into shitty deadlift land. Breaking Training Plateaus | Westside Barbell He knew the gym was for trying new and improved ways to train, and we had the guys that could do just that. Geoff Girvitz is the founder of Bang Fitness in Toronto. Goes to show you that nothing stops a powerlifter. The author was going to sumo deadlift at a meet in West Virginia where he was looking for a 700-pound pull. Interview with Chuck Vogelpohl - Elite FTS | EliteFTS Ryan used to respect Scot in the past. Dave Williams of Liberty University asked Westside to do an experiment with strong rubber bands by a company called Jump Stretch, owned by Dick Hartzel. I recall a money bench meet in Daytona and The Great Dave Waterman, the current world record holder at 198 body weight with 632, was there. As we came into the lifting, all we heard my name called. In 1880 there were 49 Vogelpohl families living in Illinois. It was adding speed strength to his program. Nowadays Vlad concentrates on his raw squat making a mind-blowing 1113-pound squat for the raw world record. There were also lots of pin presses with heavy band tensionup to 350 pounds of band tensionplus weight; and lots of elbow out to the side extensions. George had a strong lockout to go with the speed. Because the chain would unload on the eccentric phase, no gain in muscle mass was noted nor was there a faster reversible phase. I think he made a 770 lb. Since they didnt have the monolift, they used the power rack for dynamic day. Due day at Vanhorns, George went to out-bench the great Larry Pacifico, who I saw bench 590 at 228 in the early 1970s. The result? I learned to train from some of the greatest coaches in the world, I trained . Tom, Kenny, Rob, and Mickey Tate are long gone, but George is still training a group of benchers at Westside. raised it even further winning his class with a deadlift of 931!! You can find birthdates, death dates, addresses and more. Paul was really a strong bencher. Even today, John Inzer is a great friend to Westside and its lifters, helping out in any way possible. Well, that's all the news from the sport of powerlifting and even though 2002 Here is how it was accomplished. On the other hand, when I got AJ Roberts he already had a 2400 total. Kenny P. and George were the best coefficient benchers in the world for almost ten years. Mendelson buckled down though and managed 782 easy. I told George, when someone could do 20 reps with the 155s, I would buy 175s for the gym. For some reason, Louie Simmons let someone borrow the monolift for a meet that everyone except Dave, Chuck, and Louie were attending. But now, he was having lockout trouble. J.s bench was going no where the first year at Westside. Then, his new training partner, Chuck Fouks, broke it with his monster deadlift, making 900 lbs. And that he must stay and train others and teach them like he was taught, not only by me but by the other greats before him and his training partners. While its always nice to give back to the lifting community, its also a huge task full of months of hard work preparing for the event. JavaScript seems to be disabled in your browser. in a shirt. He also worked closely with him at WPO meets. In The United States the share of the population with the last name increased 840 percent between 1880 and 2014. Chuck Vogelpohl - OpenPowerlifting In 1994, Powerlifting USA reported that "Matt Dimel died suddenly on Apr 9, 1994, when he suffered either a stroke, a seizure, or perhaps an aneurysm. To see Chuck compete in person is a very visceral experience eliciting a sense of wariness in those that get close. Tip: The Peel-Back Technique for Better Deadlifts, Tip: An Unconventional Way to Build Forearms. No way Jose. Written by Team Juggernaut Full Name: David Brandon Lilly Date of Birth: 3/14/1982 Height: 6'0" Weight: 315-325 Hometown: Berea, KY Current City: Richmond, KY Years Training: 12 , Powerlifting 6+/- Gym Name & Location: Berea Barbell in Berea, KY and Lexen Xtreme in Columbus Occupation: Data Board Assembly When JL first started powerlifting, he sucked at the deadlift, so he sought out the best. Ano is also another First, Dave Waterman fell off the bench three times. We were at a local bench meet when I saw a jacked up guy lift without gear. He later broke World Records at three weight classes. He drove me through them and into the wall, and all the bulbs went into my back. So for a 1000-pound squatter who does 12,000 pounds of squats in a workout, his reverse hypers alone would be 45,000 pounds! How To Get The Most Out of Your Westside Bands. He retired with a 2855 and best lifts of 2930 in three short years. Dave was the first 181 to bench 600 lbs. Then Chuck nailed the next couple of box squats. Get to Know Brandon Lilly | Juggernaut Training Systems Vlad came to Westside wanting to squat 1100 pounds and deadlift 800 pounds. Don't get us wrong, a 500-pound deadlift is pretty respectable. Chuck Vogelpohl (@chuckvogelpohl) Instagram photos and videos His training partner Kenny Patterson had built 23 -inch arms on a 56 frame and could lockout anything that was on the bar. A short lifespan might also indicate health problems that were once prevalent in your family. With Doug Heath, George, KP, and Rob Fussner holding world record benches, we were the most dominant benchers the world had ever seen. Your hips move, your knees move, and even your ankles move. This nasty habit releases both lat and anterior core tension so that the big muscles that keep you safe are now relaxed. heard to weighing close to the 400 mark although it seems to have made him a You two scared me to death. I laughed. Steve Wilson, who was training with Matt and had an 815-pound deadlift, agreed that they both would give it a try using 225 to 275 pounds for two or three sets of deadlifts of 20 reps four times a week. It is still a major part of our bench training at Westside. squat at 264 lbs. In most gyms, the strongest guy leads the way, and everyone else tries to follow his program. No 100s on a Kmart bar. All Rights Reserved. I did not think we would get out of that town alive. Seven of them are box squatters. Now that Wes has found his weakness, he works on his speed continuously along with his flexibility. It takes a long time and a lot of mistakes to truly become an expert. and at the time, you only got up to 100 lbs. No third attempt because he hurt his shoulder. Payment methods: Visa, MasterCard, Discover, American Express, and PayPal. Among the Joe McCoy was a young, great lifter at the time, winning a WPC world at 19 years old. But nothing happens. Chuck Vogelpohl. It's straight up that simple. George was very explosive; always doing ballistic benchingdropping the bench as fast as possible then stopping it one- to one-and-a-half inches off his chest and blasting it to lockout. If you keep moving, be aware you get no extra credit for doing a back bend at the top of your deadlift. Louie used to do that lactic acid threshold training in front of newer Westside lifters but never tell them that he was standing up with less weight. That makes things less efficient and compromises your ability to move some real weight around. So you see there are really no plateaus to overcome just small delays. Outside of The United States this surname is found in 4 countries. He too will be going to 242 at the Show of Strength in Atlanta. In Daytona, George made three world record benches to beat the then current world record holder, Dave Waterman. The Vogelpohl family name was found in the USA between 1880 and 1920. Because of this, he had many tares. But, an old back problem put him out of our great sport. WATCH: Chuck Vogelpohl's 1100-Pound Squat Laughing, Coan and Tate reflect back 20 years ago when everyone was trying to emulate Chuck with their beanie hats, popped collars, and cocky attitudes. Walking up to the party my wife and I realized how that really seems like yesterday but was a decade ago. He made it good by sending K.P. This made Chuck very strong and amazingly explosive and he became a world record holder in three weight classes. I stopped breathing for four minutes and had to be trached as well as given chest tubes. I learned to train from some of the greatest coaches in the world, I trained with these people every day and yet someone who has a wifi connection and time on there hands can claim to be a great coach. They kicked Jonathan out of the flock for good. It's all based on you. He had a terrible injury to both knees and was having trouble with it, he felt the fear of pain. His 1,180 lbs. It goes without saying (though Dave says it) that Chuck Vogelpohl hated to lose more than he liked to win. Eskil was bigger than me and he could not out-squat, out-bench, or out-total me. After getting a reload, it had taken too much out of him, and Waterman won, again. He passed on his third attempt saving 3232. The true experts and legends of strength sport got there from doing great things and toiling in the trenches for years. Stay strong, Eskil, you fag. Everyone should know that the amount of force you produce in a lift is determined by multiplying the rate of acceleration by the amount of weight lifted. 1) warm up with a variety of movement, soft tissue work, some abs and calisthenics. Sprinkle in a lot of coaching time with Louis Simmons, Dave Tate, Steve Goggins, and Eddie Coan, and JL turned into a professor of the deadlift. I remember Mickey Tate was at Vanhorns gym one Sunday to bench with the rest of our top benchers. I can guarantee it. The surname Vogelpohl is found most in The United States. George had a bad day but came through for some cash. 19:36. At the time, in 1991, a shirt was only good for 25 to 50 lbs. July 2021 - NECKBERG Surnames are taken as the first part of an person's inherited family name, caste, clan name or in some cases patronymic, Descriptions may contain details on the name's etymology, origin, ethnicity and history. He could also floor press 625 lbs. He takes a wide grip, and blows up a raw 550 lb. A good rule of thumb is that it shouldn't take you any more than two times as long to set it down as it took you to pick it up. on the bar. For the best experience on our site, be sure to turn on Javascript in your browser. He began to break all-time world recordsnot in just one weight class, but in three. And next weekend, we'll have five. Max effort training is a cornerstone of the Conjugate Method. The deadlifts are done on all four major workout days and done as fast as possible in touch-and-go style. First George, then KP. dumbbells and does 20 reps dead cold. All right reserved. This surname is most frequently occurring in The United States, where it is borne by 890 people, or 1 in 407,257. In his first meet he did not know what lift was first. Expert Insights To Get Stronger, Gain Muscle Faster, And Take Your Lifting To The Next Level. At 220 lbs. That's why pro teams seek me out; the system keeps them from overtraining. He is a very humble and gracious person. With no more hip flexion to give, further movement has to come from somewhere. His total now is 2120, second only to Oleksandr Kutcher from the Ukraine. Because Mickey had been in jail for shooting someone. Dynamic Effort or speed strength is intermediate velocity. Some can find a way to overcome a training plateau, while others cannot and stop training forever. And for some reason, Dave figured he could use that when going back and forth with Chuck and it would work. Twenty-five squats and 25 deadlifts can add up to 23,000 pounds of squats and at least 15,000 pounds of deadlifts for a 1000-pound squat. Within census records, you can often find information like name of household members, ages, birthplaces, residences, and occupations. There are many examples of Westside lifters having a difficult cycle, but then find a way to overcome it and continue to break gym and meet records. Conditioning was on point., Dave was on Week 1 of a four-week wave and it was easy for him. Unfortunately, this guy has to grind with 150-200 pounds less than what my guys use because we're that much stronger.