Provider Inquiry is for registered, nonregistered and out-of-state providers. Nine service categories are covered by the plan: Diagnostic & Preventive Services Miscellaneous Services Restorative Services General Services Endodontic Services Periodontic Services Our general dentists and pediatric specialists can serve as a Dental takes the health and well-being of our members, providers, our associates and our business partners seriously. PDF BlueCare Dental Voluntary P.O. Ask A Dentist Ask licensed dentist questions about dental care. 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Dental providers who can't able to access their account can read theDental Summary Guide (PDF)to learn how to: To use the document, you'll need to know if your patient has a Medicare Advantage plan, Federal Employee Program plan or a commercial plan. Here are some resources for locating an appropriate practitioner or provider when making a referral or authorization request. Most Pediatric Dentists provide different levels of sedation, when needed, and some even Monday through Friday Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Oklahoma, a Division of Health Care Service Corporation, a Mutual Legal Reserve Company, an Independent Licensee of the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association NOT FOR DISTRIBUTION TO BENEFICIARIES, MEMBERS, OR PROSPECTS BlueCare Dental Classic Plans 1,2 BlueCare Dental Classic plans cover only one person per policy. Automated information is available anytime. We use prior authorization, also known as preauthorization or precertification, to ensure patients are getting the right care. Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Illinois, aDivision of Health Care Service Corporation, a Mutual Legal Reserve Company, an Independent Licensee of the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association, PDF File is in portable document format (PDF). Federal Employee Program providers and facilities: 1-800-482-3600 primary (baby) teeth are lost by age 12, some Pediatric Dentists institute patient age limits, What you need to know about the coronavirus, COVID-19. CareFirst Blue Cross Blue Shield Ting Vit, Pursuant to Section 1557 Blue Cross Blue Shield FEP Dental does not discriminate, exclude people, or treat them differently on the basis of race, color, national origin, age, disability, or sex (including pregnancy and gender identity). Nine service categories are covered by the plan: In addition, coverage for orthodontics is provided for adults and children. In insurance, the insurance policy is a contract (generally a standard form contract) between the insurer and the policyholder, which determines the claims which the insurer is legally required to pay. It's more than just business when you join the Blue Cross network. Find a Doctor | Blue Cross Blue Shield Find in-network dentists, too, in a few short steps. Well use the estimated cost of a filling based on prices in Southeast Michigan and a member who has a Blue Dental plan that covers fillings at 50 percent. Blue Care Dental Connection | Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Illinois The content on the Dental Wellness Center website is provided by . Returning Shopper? If you need additional guidance, read the Dentaquest Dental Manual (PDF). To find out if your plan includes pediatric dental coverage, please check your Summary of Benefits and Coverage (SBC). Register Now, Not registered? P.O. 8:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. TennCare's current dental benefits manager is DentaQuest. Get access to your member portal. Step 2: Answer the system's prompts about your patient and whether you provided care in Michigan. He works in Olympia, WA and 4 other locations and specializes in Family Medicine. Find Doctor / Drug / Facility | Blue Cross NC As a Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan and Blue Care Network provider, you're part of the largest network in the state. Gujarati, Tagalog, Birmingham, AL 35238-0518. You can find yours by selecting your region below. If you have any questions or comments regarding the Dental Wellness Center website, you should direct them to Step 7:Listen to your claim's status, which includes the following information: Step 8: After listening to the claim's status, you'll have the following choices: The automated system is available anytime. If your Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Texas (BCBSTX) plan includes pediatric dental coverage, choose "BlueCare Dental SM " as your network. BCBSTX is not liable or responsible for damage or injury to persons or property that result from the use of anything found on this other site such as: BCBSTX cannot guarantee the accuracy of any statements made on other websites. Just use our online search. Step 1: Say "claims" when the system asks why you're calling. Not registered? Please consider an upgrade or using a different device. Do you have questions about dental benefits not answered here? DeltaCare USA: This plan is prepaid on an annual basis and has, among other benefits, no deductible or annual dollar maximums. Welcome to DNoA Connect, a provider self-service tool where dental offices can conveniently connect to patient information for members serviced by Dental Network of America (DNoA). Detroit, MI 48231-2599, Blue Cross Complete claims Affordable Dental Insurance Plans for Individuals | Cigna Take a class. As a Blue Dental member, you have access to a network of dentists who provide lower costs for the services you receive. 28 Years Experience. BlueCare Tennessee 8:30 a.m. to noon and 1 to 5 p.m. We provide dental claim and network administration services for Blue Cross and Blue Shield Plans in Illinois, Montana, New Mexico, Oklahoma and Texas, as well as . More detailed searches are possible by clicking on More Search Options. 8 a.m. to noon and 1 to 5 p.m. 20500 Civic Center Drive For Michigan Providers: Summary of Utilization Management Programs (PDF), Provider Prior Authorization and Precertification Requirements for BCBSM and Medicare Plus Blue, For Michigan Providers: BCN Referral and Prior Authorization Requirements (PDF), For Non-Michigan providers: Referral and Authorization Requirements (PDF), Important Information About MedicarePlans, Your 10-digit national provider identifier, BCBSM PIN or facility code, The members contract number, date of birth, the spelling of their first name and their ZIP code, Member liability, including deductible, coinsurance and copays. When a ZIP code is supplied, the city and state values are ignored. HMO coverage is offered by Health Options Inc., an HMO subsidiary of Blue Cross and Blue . Contact customer service, Heritage Provider service: 1-800-252-2053. Get access to your employer portal.Register Now, Learn more about registering for our web tools.Register Now, Not registered? Find a Dentist | Florida Blue Dental Important Provider Directory Information - as well as treatment services, like fillings and crowns. provider(s) office is able to offer in support of the patient's specific needs under the Federal American More detailed searches are possible by clicking on More Search Options. That's why Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Texas created BlueCare Dental Connection. Within the United States, to search for a dentist by location, supply your city (optional) and state. Site Map|Feedback|Download Adobe Acrobat Reader, Learn more about a Healthier [Maryland and WDC] Offers healthcare insurance to residents of Maryland and Washington, DC. Individuals attempting unauthorized access will be prosecuted. Dental Network Listing Augustyn, Mary TARA BOYLE DDS 10040 Woodland Rd Lenexa, KS 66220 (913) 768-6800 Dental - Preferred Care/PPO, Dental - Traditional/Choice Gender: F Accepting new patients: Y Ayer, Dennis 2301 West 143rd St Leawood, KS 66224 (913) 246-3000 Dental - Preferred Care/PPO, Dental - Traditional/Choice Gender: M Accepting new . Periodontists specialize in gums and gum disease. Blue Cross Blue Shield FEP Dental Providers in the network are not available to provide dental services that are available under medical plans, such as, dental accidents and pediatrics dental services. In addition, some sites may require you to agree to their terms of use and privacy policy. Neither Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association nor any Blue Plans are responsible for non-covered charges or other losses or damages resulting from use of . You can register here. For more general information about coronavirus resources available to the public, you may also call the Tennessee Coronavirus Public Information Line at 1-877-857-2945. To find out if your plan includes pediatric dental coverage, please check your Summary of Benefits and Coverage (SBC). Online provider search has an online provider search that allows you to look for affiliated providers by first selecting the member's Blue Cross or BCN product and then viewing the network choices by type of care and location. Important Legal and Privacy Information|Important Information About Medicare Plans|Privacy Practices 1-877-258-0167 Say "another contract" to inquire on another contract. Monday through Friday, 1-800-431-1059 Dr. Michael J. Buckley, MD. Choose a dental network from the list below to search for a dentist. U-M Premier Care | Human Resources University of Michigan Kreyol Ayisien, Polskie, Providers. Blue Cross Blue Shield is part of the Anthem family of brands, which features a vast network of dental providers located all over the U.S. Blue Cross Blue Shield Medicare Advantage (Medicare Part C) plans and Medicare plans from other Anthem brands can often cover a range of dental benefits. Get access to your online account.Register Now, Not registered? Our nationwide plans are available to almost anyone. The automated system is available anytime. Monday through Friday, Care Management--Mail Code C355 Get access to your agent portal. Lyra makes it easier to find and receive confidential, personalized mental health coaching or therapy for adults. Not Registered? Once you have located the provider, you need to log in to e-referral to submit the referral request using the provider's name or NPI. Step 5: Tell the system the date of service. 1996-document.write(new Date().getFullYear()); Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan and Blue Care Network are nonprofit corporations and independent licensees of the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association. Finding a dentist in the Blue Dental PPO network or who has participated through Blue Par Select in the past is easy. Get access to your online account.Register Now, Not registered? The PPO dental plan provides a higher level of benefits when members receive treatment from BlueCare Dental participating providers. All here in your neighborhood. Dental, Life and Disability are offered by Florida Combined Life Insurance Company, Inc., an affiliate of Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Florida. Learn About Virtual Care Florida Blue Centers See a nurse. Coverage for treatments varies depending on the member's benefit plan. Monday through Friday Find a Dentist | Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Texas - BCBSTX The BlueCare Dental HMO network includes specialists such as oral surgeons, orthodontists, pediatric dentists, endodontists (specialists in diseases of the nerve within the tooth) and periodontists (specialists in diseases of the gums and tissues). 2021 BlueCare Dental PPO (Mid-Market) Plans. Dental Services Dental Services TennCare dental benefits are handled by a contracted dental benefits manager. Say "another member" to inquire on another member. Our automated interactive voice response system provides claims, benefit and cost-share information. BlueCare Dental PPO | Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Texas - BCBSTX 8:30 a.m. to noon and 1 to 5 p.m. To view this file, you may need to install a PDF reader program. Both benefit plan options pay network dentist at SMA; however, one plan pays out-of-network dentists at SMA and the other pays at U&C. You'll need to use e-referral for Medicare Plus Blue authorization requests. Health insurance is offered by Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Florida, Inc., D/B/A Florida Blue. Quickly find a general dentist or specialist. We offer resources to support your practice in serving patients covered by our dental plan. Blue Vision providers submit claims electronically directly toVSP. Learn more about our Total Care and Blue Distinction Specialty Care designation programs and find a designated doctor or hospital that meets your needs. Providers | Florida Blue Dental Find a dentist. It can also send you a copy of your claim's status. Essential Vision providerssubmit claims throughHeritage Vision Plan. Register Now, Not registered? to an Orthodontist for an overbite, underbite, crossbite, or tooth crowding. State and Federal Privacy laws prohibit unauthorized access to Member's private information. Providers who don't have an account can mail a claim to one of the following: Medicare Plus BlueSM PPO claims Family Medicine. Youll need to know what kind of dental plan you have; an individual plan, a plan through your employer or Medicare, or another public plan. Members pay less out-of-pocket and will not be balanced billed. google drive shared folder empty The Blue Cross Blue Shield of Georgia Premier Plus PPO health care plans offer the highest level of benefits available. Important Information About Medicare Plans, whether the dentist offers evening or weekend hours, what languages are spoken by the dentist and staff, what experience they've had with physical or developmental disabilities, and more. Detroit, MI 48321-2227, Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan Step 2: Answer the prompts about your patient and whether you provided care in Michigan. 415 S. McClellan Ave. When the plan pays non-PPO dentists at U&C, the employer savings are less, employees are balanced billed and their out-of-pocket costs are slightly higher. Detroit, MI 48232-0593, UB-04 claims Lansing, MI 48933. however, available treatment will vary for each provider. Watch our videos to learn how specialty benefit plans offered by your employer may work for you so you can make informed decisions during open enrollment. BLUE GLOBAL SOLUTIONS Trademark of Blue Cross and Blue Shield HEALTH first - STAR Medicaid: 1-888-672-2277.Dental care If you're a STAR member age 20 and younger, or a CHIP or STAR Kids member, call your dental provider below to find a dentist near you: DentaQuest STAR or STAR Kids members: 1-800-516-0165 CHIP members: 1-800-508-6775 . During this unprecedented time, we're taking action to support our members. Check for detailed prior authorization information. When issuing a referral or outpatient authorization for a hospital, referring providers should enter the facility NPI in the e-referral Servicing Facility ID field. The site may also contain non-Medicare related information. If your General Capital Blue Cross Dental He works in Greensburg, PA and 5 other locations and specializes in General Dentistry and Oral. Attention: Claim Processing Detroit, MI 48231-0166, Federal Employee Program claims BCBSTX and are separate companies. Orthodontists specialize in tooth and jaw positioning and alignment. Heres how they compare. Keep in mind you'll need to have your NPI, or National Provider Identifier, number handy. PPO Prior Authorization Requirements (PDF), HMO Prior Authorization Requirements (PDF), Important Information About MedicarePlans. You can find yours by selecting your region: Not sure which region you're in? Providers who don't have an account yet can mail a claim to one of the following: Blue Care Network Claims Step 4: Say "yes" when asked if you have additional questions about the determination of the claim. Get access to your employer portal. P.O. The automated system is available anytime. 24/7 online access to account transactions and other useful resources, help to ensure that your account information is available to you any time of the day or night. 2023 Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan and Blue Care Network are nonprofit corporations and independent licensees of the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association. The Member's share of the cost is determined by whether care is received from a Participating or Non-Participating Dentist. Southfield, MI 48075, 1-877-293-2788 To find out if your plan includes pediatric dental coverage, please check your Summary of Benefits and Coverage (SBC). Box 312599 Say "date of service" to learn about a different claim. BCBSMT and are separate companies. Dental Provider Services Contact our dental team to report changes to your practice or for questions about Blue Cross NC dental contracts, policies and procedures. Federal Employee Program providers and facilities: 1-800-840-4505. Passive plan options pay out-of-network dental services at U&C. Other Adobe accessibility tools and information can be downloaded at The plans Schedule of Maximum Allowances (SMA), on average, is lower than usual fees. Exclusive Savings for Dental Network Providers Our Dental Provider Savings Program offers network providers discounts of up to 40% on in-demand products (PPE equipment, scanners), lab services (implants, clear aligners, dentures), and turnkey teledentistry solutions for your office. Behavioral health services for Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan are managed by New Directions. Medicare Plus BlueSM PPO services are managed by Medicare Plus Blue Behavioral Health. Locate a dentist or dental specialist in the BCBS FEP Dental network. To view this file, you may need to install a PDF reader program. General Dentists who don't provide denture services in their clinics may also refer patients State and Federal Privacy laws prohibit unauthorized access to Member's private information. BCBSTX assumes no liability or responsibility for damage or injury to persons or property arising from the use of any product, information, idea, or instruction contained on the Dental Wellness Center website; issolely responsible for the content and any advice given on its website. 2021 BlueCare Dental PPO (Mid-Market) Plans - Spanish. Florida Blue Dental BlueCare Dental Classic Basic3 In Network Out of Network In Network Out of Network In Network Out of Network Monthly Rates for BlueCare Dental Classic 6 Region 1 7 Region 2 8 Region 1 7 Region 2 8 Region 1 7 Region 2 8 Individual Member $59.64 $54.98 $34.76 $31.85 $21.55 $19.27 Diagnostic Evaluations 100% 4100% 80% 80% 100% 4100% , Their online platform allows you to sign up in just a few clicks, find the right coach or therapist for your needs, and quickly book an appointment via live video or in-person. BlueCare Dental PPO | Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Illinois - BCBSIL To view this file, you may need to install a PDF reader program. Find a doctor, provider, dentist, pharmacy or facility | Wellmark If you need more information, you can transfer to a customer service representative during business hours. Note:It can take up to 30 days for a claim to be processed. Fully Insured Summary of Dental Benefits 2022 BlueCare Dental PPO (Small Group) Plans Free language assistance to people whose primary language is not English, such as: Calling Blue Cross Blue Shield FEP Dental at 1-855-504-BLUE (2583), dial 711 for TTY relay services. Contact the plan for more information. Automated information is available anytime. Elevance Health - Wikipedia Benefits are limited to a lifetime maximum for each eligible member, depending upon the plan chosen for your employees. Monday through Friday