As for flavorits ok. I smoked it constantly from 1975 through the early eighties, sporadically since then till it's disappearance. At least for this one time, the cost of the tin was well worth it. It's taste was definitely much better than it's smell, full-bodied and smoky, and the room note was not too aggressive, there's somewhat of a "tang" to it, but you could easily smoke it unnoticed in a group of cigarette smokers. At least I find it impossible now to say from the room note alone what Balkan has been smoked, but with Balkan Sobranie there never was any ambiguity. I signed up for email alerts thinking it would never happen. Sure, a truly faithful representation would cost a lot, but what a ready market in the curious, and in anyone else who wanted to smoke heaven to the extent his budget permitted. Not sweet, but not really bitter like some oriental-heavy blends are. Another old favourite of mine back in the day. And yesss, halfway the bowl the oriental tobaccos (I think Kavalla) are coming to the front. That and its uncompromising flavour do not augur success with the masses. I've never had tongue bite from a Balkan before. Easy to understand why it is treated as the gold standard in Balkan style blends. The sweetness is there, the smoothness is there, the complexity is impressive, the Latakia is not overwhelming. If youre fortunate enough to find this blend in stock, get it while you can. I've been at it for about 3 weeks to revive the Balkan as it was dryer then the Gobi desert, but I had good faith as the smell of the tobacco was really good and strong. Complex, but not over the top. Cheers! During the Second World War Joe was stationed in England, where he visited Balkan Sobranie and made a deal with them to sell Balkan canned by them in London and labelled as Best, exclusively. What a revelation it was! Once my pipe was filled I went out in the hall of the resort to light it. He gives me a pouch of early-90s Sobranie White. Yes, WAS. It's a shag cut, with pronounced latakia and musty smelling orientals. This BSOM makes you reach for that elusive flavor with each draw. Requires an average number of relights, and leaves little dampness in the bowl. THE LEGEND. Anstead's Tobacco Company. It's been quite a long time since last time I had a bowl, but I was very familiar with this tobacco, so I can rely on many pleasant recollections to write this review. I was lucky to score several pouches a few years ago. Anyway I am basically a English/ Balkan smoker Very few other satisfy. $30.00. Find the perfect balkan sobranie stock photo, image, vector, illustration or 360 image. I feel elated and relieved that I managed to have TBS so that now, I can become a better judge when it comes to distinguish between, the somehow subjective appellations of "Balkan" and "English". That one's been in production since at least the mid 2000s. Im glad to hear your thoughts. The high quality of the tobacco in Balkan might have been just as important as the types of tobacco in it. However, for many, the newer blends are just as enjoyable, if different. 'But none' have even come mildly close in anyway-as far as I am concerned. I never thought a blend containing Latakia could be enjoyed so much until I smoked The BSOM. Big, full, round, heavy, large, expansive. Really this is different tale, but the 40 year old stuff is the real deal as far as im concerned . Sure, maybe the initial experience won't be the same, but, overall, the smoking experience should be just as enjoyable and with a lot less waiting and frustration. Nunca esta disponible, pero es de lo mejor que nunca jamas he probado, un equilibrio y sabor casi perfecto a un precio correcto. The taste is medium. A very good friend of mine that smoked pipe since his youth in the 1930's passed away a couple of years ago. View All Close. The Orientals are less potent, offering earth, wood, floralness, a light dry sourness and a touch of buttery sweetness, along with a little spice as a supporting player. Smoked Balkan Sasieni.loved it. I got my hands on a 25+ years old tin that needed rehydration. Anybody out there game? To me the (alleged) Smyrna provides a delicious musty, spicy note that I don't have the pleasure of tasting often. Maybe tobacco grown in the Balkan region has some affect on the flavor. It was unavailable on any of the internet sites, so I called one of my local B&M suppliers and found he had 3 tins instock. in any case, all humor aside, it hasnt effected the quality of the smoke. you certify that you are at least 21 years old and consent to an age and I opened this tin given to me as a gift by dm14 and I thank him for it. But when I first tasted and smelled that wonderful exotic smoke I was hooked. And I see no difference after the update and stuff. One day the manufacturer stops making the blend or closes their doors. The flavors are deep and I really can't do justice in words how great the aroma is, both from the tin and the smoke, just exquisite. The stars are unrelated to this spectacular tobacco. The overall flavor profile reminds me of a glass of Lagavulin scotch thoroughly diluted with seltzer water. This is what a pipe tobacco is supposed to be! In my typically college age bulletproof life of 35+ years ago, I remember buying the weird knife top tin of this spectacular baccy in Peterson's on 42nd St in NYC. It was velvety and luxurious, but I could tell that this would have floored me if it was ten years newer and the orientals could come out and play more. It is good smoke and I'm glad I got a hold of a couple of tins but, that's about it. Balkan's near universal appeal in those days to lovers of English/Balkan/Oriental blends as a steady or special smoke attests to that fact. A cool and long-lasting smoke. Original Review 12-25-11 This review is for the newly released J.F. It is IPSD 2013 and I finally broke into my one and only tin of Balkan Sobranie! although i have nothing of great worth to say to sway someone one way or the other i can try to describe my own subjective opinion briefly and to the point, but the ultimate judgement or perception is up to you. In fact, if there is any downside to this tobacco, it is that it smokes too cleanly to yield a proper cake (In any reasonable time). This is due to the blend's extremely limited production. Limit One Tin Per Customer On ebay, astronomical amounts were (and still are) asked and paid for these tobaccos. I may try it again when I have some extra money. If I had plenty of money, I'd have more Balkan Sobranie Original Mixture. During the Second World War Joe was stationed in England, where he visited Balkan Sobranie and made a deal with them to sell Balkan canned by them in London and labelled as Best, exclusively. . Who knows? Note that the Royal Jersey Mixture has some Maryland, and will therefore have tin-aged differently than the others. Strong blend that, while very pleasing, rubs you raw after too many bowls. I myself reproduced the old artwork (tin and insert-card) and e-mailed that to Arango and Germain. Likewise akin to Smokers' Haven's Krumble Kake and Esoterica's Penzance in flavor and strength, but like comparing a profesional ice skater to a hockey player. To my suprise I received some 5g sample pouoches, some old stuff of no significant meaning, 2 tins of Dunhill 965 murray's and a 50g pouch of Balkan Sobranie. Although I prefer this indoors since it's extinct and demands my undivided attention, rightfully so. Four stars despite the number of changes that occurred. Note to "sounds7": For your taste, how many "parts" of the Wellauers Latakia do you use? I also like the shag cut because it burns easily without many relights and leaves a gray ash in the bottom of the bowl without excessive moisture contamination. Ill post a screenshot of the tin as its listed on the site. Similar Blends: Ashton's Artisan, Peterson Balkan Delight, Old Ironsides.. On opening the pack it has a strong balkan sweet and sour scent (big surprise). Secondly it is very balanced with each tobacco playing very well together. But is it good, absolutely. 1999, pretty nice but nothing compared by the old original. It was all I'd hoped it would be and so much more! Germain & Son has succeeded in producing a worthy version of the legendary Balkan Sobranie Original Smoking Mixture! Unfortunately, by now the cigarette industry had turned its unblinking eye upon turkish tobacco, consuming all there was. Never had the chance to try this one, because It's never in stock, I use to check it here every day for a year, I gave up. It clings to itself almost like a shag. The smoke note however was more like what I remembered, though for a more accurate Proustian journey I will have to try to obtain an unopened tin from the 1960's if they still exist. All of that said this is a 4 star smoke. But the new blends out there (Paul Olsen's, Ten Russians, Larry's Strike Force, Penzance, Knightsbridge) are all certainly worthy heirs to the throne, and I don't feel cheated that I like at a time where I can have such a wide range available to me. I find Nightcap, Penzance and Black Mallory to be more complex. I was very sad. it touches upon every flavor component.. sweet, bitter, salty, sour, savory, spicy etc.. but it remains one package.. it is not a shocking experience.. it is kind of gentle and simple in a way. This is really your most fowl smelling tobacco! There are much better offerings available today and I will not be purchasing another tin of this "one tin per purchase" rip-off (and I truly expect my review will be "ripped" into, so have at it guys). Mixture is comprised primarily of Latakia with a mixture of Orientals, It has a sweet & sometimes salty flavor when the right taste receptor is hit & has an enticing aroma. Cest la vie! |Privacy When Germain reintroduced the Sobranie Original Mixture, I was eager to try it. Is this a masterpiece Absolutely. And I truly mean that. But despite the large demand the tobacco became less and less available and the production finally stopped. Its available at pipesandcigars. It was a little dry so I had to add a little humidor to revive it. The tobacco came super-dry in the pouch and required almost a month of rehydration. If you are asking if it's same blend as when it was smoked some time ago. There has been said a lot about this tobacco, mostly praised to the skies, it's all true. Similar Blends: No other Balkan on the planet I've tried tastes as good but some have come close Really good stuff & I'm not a big Latakia fan but it facilitates this blend's sweet, creamy, smoky flavor. Almost as if someone had tossed some diamond dust into the tin and shook it up. 1 in stock. The incense like aroma and fantastic taste is hard to describe and must be experienced at least once. I would call it a shame, but there are too many truly great mixtures around now to mourn this stuff at all. Now I know how was the original and now i can compare. Gallaher's Balcan Sobranie lit up fast and quite uniform and first puffs hit me with the smoky Latakia, not quite as strong as I expected but still strong enough to be enjoyable! Very fine shag (described as ribbon but is much more fine than most) cut in long strands. Not sure what to say but it nothing like the original and there are FAR better quality pipe blends than this. The tobacco presents a fine white ash when burnt. I first discovered this stuff in the early 90's, and was immediately hooked. I gave it a star because I think that it is probably a good blend,but it's always gone instantly. It lights easily, requires little maintenance and gives the most rewarding smoke I?ve had to date (I've not been smoking very long though to be honest!). The strength is a couple of steps short of medium. The winelike aroma of the virginias translates to the flavor and is sublime in the mix. Now I feel I am a changed person! So if you are going to feed me, feed me but don't dangle a carrot in front of me and then take it away because it makes me angry. If my wallet actually agreed with me, I would be seeking out much more of this wonderful English blend. For some reason, this seems to be listed twice here, so this review is the same as the Sobranie of London entry. Not much piquant, pretty monochrome. This is also the case with Balkan Sobranie Original Smoking Mixture. Despite all of my gripes with the blend I thoroughly enjoy the flavor, and imagine it will become significantly better with age and added complexity. In my honest opinion the best choice that they could have made! Not so much a difference of taste, as one of attitude! |, We use the SafeSurf Rating System to signify that is for adults only. |Join Perhaps all of the above. Texture of the cut is fine, mostly uniform ribbons which felt just a bit too wet. I am a Latakia devotee and have combusted a number of Balkans and other Latakia infused blends over the years. In my honest opinion J.F. I see why this blend commands a premium. Hope to increase production, now the demand is far greater than supply!!! The king of balkans! Germain & Son. I can confirm that, while in decline, this blend is still a staple for any serious pipesmoker. Borkum Riff Pipe Tobacco The smoky latakia was always there, but kind of pushed into the background by the orientals. Has a rich experience for me and this tobacco was a unique in months because even when stored for so long, still provided good smoked, full of flavor. Packing first with the gravity technique, and finishing off with a medium pack. I believe that now there are better blends of this kind. The brand was originally produced by Sobranie of London in 1920, and became a top-selling brand worldwide. I started loving the pipe when I was a teen. If this is the case and the viewpoint hasn't been romanticized too much, I can see why this was a Hall of Fame blend as even the era that I smoked was excellent. Orders over $95 in US, Safe Payments I'm no expert but I think that both today's Sobranie and Sasieni (made by Stokkebye) are using poor quality VA's that produce that (combined) effect and sensation of, as another reviewer has written, "smoking hot air". I miss it still. This should be approachable to all but the most puny of smokers. I am smoking this in my wide chambered Savinelli Baronet Bruyere 315 EX PrinceThe smoke is exotic, well rounded and brightly mouth filling, running the entire length of the palate.There is so much going on, but still the flavours seamlessly intertwine tip to tail and even marry. I am puzzled about availability. I first tried this in college. Germaine is producing some of the finest tobacco available and this is no exception. I bought some in the spring from Boswells in Chambersburg, PA. It leaves the pipe rather clean. Save yourself some time -- they might be good smokes in their own right, but if they don't list Yenidje as an ingredient, they _cannot_ be even close. The Orientals (Macedonia being one of them) provide a lot of earth, wood, floralness, a light dry sourness and buttery sweetness, along with a little spice and leather as a supporting player. It is surprisingly mellow and not at all high in nicotine. Now I am back to the pipe after a time out for raising two great sons. I wish more could be imported, I think I ordered a tin from here and I have gotten a few elsewhere. If I was given the difficult choice of one tin, either TBS or 759, I would go for TBS. A TRUE MASTERPIECE. Many people say of the Balkan Sasieni, McClelland's Blue Montain are examples of tentatives from your blenders to get close of the Balkan Sobranie. review from a long-time pipe smoker who is neither a connoisseur nor a gourmet. CAO Flavours Pipe Tobacco I rarely smoke now. The tobacco was a little wet in the tin so some airtime was mandatory. This was true for me into the 80s too, but by the time the 90s came about, the blend had changed and not for the better. 5 smooth. The Sobranie has the properties of the newer Sasieni in full measure; but, if there is a difference: I would describe it as softer, or less sharp! So it is a keeper. THE ORIGINAL BALKAN SOBRANIE PIPE TOBACCO IS BACK 50 GRAM 1.76OZ FOUNDED BY A RUSSIAN FAMILY 1879 THE ENGLISH MIXTURE WITH VIRGINIA AND MELLOW LATIKIA, ORIENTAL AND CAVENDISH LEAVES BALLANCE A ROUND FLAVOR MEDIUM TO ROBUST BODY. On the contrary! Create New Wish List; SKU: 100-7906 UPC: 781755017115. The unequalled art of original TBS and 759 is the most perfect ever marriage of the very best Latakia with the very best Orientals in a bed of robust Virginia, delivering an overwhelming palette of aromas. Certified secure site accepts: Milan Tobacconists, Inc. The tobacco colour is very dark 50% very dark brown and 50% black. Purchased From: Pipestuds Consignment Shop. Another reason I think it's Smyrna, and please correct me if it isnt, is that when smoked fresh it is a little harsh on my tongue and palate. And even with the utmost care and dedication it fatigues my palate after I'm done. I bended my own Balkan Sobrane Original Mixture with these 6 top of the line tobaccos: Wellauers- Latakia .Which is true Syrian Latakia (The real thing)I had five tins sent from Tabac Rhein in Switzerland. Curisoty and the words of that tobacconist, got the better of me when I saw an unopened tin from the sixties on Ebay. OK. Get advance notice on pipe specials, tobacco sales, freebies . Since TR has now carved out the new BS under Germain, (a good thing), here are my thoughts on the old Balkan Sobranie. You could taste the latakia and orientals, but they were not ove rstated. Bright spices highlight carefully layered creamy notes of full creosote and there is an unidentifiable charming "classic" room note surrounding it all.The gravity and power are there too, so it must be respected.Let it brood and let it come in its own time. If I had to choose but one tobacco this would be it. Lighting is easy enough, but you may need to tamp it a bit. If you try this, the best thing to do is open the tin, put it in a jar and introduce air every so often(read once per day) for a couple of weeks. All tobacco is made the old fashioned way. The female nose is especially not fond of its room note. Purchased From: Pipestud's Consignment Shop. The special cut of Virginia & Perique has a place in almost anyone's rotation. Sorry, persons under the age of 18 cannot use this site. Part of that is that I've missed the glory days of Sobranie. I spend a few days carefully rehydrating the contents to the perfect RH %. Once the ember gets going it gets much better. I find this blend to be spectacular if allowed to sit, packed, for several hours to dry. I loved it. This was the case with the Balkan Sobranie Original Smoking Mixture. Rocky Mountains USA but I'm an Irishman at heart. The tobacco ranges from black to dark brown, there are some lighter bronze strands but overall it's a dark mixture. I am rooting for them as this is very highly recommended! BSOM brings me back to the mid 70's. There were many very nice old Dunhill and GBD pipes along with about 50 odd assorted tins of aged tobacco. rather than ?tobacco.? Burns to fine white ash. (the 'very pleasant' under room note is my opinion, not someone else's) This is definately a mood altering substance. IMO, the 70s version, which is the oldest I have smoked, was outstanding. I already once said before that I can instantly recognize latakia holding Dunhill tobaccos when I smoke them. I am going to smoke this tin. This traditional mixture of rich Virginia, Latakia and rare Yenidje tobaccos is Sobranie's oldest blend and offers a mild yet rich taste. Is it inexpensive? While he had Baby's Bottom, Three Nuns, various Dunhill blends and many others, along with a logically progressing series of tinned, Lane-blended American tobaccos exclusive to the store, the main event was a complete line of English tobaccos based on Balkan/Best. Maybe the preparation or selection of red & brown Virginias topped off with tasty Yenidje? Resembling the tobacco in my 1981 tin. It contains Virginia, Syrian Latakia and eastern Tobaccos. Is this new iteration of the blend worthy of all the hype? Russia and settled for some time in the Balkans. It had been 15 years since I had seen this "Varietal". and before I spent the $95 I thought twice.. and then, of course, pulled the trigger. The Latakia is leathery, smoky with an characteristic peat flavor. balkan-sorbanie-original-mixture.html. Notice | Advertising Truly a delicious smoke to be sure. Peaty and earthy, briny, peppery and a little bitter, leaves a dry sensation on the tongue and a smoky mineral aftertaste. follow discussion on this recipe here and if you have anything to add please chime in. The lack of clarity is the fact that the site has two listings for BS [sic] THE B S. If Gary Pease ruled the world you'd all have your pipes confiscated and your palates tested for nerve damage. My efforts were rewarded today with my first bowl ever of Balkan Sobranie. As for the nicotine it was rather medium, but that was offset with the full-bodied smoking experience. (50 Grams) Packaging: Tin Limit One Tin Per Customer No pipecleaner needed during the smoke. After a few puffs, the tobacco flavors begin to meld & it just keeps getting better until the very end. Shopping Options No filters applied. Germain, not the "Real McCoy" or even the 2005 Gallaher version for that matter. I've never had the old Sobranie from the golden age, so I cannot compare them but will review this blend on its own merits. The tinned version (c. 20 years ago) had for me an almost mystical, incense-like quality, very powerful, that somehow induced a trance like state. I suppose I should move on and find something that grants me such pleasure again. No latakia mouth. The Gallager version is, to my taste, rich and satisfying; smokes cool and is perfectly balanced between components. Nic-hit was felt in the mouth and throat but nowhere else. Both reek marvelously, are roughly at the half-way mark as far as Latakia, and seem to have less Oriental than either the Pease mixture mentioned above, or the Cornell & Diehl mixture.