He helps Fang drink some water from the Ape-Men's reserves and then uses it to make mud that he patches her wounds with. As an experienced hunter, he is not bothered by brutal violence and feels little empathy when slaughtering animals and larger dinosaurs. When he returns later in the evening, he sees a horde of wild dogs trying to get into the cave and fights his way through them to get inside. After besting Fang, the Chieftain roasted Spear, but the caveman's killer instinct kept him going. Unnamed father (deceased)Unnamed family (deceased)Mira (wife)Unnamed daughter Story by He had long, shaggy black hair and thick eyebrows, long canine teeth, and was covered in large amounts of rough body hair. They are, however, once again besieged by the Viking Chieftain and his son. The infected sauropod leaps at them and causes the ground to break. The ship was carrying Viking Chieftain and his eldest son, Eldar, who weren't present during the massacre of their home village, but upon returning from another slave hunt, witness the aftermath of the onslaught and so went on a search for vengeance for the death's of their people. Lastly, Celtic Chiefs age is estimated to be 60 years old because he looks older than Mira and Spear based on his appearance in Primal Wiki. Neanderthals were shorter than modern humans. Heroic Neanderthal, Weapon proficiencySurvival masteryHunting masteryIndomitable willHigh intelligenceNeanderthal physiologyEnhanced strengthEnhanced durabilityEnhanced speedEnhanced staminaEnhanced agilityEnhanced leapingEnhanced sensesEnhanced accuracyEnhanced recoveryEnhanced enduranceEnhanced lung capacityHeat resistanceStrong teethOil Mutation: (temporary). When Fang is brutally beaten to the brink of death by Krog, Spear furiously avenges her by slaughtering the entirety of the Ape-men tribe. As the two reunite the guards and Ima are alerted by the caveman's pressence and so a fight ensues. His arms and legs were extra wide in comparison to the rest of his body. He has some difficulty killing them at first due to their armored exoskeletons but soon discovers their undersides are soft. He steals the Ape-Men's saucer, containing their mysterious black enhancement serum, and consumes it entirely. In ancient times it came in conflict . Spear and Fang then watch as the Infected Argentionsaurus screams in horror as its body is consumed by flames, Spear watching with a look of pity. Alias(es) In Slave of the Scorpion, Spear was immediately curious of Mira upon first seeing her. Not wanting to see another family torn apart, Spear intervenes by helping the mother Tyrannosaurus kill the hostile dinosaurs. Spear and Fang follow the bear tracks for an entire day, which leads them to a another human village at night. Spear[3] is the protagonist of Primal. After they were eaten and killed by the Tyrannosauruses, he was left in a state of depression after their demise and even considered taking his own life. Utilizing his raw strength and capable of crafting stone weapons, tools, fires, and basic articles of clothing, Spear was readily capable of looking after himself and dispatching any threats that came against him or those close to him. With a height of approximately 10 feet, Kamau is incomparably large for a human. RELATED: Primal's Surprising Jaws Twist Makes for a Better Action Aesthetic. Mira walks in one morning on him sleeping and takes notice of the mural, immediately empathizing with Spear's state of mind. By Austin Allison . As a fight breaks out between the two groups it is Spear and Fang who come out as the victors as both bears are slain and one of the barbarians is swiftly killed by Spear. It was quite brutal, which saw many men and women, some innocent, being mauled to death. Despite Fang's best efforts to mitigate the conflict Red sees Spear as nothing but food and Spear sees him as just another adversary. He wears orange cloth around his waist and orange bands around his arms. Why 'PRIMAL's Spear and Fang Are the Perfect Man & Beast Duo. Mira shared a look with her daughter, marveling at . When Spear discovered that Fang had laid a second brood of eggs, he was elated and hugged the dinosaur, as he knew how important raising a brood was to her. As he makes his way to the top floor he finds Ima keeping both Amal and Fang's eggs nearby at all times. At first he tries swimming after the ship, but even his great strength cannot compete with the vastness of the ocean. However, when he notices her saddened and heartbroken expression, he begins to doubt his initial judgment. It's why many expected Mira, the runaway slave Spear rescued and fell in love with, to perish as well. The three of them are thus made slaves by the commanding woman, lma, with Mira sent of in a different part of the Collosaeus, while Spear and Fang are locked up in a holding chamber alongside Kamau. With no other options Spear angrily runs towards the hellish chieftain. Enemies Spear showed a notable fondness of Mira, and was incredibly gentle and patient with the homo sapian woman. The trek proves to be treacherous and frightening as neither of the two companions had ever faced the vast expanse of the open ocean. Spider-Man has declared that this article is still. The Mega Shark resurfaces to once again catch Spear in its jaws, but with another piece of broken wood in his arm Spear tosses it in the shark's right eye. They are intimidated by the wild ocean fauna, including a herd of whales. ("Rage of the Ape-Men"). With their freedom restored Spear and company begin sailing away. As the ship also gets hit by rocks Mira is forced to take the helm and steer the ship to shore. I'm a former Chemical Engineer. She threatened Amal's life as an incentive for Kamau to do so. Upon the hatching of Fang's surviving offspring, Spear instantly dots on them and helps guard over them. WARNING: This article contains major spoilers. Immediately after losing his new friend, Spear begins a quest to rescue Mira. The creature screams and is writhing in agony as the fires consume its now-visable body. Origin Spear and Mira are able to fend off against the warriors from the first vessel, but immediately after are faced against Kamau, a giant African male, equal in size to Fang and just as strong, who can withstand arrow shots as well as blows from both Spear and Fang. Type of Hero Primeval future predator in primal. As the chieftain gets pummeled by Spear midway during free-fall he is likewise slammed into the side of the cliff. He also tries touching the eggs in his curiosity, only to have Fang push him aside do to her maternal instincts kicking in. ("Dawn of Man"), A hunting party of vikings, riding on top of cave bears, arrive back to the village. Still Spear doesn't let go of his grudge and merely glares at Kamau while they are caged. During this, he spots more wild dogs are now stalking them. When he finally reaches his family's den, he finds his mate, daughter, and son all being attacked and eaten by three horned theropods. After having transformed into a hulking behemoth, Spear proceeds to beat Krog to death, followed by the eradication of the rest of the Ape-Men. His father, either being the tribe's greatest warrior or its chieftain, died while protecting the rest from a pack of smilodons that had invaded the cave. Do-Gooder He is a heroic Neanderthal who struggles to survive the violent and brutal conditions of the primordial world, and in the process, forges an unlikely bond with Fang, a female Tyrannosaur. Spear quickly deduces the situation at hand: Fang is in labor and is about to lay eggs. Published Aug 4, 2022. In his fear and confusion Spear makes a get away, but is pursued by the Celtic tribe's warriors through the streets of the settlement. When Mira is recaptured by the Viking slavers, Spear immediately sets out to rescue her. Fang manages to catch Spear in her mouth, but the high ocean waves come crashing over them. This enrages Spear and company, who gang up on the giant. She is a Homo sapiens who was enslaved by a mysterious group of Vikings until she escaped, whereupon she soon encountered Spear and Fang, who become her new friends and companions. Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! Mistaking her for his family's killers, Spear followed Fang to her nest with the intent of attacking her, but stopping after seeing her young. He deduces that Red, the tyrannosaur whom Fang had befriended before, was a male that impregnated her while together. Spear, who takes notice of both of their needs, builds a new nest for Fang onboard of the longboat and with Mira's help manages to get the tyrannosaur and her eggs on the vessel, despite some initial hesitation of Fang's part. Spear and the mother Tyrannosaurus, now known as Fang, helplessly watch as the massive alpha devours the young offspring in a single bite. Mira is happily reunited with her kinsmen, as well as her father, albeit with some regret over her capture. But it makes sense why he'd be short. After a period of respite the duo's luck is once again put to the test after the ocean proves yet again to be far to dangerous for the likes of them. Fang pressures Spear not to openly face the creature as its scent made her weary. He was very loving of his family, and especially doted on his two children. In terms of his physique, he is stout and muscular. AdventurerSurvivalistHunter He is a heroic Neanderthal who struggles to survive the violent and brutal conditions of the primordial world, and in the process, forges an unlikely bond with Fang, a female Tyrannosaur . However, Spear was burned beyond saving. It ran for 10. Though during the course of his journey, he seems to have made peace with the death of his family, but has not forgotten them. -M-NUva. Lastly, Celtic Chief is also estimated to have the same height as the average height of men based on The Bone Science. All three of them make it to the village dock and board a longboat and sail away. ("The Colossaeus, Part II"), The following morning Spear, Mira and Fang are once again bound in chains, except now they are being sentenced to death, with Kamau being forced to act as their executioner. Initially, Spear views her like all the other witches in the coven, an enemy. Still filled with hatred as he mistakenly believes it to be one of the horned theropods who killed his family, Spear follows the dinosaur with the plan of killing it. "Slave of the Scorpion," of Genndy Tartakovksy's Primal. with it's landing also resulting in the raft being broken into splintered lumber. After some close calls, including Spear taking a falling rock to the head, the duo manages to escape the beast by going through a crevasse that's too narrow for it. During the onslaught Spear is momentarily horrified to having fought children and women with infants among the vikings. Hobby He and Mira later witness Fang laying three eggs. She attempts to explain her story to Spear and helps him understand by drawing pictures in the dirt. We and our partners use cookies to Store and/or access information on a device. But Spear cannot help but illustrate himself standing alone, thus further describing his loneliness and lack of purpose. ago Sounds about right 4 SICRA14 4 mo. As the two devour the animal's meat, Spear uses the turtle's shell as a makeshift parasol for him and Fang, protecting them from the sun's rays. This weapon can be used to get early tames. So, he is probably 5 feet and 9.5 inches tall. Initially, Spear and Fang would fight over food, as both had no intention of sharing with each other. Mira was taller than the viking she decapitated, Well Id say 55 because average height of a Neanderthal male is 54 - 55 maybe 56 at the most, he is not a neanderthal olso spear is the name of the weapon spaer is a real name his name is spaer. It's part and parcel of the cruel, prehistoric world Spear and Fang live in, catalyzed by the caveman and dinosaur losing their families. Full Name Spear continues to make sparks until he ignites a fire. Spear manages to locate a cave wherein they set up camp for the following nights. Sometime later, while hunting fish for himself to eat, Spear spots the silhouette of a Tyrannosaurus catching a mouthful of fish before retreating into a marsh. Toggle Ascension Materials Total Cost (0 6) Any Normal Attack, Charged Attack, Plunging Attack, Elemental Skill and Elemental Burst can be used to trigger the on-hit effect, even if no damage is dealt. Later, he climbs a tall cliff and stands at it's edge, where he attempts suicide. Worse still, they left with no food onboard, prompting Spear to try swimming for food. Unknown Mira is among these slaves and joyfully reunites with Spear, who is likewise cheerful to having found her. He jolts awake and exits the cave to check on the beast. Enraged, Spear prepares to take on the trio, but their gargantuan alpha appears and summons them back into the forest before they can attack Spear. In "Echoes of Eternity", after the Viking Chieftain mortally wounds him, nearly all of Spear's skin had melted off or was brutally scalded. Spear and Fang are heavily outnumbered in their fight against the Vikings but Spear's ferocity begins to turn the tide. With Spear and Fang's help Mira is able to safely anchor the longboat by tying it to a sturdy tree. Because of his inability to speak, Spear was physically affectionate with those that he was close to, as particularly evidenced with Mira, Fang, and both of Fang's offspring. Airdate Thus, when Spear called out her name, probably just to remind her he loved her, Mira decided to have sex with him. As he looks at his spear tip being covered in a flame, he figures out a way to stop the attacker. As all three begin slaughtering their captors they are overwhelmed and fatigued, and one of Fang's offspring is shot with an arrow in the leg. ("Terror Under the Blood Moon") Despite their victory, the two would later be held prisoners by a tribe of belligerent Ape-Men, led by a chimpanzee-like shaman, who forced them into fighting against their champion, the gorilla-like warrior Krog, after he had drank a small portion from a black liquid which increased his strength further, mutating him. As such, Spear and Fang take turns pushing the raft; Spear partially submerging himself and swimming against the back of the raft, while Fang uses her tail as a makeshift rudder. He chases her through the forest and corners her, and eventually gets her to calm down after lighting a fire to warm her. Bonding with Fang.Hunting animals. RELATED: Primal Just Turned Spear and Fang Into Their Worst Enemy - But It Works. She refuses to leave without the other slaves and coaxes Spear to help her free them. Firstly, Spear is estimated to have the same height as the average height of men according to The Bone Science. As the two follow after Mira's kidnappers, they are shocked to discover that Mira had been recaptured by the slavers whom she mentioned the night before. Watch more episodes of. The Plague Monster swims through the lava and erupts from the ground beneath them, causing the pair to land on its back. They leave it flailing and roaring while they descend into a volcanic plain. "Echoes of Eternity" begins with a . As soon as they land to the foot of the hill, Spear is tended to by Mira, while the Viking Chieftain is stripped of his pyrokinetic form and dragged down into the earth by the Demonic Entity. Despite this, he is still shown to care for his family, sympathizes with Fang when he sees her offspring killed, risking his life to protect them and feeling devastated when he fails, and taking pity on weak and helpless creatures.