It's so bitter sweet! PMC Entertainment. Viewers will also learn more about Harper and her quirky brood on the Disney Channel series, the Miami native says. Check-out Time. She pulls out a picture that was found in the walls while doing some renovations on The Tremont that shows a girl who looks just like Harper, dated 1930. Chris takes Harper to Jiffy, a cafe where they sit and have drinks before he heads back to his family, sharing that another Sunday tradition is having a picnic along the lake of The Tremont. Stepping onto the porch, they look through the windows but cant see anything. TV Recap: "Secrets of Sulphur Springs" - Episode 11 - LaughingPlace These Beignets were the perfect way to enjoy Episode 8 of Secrets Of Sulphur Springs. The episode starts in 2011 and Harper has flagged her dad Chris down. Alex joined the Laughing Place team in 2014 and has been a lifelong Disney fan. At the Dunn Cafe, Wyatt and Zoey get scared when they see the elderly woman with the grey hair who was looking up at The Tremont in the previous episode. Disney Channel. Secrets of Sulpher Springs: Season Three to Premiere with New Saturdays Daisy wakes Topher up for school and notices that his shoes and clothes are full of mud. When the power source to the time machine is unintentionally taken and the portal disappears, Harper becomes trapped in the past with her . Staring at a truck thats abandoned and rusted in 2020, it looks brand-new now. Theres no rust, Griffin points out. In season three of "Secrets of Sulphur Springs," a new ghost checks into room 205 and starts wreaking havoc around The Tremont. Questions Ive had for a very long, long time.. The rush to the hospital to see him and while her mom talks to the doctor, Savannah goes to Sams bedside and whispers that the time machine works and she used it. He soon meets and befriends Harper (Kyliegh Curran, "Doctor Sleep"), a thrill-seeking classmate, and soon they discover a secret portal that allows them to travel back in time and uncover clues about the town mystery. Sitting down to dinner with Elijah and Sam, Daisys dad announces that he is considering selling the farm so that the kids can go back to school, which upsets Sam. I think Im gonna need my hat, Wyatt jokes, now displaying a lot more bravery in the presence of a ghost than when they first moved in. When he powers on the radio, the power goes out. Where is she going? Mekeisha Madden Toby / Plus, EP, Secrets of Sulphur Springs Addresses Racism With a '60s Trip Watch Video, Saturdays: Watch Trailer for New Disney Series About Roller-Skating Besties, March Streaming Guide: What's New on Netflix, Amazon, Disney+. She fills him in on everything that happened in the past and he tells her that it was Topher who took the stone from the radio, trapping her in 1930. If you enjoyed this post please give it a like, leave a comments, share it or pin it! This season finale is like no other. I was very happy that they gave me the opportunity to bring that up in the series, especially since its a very heavy topic, and since this show is directed towards kids, they had to be a little sensitive with the topic, Curran reveals. Secrets of Sulphur Springs Season 3 is to Premiere on Disney Channel on She sits on the floor and looks at the picture she made of her dad with her at the lake and then looks at her painted boots, which also have lily pads on them. Secrets of Sulphur Springs - Season 2 - IMDb Griffin and Harper see her too and as they go to apprehend her, Harper has a stronger vision. Season finale 1: 11 January 15, 2021: March 12, 2021: 2: 8 January 14, 2022: February 25, 2022: 3: TBA TBA TBA Episodes. Griffin and his family also live in the spooky Tremont Hotel in New Orleans, a place where many of those mistakes took place over the years. Family Friendly Sci-Fi Mystery-Adventure Series 'Secrets Of Sulphur This means that, for subscribers of the Disney+ streaming service, most of the entire first season will debut on its February 26th release date. Fun Fact: Sulphur Springs is a fictional Louisiana town, but the series was filmed in New Orleans. Filter by flair. Griffin's parents decided to stay in the house and not move to Chicago! She tells Griffin and Savannah that when she arrived to 1962 she was adopted by an awesome familyshe finally has a family. He makes the same mistakes he did then and when he confesses to not knowing how he won, Griffin says Maybe they stuffed the ballot box. Ben says he questioned that himself and then confesses to having dreamt about his time at camp last night, but he says Griffin was in his dream. Harpers my littler artist and Topher, hes turning into the family comedian, he tells Marie about his family. Elijah crumples the paper, in defeat and says he has to go get their things in order. And Griffin didnt really understand. He also informs Ben that the contractors have backed out. Dont go forward. Harper thinks the woman is confused, but Griffin thinks shes warning them not to time travel to the future. Griffin and Harper admit to Savannah they are from the future and tells Savannah that her friend Ben is his dad. Secrets of Sulphur Springs: Season Two Renewal for Disney Mystery Series April 24, 2021; Bunk'd: Season Five Premiere Paired with Secrets of Sulphur Springs Debut on Disney Channel December 12, 2020 Going into the 1960s, there are going to be quite a few racist bumps along the road for Harper., Curran adds that as soon as I saw that in the script, I was like, Good. Ranked by Size. Ben rushes to the basement to grab some tools and sees that the mirror has shattered. TV Recap: "Secrets of Sulphur Springs" Season 2 Episodes 3-8 By It's so bitter sweet! Harper believes that Grace is haunting the hotel because it was stolen from the family, with herself and Topher being the rightful owners. Its super fun because were always playing different eras, so there are different wardrobes, different hairstyles, she says. Secrets of Sulphur Springs - Wikipedia From grief to excitement, fear to joy and every emotion in between we journey with these beloved characters and explore the human condition with a science fiction backdrop. Now we just need to find a way to brighten up this old fire trap, Bennet says, which seems to upset the ghost because all of the lights burst in their sockets. Griffin calls Daisy to tell her that the twins have the stone and Topher overhears. This season finale is like no other. Bennet tells them that the workers have been upgrading the electric system and he and Ben go downstairs to check the fuse box. Harper goes home and Griffin heads inside. Savannah finds the note in 1960 when she goes to place a message under the floorboard in the basement for Griffin. This can be the springboard though for more of these types of series in the future we hope. A car pulls up from Shady Acres and as a man gets out to pick her up, she grabs Griffin by the shoulders and says Dont do it. settings. February 7, 2022 11:15am. I couldn't say no! Why is she stopping this car and who is he? season finale. She tells him that her friend is trapped in 1930 and she shows him the letter she found from Harper. Griffin and Daisy race to the hatch to swap places with Harper in 1930, but the hatch wont open. "Give it a chance. Secrets of Sulphur Springs has a return date. The SEASON FINALE has arrived and this Friday, March 12, will be the last episode we get to enjoy. Griffin believes the ghost is Daisys mother Grace and she asks the mirror where they can find the stone. He tells her he must have gone sleepwalking and begs her not to tell mom. The Secrets of Sulphur Springs episode Time After Time is going air on March 12th and hopefully tie up all of the story in a nice neat bow for us. He hopes to buy The Tremont to keep it in the family and plans to sell his yellow GTO for the down payment. He tells her that he drives around The Tremont every Sunday and that he worked there as a kid, which is how he met his wife. Zoey is looking for Wyatt and finds him in their parents room where hes looking at an empty rocking chair. Were getting to know more about her and her family and their backstories. Griffin soon discovers that the blue glowing stone is missing from the radio and believes it may have been taken by the ghost that haunts The Tremont. Disney hasnt yet announced a second season of Secrets of Sulphur Springs, but with an ending like that, they have to keep it going. She looks at the radio and sees that its set to 2024. Harper knew exactly what would happen as soon as they went into the 60s. Episode 7 Long Time Gone Recorded in 2002 by the country music group The Chicks. 'Secrets of Sulphur Springs . The next day, Sam starts to realize that something is wrong with his sister, who seems to have lost sight of their future plans for Harper to take care of the farm while Sam travels the galaxy. They find that the radio has been set to 2024 and Savannah believes Griffin went to the future to find Sam, but Harper realizes they wont be coming back as she picks up pieces of the broken blue stone. Episode 9 As Time Goes By A standard written in 1931 that has become synonymous with the classic film. 5 Things You Need to Know About Season Two of - D23 Watch Secrets of Sulphur Springs TV Show - DisneyNOW Harper and Griffin arrive to 1962 and Savannah runs into them. Episodes will still broadcast on Disney Channelon Fridays, but since the full eight-episode season is now available, weve decided to offer a truncated recap of the rest of the season. Griffin searches all over The Tremont for the blue stone, returning to the basement and finding that the floorboard is shaking. All Rights Reserved. A lot has changed since The Mandalorian signed off in its mind-bending season 2 finale on Dec. 18, 2020. . Daisy tells him that some women in their family have The sight, the ability to see the future, but that the visions are usually bad omens. Savannah, is it you?, Zoey asks. That evening, Harper goes to the springs and puts her hand in the water. A boy and his family moving into a supposedly haunted hotel on the edge of a small town. Upstairs, The Tremont looks the same as it did before, so Harpers dad clearly didnt buy it. Griffin finds Harper in the woods back in 2011 and tells her theyre not moving, but also tells her he noticed the year had been changed to 2011 on the radio, the year her dad died. Griffin and Harper are approached by Mrs. Barker, who Harper recognizes from the cafe. Season 2. Welcome back to #secretsofsulphursprings weekly review! The Most Memorable Quotes From Secrets Of Sulphur Springs In season two of "Secrets of Sulphur Springs," Griffin and Harper unravel new mysteries about The Tremont, and Harper follows the real ghost back to the 1930s to learn . Savannah is now aware that Harper is trapped in 1930. Created by writer Tracey Thomson who also serves as a co-executive producer with Charles Pratt Jr. and set in the fictional Louisiana town of Sulphur Springs, the series was renewed for a third season on February 7, 2022 and is set to air on . She suddenly sees flashes of red, just like a nightmare she had in a previous episode. The water smells like the springs and she cant get the door open. Disney+ New Releases: March 2023 | Den of Geek This is especially impressive because the series doesnt underestimate its audience. Just then, a box gets knocked over on the shelf and Savannah pops out. She is accompanied by a medical assistant and doesnt seem to notice them. Its been twenty days since Harper and Griffin almost kissed and they have barely hung out since then. In 1930, Sam is furious and he blames Harper for costing the family their house. Dallas actor stars in Disney's 'Secrets of Sulphur Springs' - Spectrum News We watched them all over again on Disney Plus! As they try to dismiss her, they are surprised by the arrival of Bens dad Bennet. Opening the door to leave, they find a girl who looks just like Harper wearing a white dress like the one seen in the photo Savannah found. Well this week we got a Caboodle and it brought back so many fun memories. After Ben leaves Allison in her room, he notices a pile of goo on the floor outside of room 205, followed by a scream from Allisons room. They tell her that this whole time their parents have been feeling guilty about her disappearance and has been causing problems even after 30 years. Think the surprises are over.think again. Harper and Griffin use the school library to look up newspaper articles about The Tremont, learning that it took Judge Walker 14 years to open the hotel because of construction delays, which they believe were caused by Graces ghost. Griffin waits for Daisy after school and she is frustrated by all of the information she didnt know, including that there are now fifty states. The Secrets of Sulphur Springs episode "Time After Time" is going air on March 12th and hopefully tie up all of the story in a nice neat bow for us. S2 E7 25m. Well have to wait for the second season to find out. After the fourth episode, titled Time to Face the Music, each episode has been inspired by a song. It . Its that room 205, he says. She apologizes and starts walking about but then she has an idea! His eyebrows raise when the letter tells him that shes been pretending to be Daisy. He brings it home and shows Wyatt and Zoey, who think it could be from space. .itemDepth02233374943__root{-archetype:paintBox;cursor:pointer;display:block;text-decoration:none}.itemDepth02233374943__root.itemDepth02233374943--isCurrentPage,.itemDepth02233374943__root.itemDepth02233374943--isCurrentPage .itemDepth02233374943__label,.itemDepth02233374943__root.itemDepth02233374943--isHovered,.itemDepth02233374943__root.itemDepth02233374943--isHovered .itemDepth02233374943__label{transition:all .08s 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