Bokuto stuck his head out of the window slightly and kept it there as the snowflakes fell all around him. what disease did, bokuto have in another life. Many words dashed through his mind, but he could only think of three that would be best for him to say to Akaashi. ], [You probably fell asleep. His back was facing the door, and Bokuto seemed to have all of his attention on him. It was the only normal thing to do, considering how he was the one who was suffering from said disease. His answer was cold, but it did not seem to cut through the other's pleasant mood. He was staring outside at the white clouds that shrouded the skies, mesmerized by just how colorless it made everything seem. "I've been cooped up in this place for too long. "You can sit anywhere." He said lightheartedly, his fingers trembling around his phone. No one was bothered by him, so there he stood. His eyes widened as much as they could. He faked a smile. Akaashi stepped in and turned his head. Not in the state that he was in. [I must have texted you while you were asleep!]. There was almost a hint of sarcasm in his voice. "How did he look?" But sometimes, he wouldn't answer certain questions, despite Akaashi asking them twice. His arms and legs were stiff, as were his eyes. He tried to open his mouth to say them, but he performed another action instead. In the span of a little over a month, Bokuto had gone from a general one-hundred and fifty pounds to a mere ninety-seven pounds, last time they'd weighed him. I've realized that I don't want to come here anymore. He knit his fingers together and kept his eyes down, anticipating when the first boom of thunder would sound. Akaashi squeezed his hands together to keep them from shaking uncontrollably. Akaashi woke with a start that same night, his strangled shouts having pulled him from his sleep. His eyes were half-lidded and glued to the screen, his face void of emotion. I thought you fell asleep.]. I most definitely did not sob reading this. Akaashi cocked his head back to demonstrate this, with his finger tapping his chin. Left.". With one elbow on the bed, he held his phone so that the both of them could see. But instead, he was greeted with nothing. Akaashi's tone was monotonous, but Kuroo didn't fail to detect the venom that lined each word prior to his last sentence. Akaashi frowned heavily as he entered the hospital. He watched as Bokuto's chest rose and fell with each breath that kept him alive. The various identities control a person's behavior at different times. He feared that if he did, he wouldn't be able to keep his emotions at bay. Unless Bokuto was purposely playing the fool. "I was the team captain, and the ace." RandyKrauswasparalyzed.Hisleftsidewasuseless.Buthisrighthandwas1enoughtoliftabuckettohisforehead.Oncehe'dbeenapoliceofficerandownedaprivate-eyeagency.Oncehe . I'll be sure to bring my laptop when I visit. "You seem to have grown more attached to that Pocky stick than me". He spoke gently in Bokuto's direction. "Watch it." Once there, Bokuto pulled his hand from Akaashi's and leaned it against the windowsill. "That was your idea of a joke?". The other, he had no clue. "What? Two weeks had passed since Akaashi's last visit, and to his dismay, he found himself on the same aimless path back to the same dreaded hospital. "Ah, I've finally said something funny." He wouldn't show this, but Kuroo's words had hit him harder than he could ever imagine. Was he just playing the fool after all? Our teams would face each other often. He started on his way. Kuroo froze. Akaashi always made sure to hold Bokuto close and squeeze him tight whenever this happened, just to let him know that he was there for him. The last thing he wanted to do was wake him up, so they lay in silence for minutes on end. Bokuto stared at Akaashi sharply. That's how much he supposedly weighs now? "Yes." Out there, the sickly one trembled like a new born animal, even with the extra jacket that Akaashi had offered him. No one. ", "I'm" Kenma's lips puckered in thought. what disease did, bokuto have in another life. He found some and said them without a second thought. As Bokuto backed away from the window, Akaashi was quick to close it, locking the bitter night air out of the room for the remainder of the night. Bokuto had nothing more to say after that. I am, now.". more depressing than the outsiders. He only bundled himself up in the sheets that surrounded him. Playing off of this, Akaashi texted for Kuroo to send an image of himself for Bokuto to see. I don't want to hear them. "Come on" Akaashi reached a hand out to help Bokuto to his feet. "I could ask you the same thing" Akaashi's lips screwed to the side. "Get inside." Short description of the movie (from Google): Six individuals belonging to different generations go on an emotional ride while exploring how human actions impact the lives of their loved ones in this ever-changing world. "Relax." Bokuto followed, his arm still around him. Bokuto inhaled all that he could. He stared at him intently and watched every move he made, to the point where this had captured Akaashi's attention. He left the room quickly, leaving Bokuto by his lonesome. "I'm not leaving, Koutarou." "I'll get us some water." I finished this months ago but it still hurts and just thinking about it makes me cry. He couldn't bring himself to read over the last four words of the text again and ultimately shut off his phone. He stalked over to the other side of the bed, where he would be able to look at Bokuto's face. Same thing happened to me and now I'm questioning myself. "It's just how I am. He'd never heard of that disease before. "So we were going to step outside for a minute or two in order to get this owl to shut up.". I know that you know that, too And yet you still stick by me.". Three times, Bokuto jolted awake involuntarily, and three times, he covered his eyes with his forearm and heaved a quiet sigh. This time, Bokuto directed his attention to Akaashi. He looked up, and his gaze found Bokuto's. Blinking, Akaashi turned his attention back to Kuroo and Bokuto. It was the last word Kuroo murmured before he stared forward as well, having nothing more to say. He turned his head to get a clear look at Bokuto's face, but instantly wished he hadn't. I see." He threw the ball to Akaashi. He pushed his negative thoughts aside and sat himself down in bed, right next to Bokuto. You don't need to know a THING about Haikyuu!! Absolutely not. Inhaling deeply, Akaashi lingered in place, then sat down in the empty seat next to Kuroo. All he could do was watch in muted anguish as Bokuto finally accepted what had become of his short lived life. ", "Not to my knowledge. I thought it was what you wanted". "Anything but," Bokuto retorted, sitting upright in bed. He closed his eyes in a slow blink and kept his breathing quiet. Akaashi stared at Bokuto, opened his mouth to say something, but found that he couldn't form even one simple word. Akaashi had to wait almost a minute for Bokuto's response. He turned to look at Akaashi. You had a nightmare? Akaashi had nothing else to say. He didn't know how to react, didn't know what to do or say, but as he searched for the right words to speak, or the right thing to do, Akaashi found himself doing something he didn't expect of himself. I knew how the book would end but i still cried. But now I'm kind of okay with it." But during the other two nights, he surely did make the effort to try and lull himself to sleep, but each time he did, he either found himself stirring awake from a strange dream, or lying wide awake in the middle of the night, half expecting to receive a message from Bokuto. It shocked him as Akaashi continued. He found it strange, how Bokuto was the one . It wasn't necessarily a bow. Bokuto's voice rang out from the room this time. It was small and measly, but there. Are you checking out?". Akaashi laced his fingers together and dug his nails into the backs of his hands. (31) 3351-3382 | 3351-3272 | 3351-3141 | 3351-3371. puppies for sale in nc under 200 associe-se. Tried so hard to keep himself together, but he knew he was too weak to pull such a bluff. Bokuto spoke, his voice peaceful. "Goodbye.". Akaashi watched him and zipped up his jacket. The room was dark, apart from the soft orange glow that his lamp gave off. His face looked both shocked and exhausted at the same time. He wanted for him to spike it at least once lest Bokuto threw a self hate-induced panic attack. Akaashi almost smiled. I do.". Bokuto looked down at Akaashi's hand. During the next day, Akaashi decided to stay home. "Why did you stop so suddenly? In another life.". The familiar voice made Akaashi's throat tighten. He slowly lowered his head and folded his arms. Obeying with hesitance, Bokuto shifted towards Akaashi and lay against him, fitting into the curve of his arm. He was paler than before, and the bags under his eyes were darker. Akaashi glanced in the direction of where Bokuto was staring. Mustering a weak nod, Bokuto's lips curled at the sides just a bit more. Trying so hard to fit in that small amount of sleep that would get him through the next day, and Akaashi wanted to help. It almost sounded as if Bokuto were talking to himself. To the garden out in the back.". Not only was Bokuto the kind of guy to sneak out when no one was watching, but his condition had quickly begun to worsen without warning. The reflection of ending movie credits could be seen in Akaashi's eyes as they scrolled up along the screen of his laptop. I have have a theory that make he managed to achieve sleep, like w/out twitching awake, and during that sleep he entered a dream phase where he kinda had "the light" moment and passed . On the numbingly cold day that was January 3rd, at 8:04 PM, snow had fallen for the first time that year. A subtle, gentle sound. Akaashi placed it in between his fingers, and Bokuto retracted his hand to hold the biscuit snack against himself. His voice was a soft tremor. Bokuto's head lolled to the side, directing his attention back to the movie. His voice a mere murmur, Akaashi moved closer to Bokuto, then resumed to lie down on his back, his head slightly elevated with the pillows that sat behind him. "This is Akaashi. "And my hallucinations aren't all that bad. "I Don't Usually text," Akaashi murmured. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. He dreamt of nothing in particular that night. Akaashi relaxed himself against his mattress and closed his eyes, a powerless yawn leaving him. He whispered the words. It took a moment for Bokuto to focus on him. He kept himself against Bokuto and held onto him with what little strength he had left in him. There was definitely a storm coming his way, so Akaashi knew that Bokuto would need him. All I have to say is that this fucking broke me. "You don't. He feared he wouldn't be able to pull himself out of this state, but then it occurred to him that he was not alone in this. This book was absolutely fantabulous. He tried desperately to hold it in. Surely enough, he noticed Kenma sitting in the seat next to Bokuto's bed. Thick, white eyebrows raised above yellow hues. Akaashi stared on as his mind searched for words. Several flakes had gathered on the outstretched limb, but they were not quick to melt. "I'm Holding it now.". It's ridiculous.". "Koutarou Why do you watch me like that?" Akaashi's chortling had been dragged out for a few seconds longer before he, too, quieted down. But he only swallowed and kept his composure, just as he'd been doing since the day he met Bokuto. "I'll show you." please dont make this flop i has to rearead EVERYTHING just so that i could be in the "feels" making this video. He held his hand up in a "peace sign", and the video ended with him on screen. Bokuto shifted as he lay down, sticking a leg out to kick Akaashi. Akaashi nodded once, and that was all that Bokuto needed to hear before he ran off to retrieve the ball. Akaashi was unhappy with where he was, unhappy with what it was that he was doing. Why is that? But Akaashi knew that this wasn't the case. Those yellow eyes examined everything, adamant with taking all of it in. Thank you for stopping by, your interest means everything to me. That had been one of Bokuto's worst attacks yet. He motioned for Bokuto to come closer. Akaashi stifled a laugh. Alarmed, he snapped around quickly. ", Bokuto glanced at him. He sat in his room for the majority of the day, and had spent at least six hours awake until he'd picked his phone up in his hands again. You sleep if you want to. He waited for an answer, but did not receive one. He turned his attention back to the only other in the room. It worried him enough to get some words out of him. "Is there something wrong with me standing here?" The air around Akaashi thickened, and suddenly he found it difficult to breathe. Akaashi turned to catch a glimpse of him, but he stared off in the distance, his eyes not focusing on anything in particular. Bokuto quieted himself, curled up, and watched on as the movie started. Kuroo started down the hall, Bokuto trailing after him. The black haired male bounced the ball again and walked over to position. Akaashi couldn't find any words to say at that moment. ", "It's fine. "More like acquaintances. He was trying to, he truly was, but he just couldn't. The light that came from outside reflected off of Bokuto's teardrops, lighting his face up in the most gentle of ways. ", Bokuto couldn't help but guffaw, his head tilting back. I never thought I would end up finishing this piece, but I am glad that I did. Akaashi's parents were intent on having him intern in a hospital nearby, so that he could stockpile more things that would look . Akaashi would answer his questions coldly, with little to no emotion, but Bokuto would cherish these answers and retort with excitement in his tone. It read: "If I knew those words I spoke a week ago would have been my last, I would have chosen them more carefully.". Once they'd reached it, Bokuto resumed his usual position and wrapped the thick blanket around himself, then turned away from Akaashi. "I don't want to." No!" "For a guy who's name is Kuroo, he sure is a colorful one." "I would hope so." ", Confused and mildly shocked, Akaashi made a face. He watched as Bokuto gathered it up in his arms and threw it around himself. Kuroo." He let it fall over his stomach, and there it rested. He pressed pause on his PSP and tapped one end of it against his open palm. "So Three hours is nothing." "The liquid started flooding into my mouth and nose, and it wasn't until I was suffocating that I forced myself awake.". "Hm? His mind wouldn't allow him to. Akaashi sat up straight and composed himself. What?" He re-read 'Sleep well, Akaashi!' Bokuto talked quietly in response to Kenma, gave a nod, and smiled. But in the end, I couldn't move. Often times, however, Akaashi would disagree with his parents, unhappy with the suggestions they'd given him. He hesitated for a moment, but finally spoke up. At some time while Akaashi was spacing out, the blue blanket that surrounded Bokuto had been pulled up just below his chin, with only his arm hanging out to hold onto Akaashi's hand. He nudged the bridge of his nose against the cool skin. what disease did, bokuto have in another lifekanawha county board of education. He turned his head to look out the window, eyeing the moon timidly. His voice was full of excitement as he proceeded to enter the name for his new contact. He smiled down at him. Akaashi furrowed his brow and looked outside, away from Bokuto. Complete and utter silence befell them afterwards. Akaashi could still feel the sensation of his wild white and black hair brushing against his cheek whenever he moved, and the warmth that came from him as he held him close. The bedsheets crumpled beneath his hands. It made Akaashi pity him, to say the least. He couldn't sleep for about an hour after the text, but ultimately slipped off to sleep. Bokuto was afraid to wake Akaashi. "I don't want you to grow any m-more attached to me th-than y-you already are. ", Bokuto looked over at the phone screen. Kenma's unconcerned tone contradicted his words, but something told Akaashi that he meant everything he was saying. His body jerked with each sob that was torn from him, his frame curling to bring himself closer. ", "I get panic attacks when you're not around," Bokuto answered simple-mindedly. An embarrassed chuckle escaped him. Having been neck deep in his own sorrows, Kuroo was blind to Akaashi's. Akaashi lifted his head in subtle interest. "Why not? "Ah. It was a good idea to have never told them about him after all. And remember, you're the best." Bokuto was bursting with emotion. I was the only one willing to give it to him." Akaashi stirred in bed slightly and let out a weak grunt. Kuroo panned the phone to his side, and a blurred Kenma came into focus on screen. "He's here? Akaashi yanked his hands away and stared at Bokuto. Don't worry about it.". to watch kuroo slowly die was a kind of pain i didn't know existed. There was nothing. But as he spoke about his favorite scene, Akaashi could sense a powerful vibe coming from him One that wasn't there before. Chloe was three years old when she became Chloe Holden, but her adoption didn't scar her, and she's had a great life. I couldn't put Bokuto through all of that. Akaashi cast a weary look in Bokuto's direction, gave a nod, and continued on his way until he was out of the building. Storms trigger them.". Can't be that Akaashi has ffi it's genetic and really really really rare like there's only 45 families that have the gene for it and I doubt Akaashi's from one of those, I hate yet love how the fandom can come up with the most depressing things like bro Im still not over the fanart people made for it. Slowly but gradually, Akaashi's heart rate picked up. You? His tired eyes were on Akaashi. A cool breeze passed through the garden just then, and in the distance, Bokuto held on tight to the burgundy knit scarf around his neck to keep warm. He only sniffed on occasion, and shifted in place, but never did he say anything to oppose Akaashi's decision. The hospital AU that no body asked for, but that I took upon myself to write. A light hearted laugh bubbled out from deep within his chest, and the sound filled the room as soon as it hit the air. Here too" His voice was weaker than before, if possible. Akaashi paused for a long moment and said nothing for a while. Akaashi shared a bench with Kenma. Kuroo spoke to him, and Akaashi listened and often responded. "Don't apologize.". "Are you here every day?". "What are you smiling at?" I loved this. His hands quivered as he dug his nails into his knuckles. "You do? Shut him out, don't let him in. btw, HERES THE DISCORD SERVER!! I won't let you go. He continued to stare on as he talked. How old is Bokuto and Akaashi? Reading it at 3am didn't help either because I was just crying in front of my phone screen until the sun rose. Bokuto followed briskly. Did Bokuto know about the lifespan of victims with his condition? The day was strangely chilly, with an occasional breeze now and then, causing the browning leaves to rustle in the trees above. You shouldn't be-". Both hands had clasped around Bokuto's own now, quavering without pause. People with dissociative disorders escape reality in ways that are involuntary and unhealthy and cause problems with functioning in everyday life. ", Akaashi scratched his head. He glowered at nothing in particular. "Shit- shit." "My parents aren't home.". Akaashi placed the small, white compressed lump of snow into Bokuto's palm. this broke my heart into tiny little pieces, I really don't know if I will ever be able to recover. "You seem a bit anxious." He was paler than the others who walked along in the halls, and soft, dark circles sat under his eyes. He threw it open and faced Bokuto, who was jogging to him with a smile and a shiver in each step. He paused. "My parents are out for a month," he'd unconsciously said, causing Bokuto to go into a begging frenzy to stay over until Akaashi said yes. We also all know how Bokuto also gets really depressed (Bokuto's emo mode) in the middle of matches. With this, he raised a quivering hand and his index finger. At other times, he would just tell him things that were on his mind. "What would you have chosen to say?". "Didn't that come off as remotely funny? Akaashi sat cross legged in the seat adjacent to Bokuto's bed. He knew full well the name of the disease he had. But as each second passed, Akaashi could feel his own pain building up more and more within him. Akaashi's parents were intent on having him intern in a hospital nearby, so that he could stockpile more things that would look good on his resume, for future purposes. "All the people who've contracted this disease eventually die within a year or less" This part was read aloud. [Yeah! He pressed his lips into a thin line and fell backwards on his bed. "They Aren't really there, are they?" "Don't cry over it." It's so good that I hate it so much because the sheer amount of pain it caused me. "I don't want you to visit me anymore. His eyes were glued to Akaashi's, and Akaashi found that he was unable to look away. Akaashi's eyes widened. To this, he shifted in closer and allowed his body to relax. He stared down at the screen, his brow furrowing slightly. After several seconds, he'd returned to see that Bokuto had changed his position in bed entirely. He didn't wait for Kuroo to respond and glanced into Bokuto's room. ", "So I can't sleep." They were thin and bony, and he could see those smooth blue veins curling over the bones beneath his flesh. "But why?" Bokuto turned his head, the pillow crumpling under his neck. In seconds, his hand was calm again. He glared at them intensely with that same placid expression of his, making this look all the more unnerving. His breathing was heavy, his heart rate quicker than usual; Akaashi could feel his heart pounding in his throat, making it difficult to swallow. You don't look like shit." Akaashi stuffed the sheets into his bag. "Akaashi Keiji." It doesn't make any sense.". Strange. "I see" Akaashi nodded once. ], [I see. Bokuto's fingers touched at Akaashi's knuckles. His emerald eyes met golden ones. He walked ahead quickly, straight into the room. "He's a bit more of An ass, to say the least." "But I thought you had that nightmare." "Nope." "So How are you taking all of this, if I may ask? Did you just Say that to yourself?". Nov 3, 2020 - Read Fan art (2) from the story In another life bokuto x akaashi by bakutosbigbooty with 18,728 reads. Akaashi tapped his fingers quietly against his pants. Akaashi was quick to withdraw his hand, but he managed it discretely. I read it about a month ago and I still haven't managed to explain the plot to someone without crying XD. His eyes read. Stop asking already. Akaashi set his phone down and leaned back slowly, resting the back of his head against his pillow. If you ever interact with him in even the slightest, you'll be reminded of just how good a person he really is. Akaashi leaned his head on his hand, chin resting in his palm. He kept his weary yellow eyes on Akaashi, waiting for him to nod. "I used to handle the cold better than this." "The gymnasium's about ten minutes that way." A hand tugged at his shirt weakly. So instead of putting on a sour expression, Akaashi only kept a neutral one, like he always did. At one point, he reached a hand up to grab the beanie off of his head, and he aimlessly chucked it to the ground with force. The practice of. He smiled. "It did at first, when I didn't understand why. "It was sudden." The cold was no longer a factor to Akaashi. This was their unspoken communication. Akaashi frowned deeply. On that one hand, three fingers stuck out. He paused for a moment, then spoke up again. Slowly, his yellow eyes scrolled to the side to catch Akaashi's gaze. It was the longest minute he'd ever been forced to sit through. At times, Akaashi would look through the conversations that he'd shared with him. "Sh-shut up, Akaashi" He breathed in deeply, frustrated with himself and the gradual growth of his speech impediment, but continued on. Bokuto knew this, and now Akaashi did, too. "You're too loud, be quiet." Normally, Akaashi would have walked away that instant in order to pay Bokuto a visit, but as he neared his room, he could hear two voices coming from within. "How does it feel? Are you alright?". It was one of those "White days", as Bokuto liked to call them, so he paid much more attention to the world beyond the glass than he did to his own confined life in the hospital. Statistics Chart Anything is fine." At the very least, definitely one of the most impactful. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. Furrowing his brow, Akaashi stared at his phone screen and lay his head down sideways. Bokuto's voice was soft, measly, and carried no force to it. "I'm taking it well, or at least I think I am. You're probably just not an emotional person, and that's ok. speckle park bull sales 2021 847-461-9794; what disease did, bokuto have in another life. Bokuto stared at the screen with interested eyes, wondering what the content would consist of. He was slow to speak up again, but did either way. Kuroo looked at Akaashi sideways. His laughter died down along with Akaashi's. He only looked like a tall, thin, black mass now as he stood near the stairway. "I did" He paused for a moment. He wasn't too sure why. His hands squeezed tightly around the navy blue blanket that enveloped him. He then turned his attention to Akaashi. It took some time, but he finally answered. In dismay, Bokuto sat up in bed and slowly reached around his neck to pull off the warm piece of cloth. Akaashi's arm cautiously wrapped itself around Bokuto's broad shoulders. His lips brushed against his collarbone in desperate search of that familiar warmth. He looked around and moved his fingers, trying to make out a phone. Pressing his lips into a thin slab of a line, Akaashi shook his head once more. Taking a seat on the edge of the bed, Bokuto rubbed the back of his neck. His eyes where set forward. When he was like this, Akaashi would think that he was resting, and he would almost believe that thought until Bokuto would twitch awake again, his body jerking him from what little relaxation he tried to achieve. I honestly dont know what to say Other then Im emotionally destroyed. Akaashi didn't know why he had this effect on him, but he did, and that was all that mattered to him. DEFINITELY. He kicked his legs out of bed and walked across his room to retrieve a thick blanket that sat bundled up in a rolling chair. "If it isn't too much trouble, may I come over?". By the time that movie ends, it'll be six. They find eachother again, and it's a happy ending. "I mean, in your state now, it's a bit clichd, don't you think?" He was shocked. Guessing quickly, Akaashi muttered, "One?". Akaashi stared intensely at the screen, then tore his gaze away and looked back to Bokuto. Akaashi rose from his seat to enter the room, but instead found Bokuto standing at the door in seconds, his eyes wide with surprise. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. Sho is shown to be a quiet and very polite boy. fandom for a reason, but reading it hit so much harder than I anticipated. Akaashi looked down the hall. Every now and then, it would come to him that Bokuto was only twenty years old, and that fact would only weigh Akaashi down even more than it usually did. " Are you here to see Bokuto Koutarou?" "They used to play volleyball together. He's going to be fine. "You don't need to know." The male across from him did well in hiding the look of offense that almost surfaced upon his face. ", "It's alright." Akaashi did not give him time to react to this as he moved closer still, and when he was close enough, he lowered his head to lean it on Bokuto's shoulder. Akaashi frowned and left his phone screen alone to dim and blacken. "Hey- hey!" Tokyo needs a little more snow now and then. "So I guess I am pretty good at being funny. Finding a breath between his laughter, Akaashi managed to speak. "I'm fine now.". It was a dreary place for him, a place he was not fond of, but a place he was obligated to visit. I recommend everyone who has the heart for it, READ THIS FIC! Thank you, Koutarou, for talking to me me in the hall that day And asking me if I was alright. Judging by his still trembling hands, he knew he wasn't. He directed his attention to a grinning Bokuto who eagerly sat up in bed. His head slumped against his shoulder, and both his hands rested on his stomach. I would have Kenma say bye, too, but-" He turned his head to look around, "He left the room? Kenma almost murmured the words. He turned his head towards the window, away from Akaashi. Bokuto chortled quietly and placed his head back on Akaashi's shoulder. ", "Comforting?" Looking back to Bokuto, he was relieved to see that he still had his attention on the window. "I see." He swallowed thick, and turned his head to stare out the window again. But that still doesn't make me a better person. That was enough for Akaashi to remove his hand from in front his mouth slowly, moving it to rest it over his chin. "I look Like shit, I know.". He stared up at Akaashi with that smile that never seemed to fade. ], [Are you calming down? Akaashi shoved his visitor lightly. Out in the dead of night stood Bokuto, with the burgundy knit scarf around his neck, a jacket, jeans, and slippers.