Sift through the storied history of ancient Israel. It is not known to what extent the Canaanites considered those various Baalim identical, but the Baal of Ugarit does not seem to have confined his activities to one city, and doubtless other communities agreed in giving him cosmic scope. 1:4; Hab. The Israelites rejected the law of God and relied on the traditions of Gentile nations. Baal is said to be one of the first of Solomon's 72 spirits. We must understand that our god is not what we say we worship but what we serve. But what was its real effect on the participants and the nation? Who Was Baal? A Bible Study | Jack Wellman - Christian Crier Child Sacrifice, Transgender Issues and Baal Worship She gives life to 70 other gods in the Canaanite pantheon. This article is about Baal worship in the Bible. . It may be, however, that these extra Baalim are Baal's attendants, mentioned as the seven or eight lads whom Baal is ordered to take with him in his descent into the netherworld. Their reverence for Him was mere intellectual accommodation intended to appease Him. God's first command to destroy any forms of idol worship came early in the Bible in Exodus 34:13. . What Does the Bible say About Baal | Bible | Idols | PDF | Quiz The triumph of Baal recounted in the myths and perhaps reenacted in ritual drama gave assurance of help in the present and the future as in the past. Valimai means strengh, or force or weight. They were Phoenicians. Another idea is that it pictures a person shifting his weight from one foot to the other, indicating a degree of lameness. But when heat is applied, and the blood begins rushing into the affected areas, pain immediately occurs. There are several ideas as to exactly what Elijah meant by "How long will you falter between two opinions?" Let's exemplify Baal doctrines as preached . As a Semitic common noun baal (Hebrew baal) meant owner or lord, although it could be used more generally; for example, a baal of wings was a winged creature, and, in the plural, baalim of arrows indicated archers. I prefer transliterating the sheva with [*] rather than any other English vowel letter, so I prefer Y*HWaH to YuHWaH or to YaHWeH, for that matter. After a textual gap, there is a report that Baal's corpse has been found. And if the blind leads the blind, both will fall into a ditch" (Matthew 15:14). While much about Molech's nature and origin are uncertain, the Bible mentions Molech on eight occasions, providing some context regarding the problems associated with this ancient god. Israel "walked in the statutes of the nations whom the LORD had cast out from before the children of Israel." This is the crux of our salvation through Jesus Christ. Baal worship also included, at times, child sacrifice, which we see some Israelite kings engaging with later on. 30 Verses to Reflect on in the Book of Hebrews. Isaiah 14:13 alludes to this divine abode as "the Mount of Assembly in the recesses of afon" (har moed be-yarkete afon), the latter phrase being the equivalent of Ugaritic mrym pn or rrt pn, the height or fastness of apn. The Laodicean evaluates himself, saying, "I am rich, have become wealthy, and have need of nothing" (Revelation 3:17). Characteristics of Jezebel Churches (Baal Churches) As we study the operation of the spirit of Baal in the Bible, one can see the fruit of its operation in the USA.. He awakens them to their spiritual and moral responsibilities. 4:12; Hos. Sidons Phoenician Temple. Sign up to receive our email newsletter and never miss an update. All through the Old Testament, the people of Israel fell into Baal and Asherah worship, and it is no different for us today. (verse 8). Your email address will not be published. Baal Peor, or the Baal of Peor, was a local deity worshiped by the Moabites. Nevertheless, despite the biblical tendency to avoid the use of the word as a proper name, it is now quite clear that by pre-Israelite times the term had become the usual name of the weather-god of Syria-Palestine. What would be considered Baal worship today? - eBible 2:13) and *Asherah (Judg. The word bel can be transformed into vel or val. 74:1314, 89:910, 93:1ff. Though it hurts, the pain is indicative of rescue and cure. Isa. He describes Israel as a luxuriant grape vine sending runners in every direction, indicating a bountiful crop. He was also called the Lord of Rain and Dew, the two forms of moisture that were indispensable for fertile soil in Canaan. They were afraid of God, but they did not really change their way of life. Elijah was dealing with the same thing here, albeit spiritually. 29:35, 32:26; Nah. . Blending the lies of this world with the truth of God produces a foul mixture called syncretism (James 3:10-13). II Kings 17:7-17 catalogs the sins of Israel: Widespread idolatry. Various forms of Baal worship are still going on in the Catholic church; even though these pagan idols were incorporated into Catholicism centuries ago, the worship of the sun still exists to this day. The principal pillars of Baalism were child sacrifice, sexual immorality (both heterosexual and homosexual) and pantheism . And she has taken over many so-called churches. 27:1). Recall God's prophecy in Deuteronomy 32:15, predicting that when Israel prospered, then it would rebel. (Iron Age) temple. The sum of what Elijah said is actually spiritually dangerous, due to the fact that God is judging. The Spread of Baalism. In other words, God is saying that He was driven to defeat and scatter Israel because they were guilty of exactly the same sin as the Samaritans! 8. Biblical Sidon is perhaps most infamously known as the birthplace of the Phoenician princess Jezebel (1 Kings 16:31), who became queen of the Israelites during King Ahabs reign in the ninth century B.C.E. Ashtaroth is mentioned 12 times in the Old Testament. 57 Bull Baal. Psalm 68 may have been written, in part, as a polemic against Baal worship wherein it is indicated in verse 4 that YHWH is the one who rides the clouds. Their commitment went one way, and then it went the other way. Moloch | Definition & Facts | Britannica Sidon was well connected by trade by the traders of the Pandya kingdom of Tamil Nadu. Of special interest is the designation Aliy (ly) which is twice applied to Baal in the Krt Epic: Before the discovery and recognition of this name in Ugaritic, H.S. Paul, in: Biblica, 49 (1968), 3436; U. Oldenburg, The Conflict Between El and Bal in Canaanite Religion (1969). Jews nowadays say Ha-Shem [i.e. Hope Bolingeris an acquisitions editor at End Game Press, and the author 21+ books. Dig into the illuminating world of the Bible with a BAS All-Access membership. He replaced the Levitical priesthood with men of his own choosing. They think that what they are doing is right, but they are deceived. 26:46). Child sacrifice was a fundamental aspect of Baal worship. Not a BAS Library member yet? Required fields are marked *. Gen. 41; II Sam. In the Bible, Jezebel is notorious for persecuting the worship of Yahweh and for demanding that the Israelites worship Baal. (verses 9-11). Hosea exposes the problem between God and Israel. In the Hebrew Bible, Moloch is presented as a foreign deity who was at times illegitimately given a place in Israel's worship as a result of the syncretistic policies of certain apostate kings. What made the very name Baal anathema to the Israelites was the program of Jezebel, in the 9th century bce, to introduce into Israel her Phoenician cult of Baal in opposition to the official worship of Yahweh (I Kings 18). In Canaan, however, when the solar theology had absorbed the older beliefs, Baal, passing into a sun-god and the goddess who stood at his side becoming a representative of the moon--the pale reflection, as it were, of the sun- -Ashtoreth came to be regarded as the consort of Baal and took the place of the solar goddesses of Babylonia. Now the king of Assyria went throughout all the land, and went up to Samaria and besieged it for three years. It is related that on one occasion a strange ruler came to the place where Peor was worshiped, to sacrifice to him; but when he heard of this silly practise, he caused his soldiers to attack and kill the worshipers of the god (Sifre, Num. His ministry took place about 150 years before Israel was to fall, becoming the Lost Ten Tribes, so God was beginning to make a powerful witness to them. BAAL-PEOR - In contrast, the church has had periods of strength and weakness all throughout its historyit goes through cycles of rallying around truth and then gradually letting it slip. 14:2, 9; Num. He is the king of the east and governs an army of 66 legions of demons." Did you catch that? Child Sacrifice and Baal - Moloch - Anglican Orthodox Church Because Canaan depended on rain to grow crops and survive, he was numero uno. Archeological excavations have dated information about Baal back as far as the second millennium BC, and the spread of Baal worship caught fire in Egypt in 1400 BC. Baal's objection to the window somehow concerned his three daughters and the sea-god (Yamm), but the text is broken at this point. The Israelites fell into the worship of this idol(Numbers 25:3,5,18; Deuteronomy 4:3; Psalm 106:28; Hosea 9:10). The longest of the texts deals with the construction of Baal's house on top of Mount apn. It is urgent that we understand what is involved here because it reveals the cause of God's anger that led to Israel's defeat and scattering. Updates? The king of Assyria took Samaria and carried Israel away to Assyria, and placed them in Halah and by the Habor, the River of Gozan, and in the cities of the Medes. Worship of Baal was also carried out right on the housetops of the people, from where sacrificial smoke to their god was frequently seen to rise. By submitting above, you agree to our privacy policy. In mythological texts from the Late Bronze Age (c. 1550-1200 B.C.E) city-state of Ugarit, she is called "the creatress of the gods"; her consort at Ugarit, the god El, is . (the Middle Bronze Age). A vivid description of theophany in a thunderstorm is found in Psalms 18:715 (= II Sam. Baal and Asherah were two giant stumbling blocks for the people of Israel. Most often, it condemns Baal worship. The events leading up to the Day of the Lord will be unmistakable to those with eyes to see. Baal's worshipers appeased him by offering sacrifices, usually animals such as sheep or bulls (1 Kings 18:23). Sacred sex was a key component. The word is used as the name of a town in ancient Israel in Deuteronomy 1:4, Joshua . In many cases, when the king or the nation had wandered from the way, the prophets were sent to correct them (e.g., II Samuel 12:1-15; I Kings 18:17-19; II Kings 21:10-15). Figs and grapes ripen during the dry season and the grain harvest also takes place before the rains resume. Discovered in a farmer's field in northeastern Egypt, this inscribed monument bears the name of one of the few pharaohs actually named in the Old . In other words, prosperity turns people's heads. The second major background factor that we need to grasp somewhat to read Hosea well is the worship of the Canaanite god Baal (s). Ginsberg, Kitvei Ugarit (1936); J. Oberman, Ugaritic Mythology (1948); A.S. Kapelrud, Baal in the Ras Shamra Texts (1952); M. Dahood, in: Studi Semitici, 1 (1958), 7578; N. Habel, Yahweh Versus Baal: A Conflict of Religious Cultures (1964); J. What Is the Meaning of Psalm 91 and Why Is it Popular? Baal Worship Baal-Berith Berbers Bet (Ha)-Midrash Bet Din Bethar Bibliophiles Bloodletting Chronicles of Kings of Israel Episcopus Judaeorum Essenes Exile Fable Flood Forced Baptism Garden of Eden Glass Golden Calf Goliath Great Revolt Great Synagogue Hannah and her Seven Sons Hasmoneans/Maccabees Hebrew Printing Hekdesh Herod Herodian Dynasty PDF WE ARE PRACTICING BAAL-PEOR WORSHIP LIKE ISRAEL OF OLD WE - Numbers1317 Separating Fact from Myth: Asherah and Idol Worship - Steppes of Faith The worship of Baal was popular in Egypt from the later New Kingdom in about 1400 bce to its end (1075 bce). In addition to Baal still influencing religions and pagan practices today, we must take note of what happened to the Israelites and vigilantly watch our churches. Possibly even more treacherous than this was a parallel development: mixing the worship of Yahweh and Baal. God wants to transform us from people who are bent on pleasing ourselves to people who show concern for others. Ugaritic texts tell of other fertility aspects of Baal, such as his relations with Anath, his consort and sister, and also his siring a divine bull calf from a heifer. We are seeing the same thing today, but at times, it is harder to recognize because we are accustomed to it, and it is not happening overnight. Ashtoreth was the fertility goddess consort of Molech. A large part of this world's appeal is its offer of financial security. In Hebrew, it is rendered Yehoshua, and in Aramaic, Yeshua. It indeed produces great material prosperity, but it is consumed through self-indulgent gorging. Isai is music in Tamil and Vallavi means an expert. All 450 prophets of Baal do not escape the slaughter that takes place after that. Paul is not writing about apostasy in a small group of people that will give rise to an international personality, but an event on the world scene that creates the right environment to catapult this figure, backed by the power of Satan, to the heights of power. The lesson for us becomes clear, because Jesus says the same thing (Matthew 6:24; 12:25). The word "Baal" derives from the Semitic stem "bel", meaning "lord". In correlating the sequence of events, Baal's victory over the sea-god, Yamm, is probably to be placed near the beginning of the action, since it was presumably this exploit which gained him the dominant position among the gods, just as *Marduk achieved preeminence by defeating the sea-monster Tiamat. He established a feast in the eighth month to replace the true Feast of Tabernacles in the seventh. Not only do the Jews have to deal with the abomination of Zeus and Antiochus Epiphanes IV (Daniel 8), but the Greek pantheon later gets repeated in the Roman pantheon, and practices from both the Greeks and Romans still exist today. l /), or Baal (Hebrew: baal), was a title and honorific meaning 'owner', 'lord' in the Northwest Semitic languages spoken in the Levant during antiquity.From its use among people, it came to be applied to gods. There is no doubt that prosperity is good, but unless one is properly focused and disciplined, it can also be a demanding master because of its power to distract one into idolatry. Does that way of life conform to the God of the Bible, or does it spring from the mind of men? Drought and the Fall of the Hittite Empire. God's pattern is being established. The name "Baal" shows up seven times in Hosea (2:8, 2:13, 2:16, 2:17 . In the Bible, Baal is spoken of in a negative light, as an idol and a false god, and is associated with idolatry and paganism. Once Elijah began preaching, their conscience pricked them, and it encouraged them to worship the true God. As such, Baal designated the universal god of fertility, and in that capacity his title was Prince, Lord of the Earth. It may seem easy to point the finger at the ancient Israelites and say, How could you let a bull statue into Israel? Anyway she changed her mind and sent his son to Libya etc Doumet-Serhal explains the significance of the handles iconography: The dragon epitomizes the most fundamental ancient mythical perception of the Mesopotamian storm god. All this was part of his fertility role, which, when fulfilled, meant an abundance of crops and fertility for animals and mankind. a little T-shaped mark that stands for the long-A vowel (like a in father). He was also king of the gods, and, to achieve that position, he was portrayed as seizing the divine kingship from Yamm, the sea god. One of the rooms in this temple had a bench, where offerings would have been placed, and an altar made of piled and unhewn stones, which recalls the Biblical command to make altars of uncut stones (see Exodus 20:25). Does the Bible Mention What to Give Up for Lent? Two practices in particular are mentioned in Scripture. Thus it is clear that Baal, representing the life-giving rains, fluctuates in his ability to withstand the power of Mot, who represents drought, sterility, and death. Articles from Britannica Encyclopedias for elementary and high school students. And of all the foreign gods the Israelites came into contact with, they appeared to struggle the most with worshipping this one. Notably, an impressed handle found near a Canaanite grave at the site depicts Sidons storm god and a ship. Prophets and Prophecy (Part 1). They were Canaanites and shared numerous similarities, including many of the same gods, with their close neighbors in the southern Levantwho were also predominantly Canaanite. They simply evolve. When a person is freezing to death, he feels a pleasant numbness that he does not want to end. Baal Worship in the Old Testament - CRI/Voice Sometimes the leadership of the nation of Israel tolerated and embraced the deities of other nations. Baal was considered the supreme. Those familiar with the Biblical text will recall that Sidon was an influential, wealthy Phoenician city when the kings of Israel and Judah ruled during the Iron Age. Some become discouraged with the church because we are always being toldto some measure anywaydisturbing things about ourselves. The worship of Baal penetrated Jewish religious life during the period of the Judges (Judges 3:7), became common in Israel during the rule of Ahab (1 Kings 16:31-33), and also influenced Judah (2 Chronicles 28:1-2). Its prosperity played a part in corrupting the Israelites' hearts, which is why Hosea mentions the divided or disloyal heart in context with its bountiful fruit. Elijah is quite instructive here. In the Aztec religion, life existed before humans, and civilization was built after the destruction of the fourth sun. For a while, both sidesthe Confederate and the Unionaccepted those turncoats and took their information. Immorality lies in the desire of men to live self-centered lives independent of God, as when Adam and Eve took of the forbidden tree (Genesis 3:1-19). If you will not be committed to Him, you are going to die.". A biblical pharaoh's border monument. Baal was the god of agriculture and fertility in Canaan, becoming a fallen angel and a demon. It will be far more terrible than anything ever seen on this earth! However, God shows there is a possible harmful, secondary effect: As people become financially secure, their attention is diverted from His purpose to vain and unimportant things. Baal Watchtower ONLINE LIBRARY - JW.ORG Paul, then, is letting the church know that it need not be concerned about missing the end time. In their spiritually unaware state, they will be incredulous at God's punishment for "such a little bit of sin." They clash violently until both are prostrate and the Sungoddess warns Mot not to fight with Baal lest El hear and overthrow him. THE MARRIAGE OF CHRISTIANITY WITH BAAL - Loren Davis He is deceived into thinking that his material prosperity proves that God approves of his conduct and attitudes. made for themselves a molded image and two calves, made a wooden image and worshipped all the host of heaven, and served Baal" (verses 15-16). YHWH's victory over the waters is connected either with the rescue of Israel at the Exodus (Ps. The practice of Baal worship was wide spread in Bible times and was very evil. The latter name (Amarna, Addu) is to be related to Arabic hadda ("break," "crash") with reference to thunder. The Jordan River (Nahar ha-Yarden) qualified as a mikveh as its flowing living waters originated from a natural spring ( The Worship of Baal - Bible History This is not brand new, but it is picking up speed. One interpretation is that it is a localized occurrence, in the sense of it happening just within the little flockthe church. A third is that he is describing somebody teetering on a tightrope and trying to maintain his balance. a deeper walk-What were the child sacrifices, high places and because they sell the righteous for silver, and the poor for a pair of sandals. Baal (/ b e. He is often accused of causing their pain. Why Did Pharaoh Tell Joseph to Enjoy the 'Fat of the Land'? They become "settled on their lees," as it says in Zephaniah 1:12. It disturbed them. Despite having the power and support of the king of Israel and his . They set up for themselves sacred pillars and wooden images on every high hill and under every green tree; and there they burned incense on all the high places, as the nations had done whom the LORD had carried away before them." A solution has been supplied by a tradition ascribed to the ancient Phoenician priest Sakkunyaton (Greek Sanchuniathn) that when El-Kronos defeated Ouranos, he captured in the battle Ouranos' pregnant concubine and gave her to Dagn. Corrections? Our editors will review what youve submitted and determine whether to revise the article. One was 260 days and was used for . Observing Christmas and Easter in the name of Christ is no different. Elijah prepared the way for Elisha, who had a double portion of Elijah's spirit and did many more miracles. The worship of Baal extended in this region to the Jews, Canaanites and the Phoenicians. For example, Christmas and Easter are traditions of men, but they are lies. Note the name of her father, King of the Sidoneans and apparently (Josephus) a priest of Baal as well. Baal - the pagan idol in your garden. By Pat Franklin He then merely floats, going through the motions, even feeling good about himself as he neglects so great salvation (Hebrews 2:3). When Elijah preached his message, it put the people in a bind because they knew their conscience was telling them that they had to commit themselves to God or to Baal. Notice the dramatic change of attitude in the people.