So dont give up! Right after the 5th consumption, I had to go. Also did a couple of warm water sitz baths to keep area clean. Still take the second dose at 10pm. Be an Advocate. Used this hideous prep as it is the only one the gastroenterologist would prescribe for colonoscopy. Prep: Sodium sulfate, potassium sulfate, and magnesium sulfate (Suprep).How to take it: Two 12-ounce doses, each followed by a quart of water. But its necessary, so he does it. These cookies do not store any personal information. Learn How Genetics Make Some Fans of Fear, Dr. Whyte's Book: Take Control of Your Cancer Risk, How Breast Cancer Changed My Life and Me, Health News and Information, Delivered to Your Inbox. Three procedures btwn Oct and June. Some require prescription and costs vary, but you do have options when it comes to prep. I cant imagine drinking the prep again makes me nauseated just thinking of it! I wish I had known about the liquids I could try but I just took the 2 litres of moviprep and a little soda water. Everything Ive heard about the prep is the night before, and I know that once I start the Miralax mixture, I should expect to be in the bathroom all the time. 6.5 hours later, I awoke and had to dump. Bad enough I have to be unclothed and unconscious. then running to the bathroom for the next 3 hours. thank you for sharing!!! Double-ply, soft toilet paper will be important as you prep for your colonoscopy. Ive been anxious over this whole procedure for months now. Some survivors have also found electrolyte drinks, such as Pedialyte, can provide important hydration prior to the procedure. SUTAB includes 24 tablets that must be taken before the colonoscopy. It took me about 35 minutes to drink all 16 oz's. But never again. I was so scared the night before that I called my doctor panicking and almost cancelled the procedure. Read More Read Less, Since I read very mixed reviews of this ranging from light to be illegal to tasted like a magrarita I thought Id add one more it was fine for me. Its never going to be 100 percent pleasant having the runs for a couple of hours, but I was fine. I felt like I had the flu. I took 4 mirolax at noon then mixed the ducolox (sp?) The second dose this morning at 3:30am was a bit harder to swallow, but a gulp of gatorade between swallows helped the taste. It really helped me avoid feeling nauseated. Taking the prep with cold water is much better! Hubby took me to breakfast, got home and took a nice nap. This involved taking 12 pills in the late afternoon with water. After removing my whole stomach . I stopped the high fiber foods, nuts, raw veggies, etc 5 days ago. I hope we hear back from you: That you had a clean colonoscopy. Its so sad that that was one reason I put off having a colonoscopy. I downed first dose at 6 PM and was done three hours later. Woke up in recovery with cranberry juice set on my tray. Thanks so much for the tips! I then poured it into the 32 oz Gatorade bottles and kept them into the fridge. Prep: Magnesium citrate (many over-the-counter brands). This drink didn't taste nearly as concentrated, and was a lot easier to drink. If you fit this description, your gastroenterologist may suggest a two-day prep. Is the second bottle of Suprep mandatory? My elimination looked like chicken broth at that point. A few examples are listed below. Bottom line - it's not as bad as you think it's going to be. Now I have to get it done every 3 years. The instructions say to start at 6pm (should end the first solution by 7:30pm). Prep day I only had a piece of dry toast in the morning and then went liquid. I do think the extra water helped. May everyone have it as easy as I did. I recall being in the procedure room and talking with my doctor before things got started. Refrigerate the mixed solution. She is correct. Such as the same with this one. Still take the second dose at 10pm. Since my procedure was moved up earlier from 1:30pm to 7:30am (9:00am but asked to arrive 1.5 hrs sooner), I decided to do the prepping sooner than the initial 4:00pm (Ducolax/Miralax) a day (6/28) prior start as instructed in the paperwork. By morning I was furious. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Join the fight against colorectal cancer. This procedure may sound scary but it isnt. Ask your pharmacist for a copy if you do not have one. The taste was ok. A little salty but also a little sweet. Second dose worked a little quicker and system was clear in about 2 hours. I am a 61 yr old female. Then clear again. I wanted to comment because when the experts say that younger and younger people are getting in colon trouble, believe it; Im 31 y/o and had to have a large polyp removed in February. Its pleasant enough that I wanted to chug it LOL But Im doing it slow and on my final glass for tonight of four glasses. Dawn, thanks for sharing that perspective with us its great insight into how some feel about this procedure! By morning I was furious. Its strange but not really uncomfortable. Does anyone know if I have permanently messed up my prep by eating the 2 small bites of chocolate with peanut butter? Man that prep was the nastiest thing I had ever tasted. Drank it exactly as instructed, mixed with cool water and sipped from a straw. It was hard to get down the putrid tasting liquid for dose 2! I just had my colonoscopy and it was seamless.I ate lightly 2 days going into the prep, lowered my calories.. Drank the next 64 oz by 7:30. I of my daughter s had 80 polyps in her colon at the age of 16. It is so great to hear when someone shares ways they successfully navigated prep. Thank you, Marie, for reaching out to us. I had several accidents, got no sleep at all, at one point my husband had to come in with rubber gloves and bleach and clean up our bathroom. Went in, nurse took vitals, gave me a pregnancy test (using approx one squirt of urine), talked to the anesthesiologist, talked to the doctor, signed a bunch of things with each of the three people. An hour later movement. Lmao. Nearly nothing solid was expelled, just a rainbow of brown and yellow water. Chilled both bottles and water used for mix. Clear Liquids Before Colonoscopy Really Necessary? I hide it welluntil I cant. When we start talking about colored jello being prohibited, Im done. Wishing you ease in your prep and a clean screen! Youll be fine. !?!?! They said to come back in 10 years to do it again. 3pm took 4 Bisocodyl tablets followed by 1 Litre of watered down Gatorade and then beef broth Get helpful tips and guidance for everything from fighting inflammation to finding the best diets for weight lossfrom exercises to build a stronger core to advice on treating cataracts. . It was brown. Drink two more 16-ounce glasses of water over the next hour (one hour). (They must not have been making budget and needed to shove through some more expensive tests). Thank you! The doc who did my colonoscopy remarked that Cologuard "is not there yet. Great to hear you had such a positive experience and the tips for how you got ready days before. Thanks for the detailed comment. Can I start the pills earlier than 6:00 PM? I guess next time Ill have to take the time QC my work! I will request Suprep when I have my next Colonoscopy. Just do it. Great article. Thank you. More like brown liquid vomit. He has the nausea pills and he did take one. Do I have to drink the second bottle of Suprep Bowel Prep Kit? 8pm Monday Suprep w water guzzled down with ice in my waterbottle. Please follow the instructions carefully to ensure a successful prep. Thank you for adding it! I have had two colonoscopies prior to this with a different prep (I believe it was Moviprep), and while the prep wasn't my favorite thing to do, I always described it as "not bad." I soiled multiple pairs of underpants and will be throwing them away. I have a big family history, great grand mother, my grandfather died from colon cancer that spread everywhere, two uncles, the one uncle is currently going on hospice finding it has spread to his liver. I have been through the prep multiple times and while everyone is different, for me this worked best by far: 1) start your prep, 3 days early with light easily digestible foods,2) 2 days before having your last full meal for breakfast, go to liquids and broth the rest of the day, 3) the day before continue with liquids and broth, if you are doing dulcolax tablets AND Miralax mixed with liquids, then take your dulcolax in the morning at say 11 am and begin your Miralax 4 hours later (my instructions suggested only 2 hours in between). The second does requires you to get up around 1:00 a.m., and from that point on I had no control of my bowels whatsoever. I just had my first colonoscopy for screening at age 46. it has been 12 years and I did the colorguard test which came back with positive results, of course this has me scared to death now. A friend had made me some chicken broth for my real food for the day. Woke up at 6am. Finally, we agree that the prep is a barrier to some, and that is why we are thankful there are screening options that do not require prep, such as a stool-based test and blood-based screening. Popped a Zofran prophylacticaly two hours before each dose. All I can say is SURPREP NEVER AGAIN!!!!! I read all the tips. Take 12 tablets with 24 ounces of clear liquid 3 to 5 hours before your colonoscopy. No pain, no cramping, no near misses, nothing other than just realizing you need to go. I had nothing like that. Thank you. Start the low-fiber, bland diet three days beforehand. My advice skip the straw and gulp down in two big gulps. The days of downing a gallon of laxative in one dose are gone. Lets just say that I couldnt wander far from the facilities and thanks for the advice of using wet wipes By 10:00 PM things had settled down, and by 11:00 PM, I was able to go to bed. I hope it all went well thank you for sharing your experience! Sulfates have a bitter taste, hence the development of PEG bowel cleansing products without sulfate such as Nulytely or Trilyte. Be honest and tell them that you may not be able to complete the prep because you dont like citrus. Jello and broth(was told I had the cleanest Colon he had ever saw). The laxative started working about 40 minutes after my first dose. Jane, I am actually having a hard time sleeping I am so upset about this. I would rather do the Miralax and ducalax pills then this. My friends did not do Suprep and told bad stories too. In the meantime, I applied Desitin in the proper place (due to advice from this page). I divided the mixed solution for both prep bottles. I just realized on the day before I woiuld need to avoid any solid foods and to stick with a clear liquid diet. Done drinking by 7:30pm. 5pm suppose to drink 4 litres of Peglyte (1 glass every 10 minutes) YEAH RIGHT! Don't miss your FREE gift. The gas is still present and so is the water. I started with 2 ducolax at 4:30pm, and at 5pm I drank the 16 oz of S**tstorm. The makers of the drug need to figure this stuff out and get it together, My advice: have a lot of Depends at the ready (I had some, but ran out), and demand a different prep. LOL. Ill just drink water and get it over with. A nurse advised keeping the prep in the fridge in a large jug.Ipour it glass ,put cling film over it ,make a hole and drink it through a straw!Still not nice but I can drink it! Got myself all worked up for nothing. Due to my fear and the bad experience I had the first time. Take 4 tablets of bisacodyl (Dulcolax) around 3.00-4.00PM. I thought it was a valid question to ask. Certain medical conditions. "Things have changed a lot in the past 10 years," says Dr. Catherine Cheney, a gastroenterologist at Harvard-affiliated Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center. Ive had At least 5-6 colonoscopies . Somebody's got to find a better flavor for this stuff! Used apple juice as a chaser with each sip. Your email address will not be published. 1st day Monday- light breakfast then 2 entire bottles of magnesium citrate at separate times, liquid diet until colonoscopy on Wednesday afternoon at 3:15 pm. Practice self-care and be proud of yourself you got screened! I get needing to be 100% empty but is it necessary to do both?????? You can have chicken broth. Pretty uneventful, they prepped me, took me to where the procedure was to be done, said ok were going to give you the good stuff now, next I knew I was in the recovery room, where they said the found and removed one small polyp. It was dealt with successfully and I am convinced its better to go to the trouble and find nothing than do nothing and regret it later. I think the split prep is the way to go. I had to wait a few months to let the ER anesthesia wear off which is a real thing too. She said that to drink as much as I could. The first dosage i could not keep down. Drank it exactly as instructed, mixed with cool water and sipped from a straw. While you are on a liquid diet you can add your prep to any of these treats. Not much but enough to notice. Love reading this and have the same concerns! Im on disability and cant afford that! Add cool water to the 16 oz. Thank you for your comment and honesty. Now Im so worried about it! Let your doctor know the last prep was not good for you. How to take it: Two 1-liter doses, each followed by clear liquids as directed. It's been 4 days since my procedure, I'm eating normally but have to make a bowl movement about every 3 hours! It wasnt as bad as some of the horror stories Ive heard. Make sure to take plenty of fluids throughout the day in addition to the fluids used for your bowel preparation. The evening before colonoscopy: dilute one bottle with water to a total volume of 16 ounces (up to the fill line) and drink the entire amount. Thank you, Kirk, for sharing your experience on your colonoscopy prep. We hope you were able to get a good quality prep before your colonoscopy. Hope this helps you. Then hardly anything at all. I didnt get nauseous or throw up. Did you suffer a flare or any other Fibromyalgia problems after your test? A ginger hard candy or lemon slice may be helpful. He told me to tell my sons (41 and 23) that now theyre high risk and to get their first scope at 40! Makes me feel better about sitting on the toilet for the past hour! I drink 2 bottles of Magnesium citrate on the day before, one in early morning and the other in early afternoon. However, it made me very cold, and the second dose made me quite nauseous. Hey Val, there should be other prep options I would ask your GI clinic. Thank you for sharing your tips! I had lemon ice cold and I easily could have kept drinking it. Hey Lindsey, one option is to work with the office and see if theres any over-the-counter prep alternatives they can suggest, or any coupons or samples they can offer to help you get the prep you need. I called an advice nurse from kaiser and asked her if I had to finish it all. It takes about a half hour for the trip from home to the clinic and I had no surprises along the way. Also I didnt hate the drink as much as everyone else. Several brands make gentle toilet paper with aloe that can alleviate itching and burning something that is common when youre making frequent trips to the toilet. Rating 2.1/5 Wasnt hard to drink Almost immediate need to hit the toilet. Forgot to mention that about 4-5 days prior, I had removed the no-no foods from my diet like nuts and raw veggies but I did accidentally eat one slice of tomato that had seeds in it about 3 days prior to the procedure. You must clean out your colon so the doctor can get a good look at the inside! I was lucky they only found a couple of benign polyps. Throughout the entire prep period: Drink lots of fluids. Then a shower and I went to the clinic feeling pretty good. Suprep is not an over-the-counter medication, it is only available as a prescription from your provider to prepare you for a colon cleansing before a colonoscopy. Mild bowel movement only despite following doctor's instructions. Any cookies that may not be particularly necessary for the website to function and is used specifically to collect user personal data via analytics, ads, other embedded contents are termed as non-necessary cookies. I was allowed the clear fluids and jello between the 2 preps but none after the 2nd dose. As you can imagine, I dont want to go through this again. I followed Kaisers suggestions for the three days before. Drinking the water did not cause problems because I drank it several hours before the procedure. I loved the prep! solution dose for prep 1 (and then the next day's attempt for prep 2. ) I was just 20 years old. The best half hour of sleep ever. Again, around 45 min later the bathroom usage went up. Each time I finished my (split) prep with the Peglyte, I would finish off with a mug or two of ginger tea. Getting up at 0330 and doing the second dose is a little more difficult especially coming out of a sound sleep. I feel I should have the choice/option. My husband was diagnosed with stage IIIb colorectal cancer in 2018 at age 47. The second dose needs to be taken around 6 hours before the procedure. My last colonscopy I had 7 polyps removed, I had bleeding and cramping for over 3 weeks after my procedure but similar to period cramps. Having watched my mother die from colon cancer is the only reason I manage to push through and get this done. The doctor told me he was concerned, and its been a rough couple of days waiting, but I got my results today. I see lots of people complaining about the taste and I want to remind you of an old childhood trick that works great. Have a colostomy bag after rectal cancer. The real trouble began with the second dose, which happened at 1:00 am: I got quite nauseous, I lost all control of my bowel, had multiple accidents, was up all night, my husband was up all night helping me, and at one point he had t. o come in the bathroom with rubber gloves and bleach to clean up. Just in and out over a few hours and then it was done. I need an endoscopy; but the Dr. wants a colonoscopy with it. Hi Lois, Thanks for your comment. I go in tomorrow and Im freaking out big time right now I have 2 hrs before start the day before procedures and know the chances of getting a reply today is slim to none! It lasted 2 hours and I had maybe 6-7 trips to the bathroom. Your doctor will tell you how much medicine to use. A precaution I must take because of my having had hip replacement a couple of years ago. I didnt do everything they told me to do and all went swimmingly anyways. We appreciate your authenticity and that you shared your experience KNOWING that colonoscopy prep is not a joy, but something that absolutely needs to be done. Generic name is Bisacodyl. Does The Second Dose Of Suprep Work Faster? I was so scared the night before that I called my doctor panicking and almost cancelled the procedure. I write this now as I was searching for something somewhere to tell me that it wouldnt be the end of the world that I wasnt able to choke that last little bit down. Mix your bowel prep agent with water as instructed in the package label. If you go to REI and buy the water bottle for outdoor survival it has the multi filters to filter anything out of bad water Or as I like to show you can put coke or Pepsi in it and it comes out clear!!! Worked on me within a half hour of finishing the first glass. Suprep w water guzzled w ice. . Heres what youll need to make it a good experience. Some days I take Imodium as if they were Tic Tacs. We believe you, and we know IBS is a real thing, and in fact can provide narrower stools (a sign and symptom of colorectal cancer), so GOOD FOR YOU for self-advocating! Dont forget to tell your family about your results! Patients were less likely to comply to a split-dose bowel preparation regimen before colonoscopy if they had an early morning procedure, long travel time, poor education level, or if they were . My first procedure was 11 years ago, it went well and it was easy, it was drinking the prep that was no fun. I mixed each glass with crystal light powder tubes. The first dose started working within an hour. My own personal first experience is that I had prep that I had to take timed within each other. The ice does help but because it is cold, you may have some cramping a bit, but not to bad though. Were glad youre getting your colonoscopy done! Im 46 and just got done with my first colonoscopy. Super thirsty but they said no liquid no nothing after the prep on colonoscopy day. The worst part is sitting on the toilet for hours. I was Scheduled to get my colonoscopy tomorrow,I took the prep which is called GOLYTELY or stuff Ive ever tasted in my life on top of six stool softeners with no results. This will help me to finally make sense of the diagnosis and move forward. Did you get to enjoy some Halloween candy after your colonoscopy? To get to the colon, the colonoscope is inserted through the rectum. The second dose was a total nightmare! Can I actually use blue gatorade for the prep part? I truly appreciate the information and from your experience. My boyfriend is having stomach issues. The next morning was easier because I was already pretty much cleaned out, so maybe 5 trips to the bathroom. It is not recommended by the medical profession. I have my scope scheduled for this Friday (06/24). The prep is the hardest. And sat on the can they entire time watching a movie on my phone. At the 2nd appt, he could only remove one and had to leave the 2nd for later as it was too close to the first. People need to read the directions and prep correctly. Some people sleep when they give them their medicine , i was awake and watched it on the screen what they were doing. I only talked to the nurse and the PA, not the Dr. It is super important that no matter how cleaned out you feel, that you complete all of the prep your medical provider has asked. My insurance didnt cover it, but he gave me a coupon to use at the pharmacy that reduced the price quite a bit. They wanted to reschedule but I passed on it. So much better than that nasty prep I had years ago. I am 36 year old female, 130 lbs, dont typically eat large meals, have regular bowel movements one a day if I maintain proper fiber in my diet. Three days before the laxative prep day, I modified my diet, with smaller portions and only low fiber food. I was in and out in one hour! Now, for this upcoming prep, she has me taking 4 Dulcolax at12 Noon, and at 1PM start drinking that same volume of Gatorade/Miralax mix (8 oz every 30-45 minutes), and then 4 more frigging Dulcolax at 4PM, nothing after midnight. After I just downed 10 oz. I am currently trying to get the second phase done. The quantity bothered me more than the taste. The day of the procedure, I took the second half of the Suprep Bowel Prep Kit but this time I just added water. I was worried the suprep was not working. I knew that something was wrong and it was. I had my first dose at room temperature and I renamed it Hot Cherry Garbage Juice. Hi Laura, this is a good question for his doctor. As far as the prep goes, my doctor prescribed Prepopik. Its definitely difficult to go through round one of prep, and then have to do it all again. People with kidney disease and heart conditions often require preps that don't include phosphates or magnesium. Drink ALL the liquid in the container and you MUST drink 2 more 16 ounce containers of water . But cant wait for the day they get a better tasting prep . One hour later, drink 2 cups of water. They tell me the colonoscopy is a great cancer screening tool and then present me with a list of cancer causing pseudo foods to poison myself with two days prior. From the doctors: nurse: pounding Gatorade or Powerade at the same rate as your prep makes the effluvia rawness almost non-existant. SUPREP Bowel Prep Kit (sodium sulfate, potassium sulfate and magnesium sulfate) Oral Solution is an osmotic laxative indicated for cleansing of the colon as a preparation for colonoscopy in adults and pediatric patients 12 years of age and older. the one question I could find an answer to was: how long after taking a split dose of Colyte will I be able to sleep? It can be hard to call, but best to work alongside the professionals who can help understand whats happening. Ask what other options you may have. By large volume, I mean 2-2.5 quarts. Yes, you must drink both doses of Suprep Bowel Prep Kit for a complete bowel prep before colonoscopy. Took suprep at 6PM. Maybe my memory erased the previous times. Should he contenue? Results and pics reviewed with doctor (1 benign polyp removed), wheeled to my waiting ride, and absolutely no discomfort, nausea, dizziness, gas, bloating, or bleeding. every 15 minutes. As suggested above definitely get some Vaseline or other type of cream for your backdoor lol. Pour one 6 oz. Morning dose went down easier. NEVER has the prep caused me to lose all control, feel nauseous, and be up all night. I didnt have any nausea, cramping, or vomiting whatsoever. The gastroscope didnt leave my throat sore. It helped calmed down my hunger. Again, very rate. Health Alerts from Harvard Medical School. Continue to feel better today and rest up. The age range of 45 and older applies to people who do not have a family history. Second dose 10 hours later. They are lifesaving. A ginger hard candy or lemon slice may be helpful. Forget my mistakes but, I hope you can see that my dog was involved instead it was my doc and the baby reference in the beginning was supposed to be my I think. NOT recommend this and advise strongly against it. My prep happened between 2pm and midnight. Ive had lots of other procedures in my life, this is BY FAR the very worst.