Section 40:3-5 - Commission to supersede all commissions; body corporate; disbursements; investments Section 40:3-6 - Certain officers to act when commission not functioning Section 40:45-20 - Continuation of provisions for run-off elections, Section 40:45-21 - Run-off elections; adoption or abandonment of provisions; submission by ordinance or petition to voters; vote necessary. Section 40:12-15.9 - Lands acquired by municipality held in trust. Section 40:48-2.54 - Model schedule of towing, storage services adopted by municipality, county. Section 40:44-16 - Publication of notice of ward boundaries. Section 40:55D-88.6 - Master plan for physical, economic and social development of Dismal Swamp. Section 40:50-16 - Host community benefit agreements. Section 40:11-17 - Salaries not affected by 1930 census or reclassification act; exceptions, Section 40:11-17.1 - Salaries not affected by 1940 census or reclassification act; exceptions, Section 40:11-22 - Pensions on death of policemen or firemen killed in line of duty; amounts, Section 40:11-24 - Prospective payment with respect to members killed after January 1, 1956, Section 40:11-25 - Inclusion of necessary amounts in budget, Section 40:11A-2 - Declaration of necessity of legislation, Section 40:11A-4 - Creation of parking authorities. Section 40:14B-19 - Purposes, acquisition of facilities; alternative electrical energy. Section 40:55D-12.1 - Registration for notice to utility, CATV company, Section 40:55D-12.2 - Local utility notice of applications. Section 40:48-1.6 - Findings, declarations relative to private outdoor video surveillance cameras. Section 40:55D-136.6 - Liberal construction. Section 40:43-66.57 - Discharge of commission, Section 40:43-66.58 - Recommendations in final report, Section 40:43-66.60 - Special charter; petition to legislature upon approval of plan by voters. Section 40:23-6.43 - Appropriations and payments of State aid. Section 40:55D-146 - Provisions of development transfer ordinance. Section 40:66A-2 - Public interest and policy declared. Section 40:14A-8.4 - Credit provided by sewerage authority for damage caused by catastrophic event. ; ordinance authorized, Section 40:48-2.13a - Municipal ordinance requiring solid waste removal, Section 40:48-2.14 - Cost for removal; lien. Section 40:56A-4.1 - Definitions relative to authorities, boards, commissions. Section 40:48-2.12t - Senior Citizen Priority Parking Program created by municipality. Section 40:48-2.12a1 - Inspection of buildings. Section 40:69A-43a - Administrative department salaries, Section 40:69A-43.1 - Deputy director of department, Section 40:69A-43.2 - Powers and duties of deputy, Section 40:69A-44 - Department of administration; director; qualifications; powers and duties, Section 40:69A-45 - Preparation of budget, Section 40:69A-46 - Budget submitted to council, Section 40:69A-46.1 - Mayor-council plan deadline, Section 40:69A-47 - System of work programs and quarterly allotments, Section 40:69A-60.2 - Powers and duties of deputies, secretaries and aides, Section 40:69A-60.3 - Municipalities over 300,000; department of administration; assistant business administrator, Section 40:69A-60.4 - Powers and duties of assistant business administrator. Section 40:23-8.13 - County firemen's association; contribution, Section 40:23-8.14 - Nonprofit child care centers or committees or councils coordinating child care; annual appropriation of funds by counties or municipalities, Section 40:23-8.15 - Contract as basis for appropriation, Section 40:23-8.16 - County facilities leased by nonprofit or charitable association; reimbursement of costs of renovation, Section 40:23-8.17 - Private nonprofit camps for emotionally maladjusted or physically undernourished children; authorization for appropriations, Section 40:23-8.18 - Community action programs defined, Section 40:23-8.19 - Appropriation and distribution by county or municipality to agency or organization maintaining community action programs, Section 40:23-8.20 - Continuance after expiration of authorizing legislation, Section 40:23-8.21 - Cooley's anemia; promotion of public awareness, referral service for testing and expenses incidental to diagnosis and treatment; appropriations, Section 40:23-8.22 - National burn victim foundation; contributions by counties or municipalities, Section 40:23-8.23 - Legislative findings, Section 40:23-8.24 - Burn prevention and treatment, private, nonprofit organizations; contributions, Section 40:23-8.25 - Center for performing and visual arts; appropriation of funds, Section 40:23-8.26 - Tay-Sachs disease; county aid, Section 40:23-8.27 - Legislative findings, Section 40:23-8.28 - County aid to health, welfare councils, Section 40:23-8.29 - Appropriations by county authorized, Section 40:23-9 - Depositories for moneys, Section 40:23-11 - Judiciary fund for salaries of court and probate clerks, Section 40:23-14 - Public works jointly constructed and maintained; county and municipal co-operation, Section 40:23-15 - Ballot; form and content, Section 40:23-16 - Contents of joint contract; amendments, Section 40:23-17 - Acquisition of property; officers and employees, Section 40:23-18 - Costs and expenses; appropriations; bond issues, Section 40:23-19 - Use of municipal sewer by county, Section 40:23-20 - Resolution by board of freeholders; exceptions, Section 40:23-21 - Contents of resolution; fees fixed, Section 40:23-22 - Inspectors; appointment, compensation and qualifications, Section 40:23-23 - Inspection; certificate by inspector, Section 40:23-24 - Companies to supply current upon certificate; enforcement, Section 40:23-25 - Article inapplicable in certain cases, Section 40:23-26 - Sale of personal property and surplus output of county institutions, Section 40:23-27 - Advertisement for bids where value exceeds $1,000, Section 40:23-27.3 - Sale of unneeded building to municipality for municipal purposes, Section 40:23-28 - Freeholders to furnish crushed stone to municipalities, Section 40:23-29 - Maximum amount to be furnished by county, Section 40:23-30 - Stone furnished on request, Section 40:23-31 - Reapportionment of unclaimed stone, Section 40:23-32 - Purposes for which stone may be used, Section 40:23-33 - Selling or otherwise disposing of stone a misdemeanor; exception, Section 40:23-47 - Findings, declarations, Section 40:23-49 - 9-1-1 locatable mailing address system, Section 40:23-50 - Guidelines for implementation of act, Section 40:23-51 - Completion of review required, Section 40:23-52 - Use of municipal names. Section 40:55D-38.1 - Solar panels not included in certain calculations relative to approval of subdivisions, site plans. Section 40:56-71.1 - Definitions relative to downtown business improvement zones. Section 40:55D-66.5a - Findings, declarations, Section 40:55D-66.5b - Family day care homes permitted use in residential districts; definitions, Section 40:55D-66.6 - Child care centers located in nonresidential municipal districts; permitted, Section 40:55D-66.7 - Child care center excluded in calculation of density of building, Section 40:55D-66.7a - Child care programs, exemption from local zoning restrictions, Section 40:55D-66.8 - Siting of structure, equipment for groundwater remedial action, Section 40:55D-66.9 - Variance for remedial action, Section 40:55D-66.10 - Methadone clinic deemed business for zoning purposes. Section 40:55D-145 - Characteristics of receiving zone. Section 40:37-203 - Powers of park police. Section 40:12-1.1 - Appointment of alternate members to local boards of recreation commissioners, Section 40:12-2 - Additional commissioners in certain municipalities, Section 40:12-3 - Acquisition of property; costs estimated and determined, Section 40:12-4 - Acquisition of property; authorization; condemnation, Section 40:12-5 - Games and exhibitions; admission fee; no charge for children. Section 40:66A-26 - Banks authorized to give undertaking; deposits. Section 40:45-9 - Individual certificates of nomination. Section 40:52-14 - Conditions for refusing license, public hearing, Section 40:52-15 - Issuance, renewal of license. Section 40:33-8 - County library commission. Terrence Mulligan, Lt. Jeff McCarrick, Sgt. Section 40:48-2.12r - Complaints, proceedings against landlord, recovery from tenant. Section 40:54D-13 - Reserve fund created. Section 40:54D-10 - "State Tax Uniform Procedure Law" applicable, Section 40:54D-12 - Revenues deposited in funds. Section 40:20-71.3 - Veto power of director of board of chosen freeholders, certain. Section 40:54D-23 - Maintenance of projects. Submit a Tip Alarm Registration Firearms General Code Book Welcome to the Middle Township Police Department website. Section 40:23-7 - Power to raise money by taxation, Section 40:23-8 - Appropriations to Civil War organizations; purposes, Section 40:23-8.1 - Appropriations for observance of Memorial Day, Section 40:23-8.2a - Junior college; appropriations in counties over 300,000, Section 40:23-8.3 - Protecting roads against erosion by tidewater, Section 40:23-8.4 - Blood and its derivatives; contributions for collection and distribution authorized, Section 40:23-8.5 - Appropriations for blood collection purposes; borrowing money, Section 40:23-8.6 - Appropriations annually for expenses, Section 40:23-8.7 - Appropriations during year when blood collection act is adopted--borrowing money. Section 40:23-6.52 - Acceptable forms of payment for road opening permits. Section 40:48F-5 - Collection, administration of tax. Section 40:62-128 - Sale of property and distributing system; sale of water to purchaser, Section 40:62-129 - Commission to operate works and manage supply; agreement for, Section 40:62-130 - Organization; commission for acquisition of works dissolved, Section 40:62-132 - Commission cannot incur debts for municipality; appropriations for expenses, Section 40:62-133 - Acquisition of additional property, water rights and waterworks; bonds; proceeds, Section 40:62-133.1 - Findings, declarations, Section 40:62-133.2 - Commission empowered to issue bonds, Section 40:62-133.3 - Issuance of bonds by the commission, Section 40:62-133.4 - Sale of bonds, price, Section 40:62-133.5 - Bond resolution, publication, Section 40:62-133.6 - Negotiability of bonds, Section 40:62-133.7 - Provisions permitted in bond resolution, Section 40:62-133.8 - Appointment of trustee in event of default, Section 40:62-133.9 - Appointment of receiver, Section 40:62-133.10 - Commission members, State, county or local units not liable on bonds, Section 40:62-133.11 - Commission property exempt from levy, sale, Section 40:62-133.12 - Investment of sinking funds, other moneys, funds, Section 40:62-133.13 - Waterworks public property, bonds exempt from taxation, Section 40:62-133.14 - State shall not alter commission's, bond holders' rights, Section 40:62-133.15 - Agreements between commission and bank or banking institution, Section 40:62-133.16 - Filing of copy of bond resolution, Section 40:62-134 - Sale of surplus water; laying of pipes; consent required, Section 40:62-135 - Contracts; engineers and assistants. Section 40:85-11 - Nomination, election of officers for new government. Section 40:37-95.13a - County park commissions, Section 40:37-95.14 - Right to acquire real estate and other property; grants by franchise, lease or contract, Section 40:37-95.15 - Power of eminent domain, Section 40:37-95.17 - Real estate owned by municipality; conveyance to county, Section 40:37-95.18 - Roadways; parkways; grade; alteration, Section 40:37-95.19 - Sale of land not required for park purposes; auction, Section 40:37-95.20 - Vacation of roadways and other ways, Section 40:37-95.21 - Rules and regulations; protection of parks; penalties, Section 40:37-95.22 - Adoption of act; referendum; notice, Section 40:37-95.24 - Adoption by majority vote; commissioners appointed within 90 days, Section 40:37-95.25 - Existing laws relating to county park systems, etc., not repealed, Section 40:37-95.26 - Office and expenses of commission, Section 40:37-95.28 - Submission of adoption of act to voters, Section 40:37-95.30 - Adopted law immediately operative, Section 40:37-95.31 - Funds for land and improvements; limitation upon obligations, Section 40:37-95.33 - Submission of adoption of act to voters, Section 40:37-95.35 - Adopted act immediately operative, Section 40:37-95.36 - Disposition of lands by county park commission; resolution, Section 40:37-95.37 - Certification of resolution. All Ranks! Section 40:48C-5 - Alcoholic beverage tax. Section 40:15A-2 - "Yellow Dot Program," establishment permitted. Section 40:55D-149 - Submission by municipality prior to adoption of ordinance to county planning board. Section 40:37A-56 - Report to governing body; powers limited, Section 40:37A-58 - Compliance of facility charges with terms of lease or other agreement regarding facility; adjustment of charges, Section 40:37A-60 - Purpose of issuance; bonds authorized; pledge of contributions or revenue, or real or personal property, Section 40:37A-62 - Filing copy of bond resolution; publication; effect, Section 40:37A-63 - Covenants and agreements with holders of bonds, Section 40:37A-67 - Negotiability of bonds, Section 40:37A-68 - Act as complete authority for issuance of bonds, Section 40:37A-68.1 - Contract or agreement to meet deficiency in revenues; approval, Section 40:37A-70 - Declaration of taking; effect, Section 40:37A-71 - Deposit of estimated compensation, Section 40:37A-72 - Right of entry and use of land, Section 40:37A-73 - Service of notice; payment, Section 40:37A-74 - Abandonment of condemnation proceedings, Section 40:37A-76 - Actions by municipalities or county, Section 40:37A-77 - Sale, lease, loan, grant or conveyance of, or permit to use, real or personal property of county or municipality, Section 40:37A-78 - Lease or other agreement with authority to use public facilities, Section 40:37A-79 - Appropriations by county or municipality, Section 40:37A-81 - Pledge or assignment of lease or other agreement to secure bonds of authority, Section 40:37A-82 - Exemption of property of authority from levy and sale, Section 40:37A-83 - Payments to municipalities or political subdivisions in lieu of taxes, Section 40:37A-84 - Bonds as legal investments, Section 40:37A-86 - Guarantee of vested rights of bondholders, Section 40:37A-87 - Undertakings for deposits of authority, Section 40:37A-89 - Filing of copy of bond resolution, Section 40:37A-92 - Public transportation facility; employees; self-organization, Section 40:37A-93 - Representation of majority of employees; election, Section 40:37A-94 - Acquisition of privately-owned transportation system; transfer of employees, Section 40:37A-95 - Protective conditions and benefits for employees, Section 40:37A-96 - Labor disputes; arbitration, Section 40:37A-98 - Authorization to engage in public transportation within and beyond county limits, Section 40:37A-99 - Authority deemed a public utility; powers and operations, Section 40:37A-100 - Solid waste disposal systems; applicability of Solid Waste Management Act, Section 40:37A-101 - Selection of site location for disposal system, Section 40:37A-102 - Responsibility for selection of final site; approval required, Section 40:37A-103 - Classification of solid waste facility as public utility, Section 40:37A-104 - Municipalities; use of facilities, Section 40:37A-105 - Exclusion of alternate method of solid waste disposal by municipality with contract with county, Section 40:37A-106 - Legislative findings and declarations, Section 40:37A-109 - Application for loan; forms; contents, Section 40:37A-110 - Priority in grant of loans; considerations, Section 40:37A-111 - Terms and conditions of loans, Section 40:37A-112 - Additional conditions; powers of authority, Section 40:37A-113 - Eligibility for admission to housing projects; periodic examination of income; removal due to excessive income, Section 40:37A-114 - Priorities in eligibility for admission. Section 40:54D-21 - Public purpose of authority. Section 40:48H-3 - Tax proceeds anticipated as dedicated revenues; appropriation. Section 40:55D-62.1 - Notice of hearing on amendment to zoning ordinance. Section 40:20-35.11a - Vacancy on board of chosen freeholders eligible to be filled by election; exceptions. Section 40:14B-22.3 - Utilities authority, reduced fees for certain affordable housing projects. Section 40:54-29.10 - Joint library trustees, Section 40:54-29.11 - Termination of boards of trustees of free public libraries of participating municipalities; assets and obligations, Section 40:54-29.12 - Board of trustees as body corporate; name, Section 40:54-29.13a - Joint free public library administrators, duties. Section 40:48B-4.1 - Contracts for joint provision of law enforcement services, Section 40:48B-4.2 - Merging of bargaining units, Section 40:48B-14 - Office of joint municipal tax assessor; establishment, Section 40:48B-15 - Appointment of joint municipal tax assessor, personnel; apportionment of operating costs, Section 40:48B-16 - Term; reappointment; removal, Section 40:48B-17 - Assessors holding office on effective date of this act, Section 40:48B-18 - Employees deemed employees of municipality having largest apportionment valuation on effective date of act, Section 40:48B-19 - Function of assessor; records, Section 40:48B-20 - Termination of joint agreement, Section 40:48B-21 - Applicability of Consolidated Municipal Service Act. Section 40:55D-31 - Review by planning board. Section 40:66A-10 - Revenue bonds authorized, purpose, issuing details. Section 40:69A-150 - Municipal elections; time. Section 40:66A-25 - Competitive systems; State's pledge and agreement with bondholders. September 2022 Law Enforcement Status Report; Municipal Police Title Series. Section 40:14-5 - Work done as local or general improvement; notice. Section 40:56-79 - Advisory board; members; duties; district management corporation, Section 40:56-80 - Annual report; costs of operation and maintenance and annual improvements; hearing on and approval of estimates; assessments; disposition of funds. Section 40:43-66.45 - Membership of joint municipal consolidation study commission. Is A Backswimmer A Secondary Consumer . Section 40:55D-29 - Preparation of capital improvement program. Section 40:12-15.1 - Definitions relative to recreation, conservation, floodplain protection, farmland, and historic preservation. Section 40:54D-31 - Authorization to collect rates, charges, fees for use of projects, Section 40:54D-33 - Government entity may convey property, Section 40:54D-34 - Cooperation of county, municipality. Section 40:43-66.47 - Appointment of commissioner's representative. Section 40:37A-55.1 - Power of authority for purposes of redevelopment of blighted, deteriorated or deteriorating areas. Section 40:48C-1.3 - Parking tax, surcharge, certain municipalities. Section 40:66A-14 - Provisions of bond resolutions. Section 40:66A-4 - Creation of incinerator or environmental services authority. Section 40:56-78 - Limitation on liability for injury to person or property due to movable structures, appurtenances, etc. Section 40:12-15.7 - Submission by municipality of proposition authorizing annual levy. Section 40:14-3 - Improvement of waterways; joint contracts. Section 40:37-12 - Appropriations for park purposes; referendum; petition, Section 40:37-13 - Certain counties governed hereby, Section 40:37-14 - Amount to be raised annually; determination, Section 40:37-15 - Money paid to park authorities, Section 40:37-15.2 - Counties having park system established by referendum pursuant to section 40:37-96, Section 40:37-16 - Money for construction or improvement of county parks, Section 40:37-17 - Acquisition of lands in adjoining county contiguous to county park, Section 40:37-17.1 - Joint development and operation of park and recreational facilities by adjoining counties, Section 40:37-18 - Rules and regulations effective throughout park; arrests; prosecutions, Section 40:37-19 - Commissioners; terms; powers and duties; vacancies, Section 40:37-20 - Assistants; limitation of expenditures, Section 40:37-21 - Commissioners; appointment; terms; powers and duties; vacancies, Section 40:37-22 - Assistants; compensation and expenses, Section 40:37-95.1 - Applicable to all counties; inoperative until approved by voters, Section 40:37-95.4 - Officers; appointees; term; compensation, Section 40:37-95.4a - Counties of second class between 460,000 and 525,000; tenure of employees, Section 40:37-95.5 - Powers of commission; records; meetings, Section 40:37-95.6 - President; vice-president; secretary; duties; disbursements, Section 40:37-95.7 - Appointments of commission; approval by board of chosen freeholders, Section 40:37-95.8 - Adverse interest of officer or employee; misdemeanor, Section 40:37-95.9 - Office; expenditures; limitation; appropriation of moneys from revenue producing facilities, Section 40:37-95.10 - Moneys required to be raised by taxation; bonds, Section 40:37-95.10a - Issuance of bonds or other obligations of county pursuant to Local Bond Law; limitation on amount, Section 40:37-95.10b - Submission of act to voters, Section 40:37-95.10d - Operative upon approval of voters by majority vote, Section 40:37-95.10e - Issuance of bonds or other obligations of county pursuant to Local Bond Law; limitation on amount, Section 40:37-95.10f - Submission of act to voters, Section 40:37-95.10h - Operative upon approval of voters by majority vote, Section 40:37-95.10i - Bonds or other obligations; issuance; amount, Section 40:37-95.10j - Additional bonds or obligations; issuance for land, improvements or payment of notes; limitations, Section 40:37-95.10k - Submission to and approval by voters, Section 40:37-95.10l - Public question; submission to voters, Section 40:37-95.10m - Majority vote to adopt; operative effect, Section 40:37-95.10n - Additional bonds, obligations for land and improvements for county parks, Section 40:37-95.10o - Submission of question to voters, Section 40:37-95.12 - Records; annual statements; audits. We make no warranties or guarantees about the accuracy . Section 40:48E-5 - Hotel owners, tax payments; calculation, refund. Section 40:67-16.5a - Fines for violation of certain truck route ordinances; required signage.