My waterproofs because, you know, London and my Arai adventure helmet and my injection-moulded earplugs. Ive never really had any regrets. All Rights Reserved. has reached out to Harley-Davidson for comment on the news. I just recently completed a 5000 km ride through South Africa, Namibia, and Zambia with Charley Boorman. Ewan McGregor and Charley Boorman will film in coming months", "Charley Boorman confirms the Long Way Up will take place within months", "Apple TV+ now includes all classic Fraggle Rock episodes, orders full season reboot [update: official]", Right to the Edge: Sydney to Tokyo by Any Means,, Short description is different from Wikidata, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, Galaxy British Book Award 2008- Best Popular Non Fiction, This page was last edited on 14 September 2022, at 02:52. They took the Channel Tunnel to France and rode south to Italy. I get in trouble with her for silly things - but I can't talk about them. In Ethiopia, they visited a land mine awareness project and met children injured by mines. Their daughters - Doone and Kinvara, 21 and 20 are both at university, but Doone also had to be flown home last year after breaking her jaw on a skiing trip. The Perito Moreno glacier in Argentinas Los Glaciares National Park, which rises above turquoise glacial waters. Id love to ride with (princes) Harry and William. And because the Long Way Up route terminates in Los Angeles, where McGregor lives, his 13,000 mile journey ended on his own driveway. I remember being petrified. I'd had a lot of surgeryboth my legs were smashed up, my right hand had broken bones. Long Way Back is an account of Boormans recovery, and also the story of his life, touching on his dyslexia (he takes great pride in having a literary agent), the death of his older sister Telsche from ovarian cancer at the age of 38 in 1997, and his own loss of a testicle to cancer in 2010. Its A Honda!: Automakers Pursue VTOL Dreams, These Are The 12 Greenest Cars In The U.S. For 2023, reportedly begun production of the third entry. What do his doctors think about that? I really thought, 'S***, he's going to kill us'. News Charley Boorman They put in these charges all the way down our route with our partners at Enel. He was last seen starring as Obi Wan Kenobi in Disney+ original series Obi Wan Kenobi in 2022. He was in a wheelchair for a while before recuperating and getting back on the motorbike. Ewan McGregor rode home with an undiagnosed broken leg after a crash in London, while he and Boorman were planning their second odyssey, Long Way Down, and Boorman tells me horrific stories of the likes of comedian Ross Noble (another mate) tweeting pictures of injuries from wipeouts. The two have been close friends since meeting on the set of the 1997 film, The Serpents Kiss which must be watched, if only for the wig work. This form collects your contact information. The quality of road surfaces throughout east Africa were surprisingly smooth, but sections were rough, bumpy or had sandy terrain, with some travel through a small river and mud wallow. Within the first three episodes of this series, the duo visit: Parque Pingino Rey in Tierra del Fuego, Chile, at the tip of South America. Once youve been around the world and down its length on a motorcycle, there really isnt anywhere left to go but up.So it goes with Ewan McGregor and Charley In Long Way Down, they share their 15,000-mile Then this big truck came round the corner and it put them off. Here are some facts about the 'Long Way' series and what Ewan and Charley are up to today. You really feel the ground because there's no mechanical vibration between you and the ground - there's no mechanical movement, other than this the electric engine which is spinning around and so you can really feel the road. The original broadcast dates in the United Kingdom were: In the final pages of the Long Way Down book, there is a mention of "Long Way To Go"; however, this is not the intended title for a third series but a reference to the continual support that UNICEF needs for its work. However, American producer David Alexanian and cameraman Jimmy Simak were unable to obtain the necessary entry visas and were forced to fly from Tunisia to Egypt. Live your life and do some fun stuff. Click here to read more about his African tours. New book 'Atlas of Extinct Countries' explores the places that fell off the map. Then I was in a wheelchair for ages. Thankfully because of Charley's accident, that meant he was housebound for some time, so whenever I was in London, that meant I was able to see him. Harley just nailed it. We were lucky because we were right at the crest of that adventure travel wave. He also did a follow-up to the show in 2009 called 'Right To The Edge: By Any Means' where he traveled from Sydney to Tokyo following the Pacific Rim. Use your recovery as the spine of the book. We need to be a bit more friendly toward each other and look at what the cycling industry has done with their lobbying. But when you and your best friend are the two most recognisable faces in adventure biking, people start to ask questions when you havent been seen together in a while. And thats where my daughter found me! Ewan McGregor, besides being an actor, has been an activist and the ambassador for UNICEF UK since 2004. ", "I remember taking a 4x4 up the Sani Pass in South Africa, which goes up into Lesotho. Long Way Down is a television series and book documenting a motorcycle journey undertaken in 2007 by Ewan McGregor and Charley Boorman, from John o' Groats in Scotland through eighteen countries in Europe and Africa to Cape Town in South Africa. (The places these two bunk overnight, at least in the first three episodes, are hardly five-star. But it was fun and everyone was very fun and very respectful and it was nice. And our bikes were being charged directly by the sun., In the end, after three months on the road, both men were ready to end the trip, though Boorman says, You always talk about the possibility of another one, so youve got that in your head, so its not so bad that this ones finished., Theres an arc, these trips that weve done, says McGregor. From Kenya, they rode to Uganda and then Rwanda, where they had an audience with President Paul Kagame. The wheels were spinning forward, but we were shooting backwards towards a cliff. 1 bestselling author is back! Extreme Frontiers In 2013, riders started their amazing journey based at the DoubleTree by Hilton Hotel. Given their experiences on the Long Way Round, which included problems with Russian visas, a "fine" for a missing stamp in their carnet, and delays of up to twelve hours, major preparation and planning went into the transit between countries. I realized we share something that I dont share with anyone else. This one: Ewan McGregor (aka the young Obi-Wan in the Star Wars prequels and soon a new back-story Disney series) and his wingman, Brit TV personality Charley Boorman, have reportedly begun production of the third entry in their popular Long Way motorcycle road trip TV series, and are set to travel from the southern reaches of South America and ride the long way up to the United States. You can unsubscribe at any time. Its been more than a decade since Ewan McGregor and Charley Boorman rode triumphantly into Cape Town at the end of a journey that saw them travel the length of Africa on their BMW R 1200 GS Adventure motorcycles. Let me just say that this trip exceeded every one of my expectations. wBW providessubjective opinionsand information on hard-to-find and unique motorcycling products. See our review policies for more information. Related: Youve Never Seen A Harley-Davidson LiveWire Like This. In 2019, Ewan and Charlie reunited 12 years after 'Long Way Down', this time hoping to journey from the city of Ushuaia at the southernmost tip of South America to Los Angeles, U.S.A; a journey of over 13,000-miles. Send him yor best. (Charley crashed on a Triumph launch in Spain a couple of years ago.). I love it. It was assumed this would become a regular occurrence while travelling through Africa. But, in February last year, Charley was involved in motorcycle accident while in Portugal for the launch of the Triumph Tiger Explorer so bad that he almost lost his left leg. Talking about the uncertainty of keeping the bikes charged in these remote places, Boorman recalls a story about getting this amazing charge out of a very dodgy plug in a youth hostile. Also, Triumph is owned by a family, theyre very generous and very kind and we have a great relationship. See our privacy policy for details on how we manage your data. The trip, well-planned as it was, does not get off to an easy start, owing to unseasonably cold weather (it was the worst winter in since 1994 this time last year), as well as the trial of using vehicles that had yet to be tested in such conditions. Charley Boorman Full Name Charley Boorman Occupation Actor and Television Personality Nationality British Birthplace Wimbledon, London, UK Birth Date Aug 23, 1966 Age 56 Years, 5 Months Co-creator of Documentary Series 'Long Way Round' with Ewan McGregor Charley Boorman | Biography Child Actor in Film 'Deliverance' I have earphones in them and I can listen to podcasts and books. Long Way Down | Book by Ewan McGregor, Charley Boorman In 2004, Ewan McGregor and Charley Boorman embarked on a journey to bike across 12 countries and 19 time zones in 115 days. Boorman admitted he had been "putting on a show" for a roadside garage and braked sharply as part of a maneuver. Weve joined selected affiliate programs which will allow us to place advertisements for select motorcycle and motorcycle-related product retailers on the site. As the only spare had been fitted to McGregor's bike, von Planta rode in a support vehicle while his bike was sent ahead for repair. Oha! Was smiling and joking before he seen the needle!, And: Awaiting return from surgery. The following year, Charley and Ewan did another motorcycle adventure trip, this time known as Long Way Down, where they travelled from Scotland to Cape Town, WebInspired by their UNICEF visits to Africa, they knew they had to go back and experience this extraordinary continent in more depth. Ever wonder what it's like to be riding with Charley Boorman? A Warner Bros. Opinions expressed by Forbes Contributors are their own. Believe me, thats raelly great. Even though it was touch and goI thought Id lose a legbut that seemed ok but I kept thinking, you know what, I just want to get back on the motorbike. Im not a big fan of regrets. He is still close to his father, who is 84 and walks with sticks: when Charley was on crutches, they looked like twins, he says. I did a movie wth my father called The Emerald Forest in South America, but thats the only time Ive been. Then I can spend time with them on the summer holidays. I think absolutely its definitely the right thing to do if youre living in London. After visiting the pyramids, they boarded a ferry to Sudan, continued into Ethiopia and then into Kenya, where they crossed the equator. Half of the road stays in the shade. It is a follow-up to the Long Way Round of 2004, when the pair rode east from London to New York via Eurasia and North America. The team anticipated problems at the various borders crossings, particularly in Africa. It's all documented in Apple TVs new series, The Long Way Up, which debuts today, Sept. 18. if you're if your daily commute is less than 100 miles, which let's face it, most of us don't ride more than 100 miles a day on our bikes. We turned the corner on this hairpin and just hit black ice. After a period reliant on a wheelchair, Boorman is back riding, but now walks with a limp as his left leg is 1 cm shorter than his right after operations to repair the breaks. They crossed Scotland, England, France, Italy, and Sicily before making their way across Africa through Tunisia, Libya, Sudan, Egypt, Ethiopia, Uganda, Kenya, Rwanda, Tanzania, Malawi, Zambia, Botswana, Namibia, and finally, South Africa. But I did perfect the wheelchair wheelie with a lot of pain. It doesn't happen to me that often, you know, to be sort of holed up in a restaurant with a mob outside. I love to show people that they can have a great tour in Africa and there is some great food, great wine and the people are so lovely. You're looking at your GPS for the actual mileage left and you're looking at your bike which is telling you the projected mileage based on within the parameters that it's experiencing at that point in time and you're trying to keep those fingers together, so it adds a certain element of artistry to it. The team took four days to ride from John o' Groats back to London, via the McGregor family home in Crieff and the Silverstone racetrack, where they camped in the middle of the circuit. The support team with the production crew followed them in custom-built Rivian R1S all-electric SUVs. For Long Way Up, which debuts globally on Apple TV+ on September 18 with the first three episodes, McGregor and Boorman reunite to ride 13,000 miles from Ushuaia in Tierra del Fuego, Argentina, to Los Angeles, California. I just think it was about time, you know. Me and my father (our whole family, actually) have been following Charleys adventures for a decade+ now This accident is HORRIBLE news (omg!) How the Rivian pickups are involved is unclear, but they would certainly jibe nicely with the EV theme of the new show. So it goes with Ewan McGregor and Charley Boorman and their third globe-trotting adventure, a follow-up to the epic journeys documented in 2004s The Long Way Round and 2007s The Long Way Down. Goodreads He is also properly appreciative of Olivia, whom hes been with for 30 years and married to for 25. The journey started on 12 May and finished on 4 August 2007. Sponsors, including Triumph, kept him afloat, but as well as pain and frustration, he faced crashing boredom. has broken his leg ina collision with a car while attending the media launch of the new Triumph Explorer in Portugal. WebEwan McGregor and Charley Boorman are getting back on their motorcycles for a new adventure in Apple TV+'s "Long Way Up". He didnt see the funny side. Details area bit vague at the momentandthere is no word on whether he was riding or driving. A division of A07 Online Media, LLC. He then broke his hip riding a Vespa whilst still in recovery. South America. The torque is unbelievable, its fun to be sort of silent and it's just a different riding experience. Couldnt think dont do it. Actors, best friends, and lifelong motorbike enthusiasts Ewan McGregor and Charley Boorman are perhaps best known in the automotive community for their 'Long Way' series all 3 of which you can watch on Apple TV+ of long-distance motorbike trips across various continents. 2. You can watch a snippet of my interview with Charley below, and you can read it in full in issue 59 ofAdventure Bike Rider magazine, out now and available to buy from our online store with free UK shipping. Weve been talking about it a long-time and if the stars align we will do something like a Long Way up from Tierra Del Fuego to Alaska in the next couple of years. Ive pretty much broken everything but you cant fix your head. Portions of Boormans recovery from the horrific accident are shown in the first episode of Long Way Down. These snippets show how dedicated Boorman was to getting back on the bike and how important it was for him to do this third trip. He grew up on an estate in the Wicklow mountains his dad had bought on a whim, and also on film sets, making his debut in his fathers brutal 1972 thriller Deliverance, aged six. Salta in northwest Argentina to take the Tren a las Nubes (Train to the Clouds) one of the highest in the world at almost 14,000 feet. In hospital but OK. The Long Way Up production crew hooked up with an electric SUV startup, Rivian, to supply new prototype pickup trucks designed to take on every terrain. Its great to have both, weve had a lot of fun on petrol bikes as well but your every day going bike when you live in a city has got to be electric now. Please send Charley your best wishes via Twitter. On a daily basis, just plugging the bike in at the end of the day was a highlight in itself. Moped narrowly avoids 70mph train at level crossing, Tom Sizemore: The Hollywood hardman who fell from grace, Calm weekend will turn to freezing as snow and ice warnings issued, Hong Kong activists convicted over failure to comply with security law, Actor Tom Sizemore dies after career tarnished by scandals. They last about four days each and we will do them over long weekends. Charley Boorman Charley Boorman WebCharley Boorman's South African Adventure: With Charley Boorman. Here's What Ewan McGregor And Charley Boorman Are I understand why they ride bikes: One, because they love it and two because it gives them anonymity. They rode their BMWs through Belgium, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, a large portion of Mongolia and Russia, the Road of Bones, Alaska, Canada and finally, the U.S.A. To let that friendship dwindle or drift, I realized, was a mistake. McGregor's wife, Eve, who learned to ride only for the journey, joined them partway and took several falls on sandy terrain in Malawi and Zambia, apparently without injury. Id love to see the Dakar but I would just want to race it again, so I better stay away. Learn more about us. Long Way Round McGregor and von Planta also came off and damaged their bikes' bodywork, with von Planta involved in the more serious incident on a motorway in South Africa. Once youve been around the world and down its length on a motorcycle, there really isnt anywhere left to go but up. Im one of the founding members here and ever since we started weve been trying to get people active about issues with We Ride London. If Ewan hadnt been involved, it wouldnt have had a chance to be successful, says Boorman, frankly. GET THE LATEST ADVENTURE BIKE NEWS IN YOUR INBOX. With Ewan McGregor, Charley Boorman, David Alexanian, Russ Malkin. Ewan McGregor and Charley Boorman take on South America