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Caltrans lane closure charts jackett animecrickett 22 scope Lane closure charts will show the number of lanes required during different hours of the day. Please use an alternate route. TMPs should be consistent with the Final Rule guidelines for developing and implementing the policy. Verify that the contractor schedules and conducts a meeting to discuss the operation of impact attenuator vehicle as required under Section 12-3.23A(4), Quality Assurance, of the Standard Specifications. At the preconstruction conference, remind the contractor to maintain an inventory of commonly required items at the job site and arrange for sign panels, posts, and mounting hardware or portable sign mounts to be furnished on short notice. Do not hide the taper of a traffic control system behind a vertical or horizontal curve. If an existing pedestrian route will be affected by the work activities, verify the project includes Bid Item No. Verify the pavement is clean and dry and the contractor places the channelizers during conditions that meet the required temperatures. Samples of activities that may require a contingency plan: A construction contingency plan describes: The contractor verifies or updates the contingency plan at the same time as submitting the written schedule of planned closures. Serving as a liaison between construction, the district traffic manager (DTM) and the transportation management plans (TMP) manager. For their application, review the current California Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (California MUTCD). To enhance night visibility, delineate material, equipment, excavations, or obstructions 15 feet or more from the traveled way. Keep pedestrian facilities clear of obstructions. Verify that automated work zone information systems comply with the general system functionality, motorist information messages, system communications, traffic data acquisition, and user interface specification requirements. The resident engineer must track COZEEP hours used and estimate expenditures each month. Verify the contractor notifies and cooperates with local authorities wherever the local authorities regulate traffic. Require proper maintenance of plastic traffic drums. Clearly identify early-finish and late-finish milestones for every major activity. If an impasse occurs, the district COZEEP coordinator and the designated CHP division office contact should act as the second level of review. The ideal transition is on a horizontal tangent with a slightly rising grade at the end of a level approach. Unstable snow conditions have prompted closure of Highway 32 between Humboldt Rd in the Lomo area of Butte County and the Highway 36 junction in Tehama. Welcome to Caltrans Planned Lane Closures The following reports are a public service of Caltrans. Allow only one type of plastic traffic drum on the project. Do not use the contract item for Type K temporary railing to pay for temporary railing that is placed to fulfill the requirements of the Public Safety section. Verify the contractor cements the bases of channelizers used for temporary edge line delineation as specified. District Construction should review the traffic control plan before the district submits the plans, specifications, and estimate to headquarters. Check sign posts to confirm compliance with breakaway features. The specifications require temporary traffic screen to have 3-foot-long openings spaced at 200-foot intervals. If you authorize the devices for use, record the authorization in the daily reports. Section 7-1.04, Public Safety, requires that the contractor provide for the safety of the public during construction. Verify there is enough shoulder width before allowing the use of an impact attenuator vehicle for placement and removal of components on two-lane, two-way highways. Serves as a liaison between Construction, the DTM, and the TMP manager. If it becomes necessary to cancel the work, call the local CHP contact person listed in Part 4 of the task order as soon as possible. Direct the contractor to provide PCMSs for use not otherwise provided for in the contract, with a minimum notice of 1 full working day. The Changeable Message Sign Guidelines developed by the Division of Traffic Operations provide a listing of approved abbreviations for PCMSs. Review the specification requirements and sheet T4 of the Standard Plans. Do not allow the use of power from private parties to power the temporary flashing beacon system. Verify that all traffic control facilities are in good repair with a continuing program of inspection, replacement, and cleaning. When an operation is terminated before the time the specifications allow because of circumstances beyond the contractors control, consider granting time, compensation, or both, within the terms of the contract. The following are some possible installation procedures that may be used by the contractor, depending on the situation in which the system will be used: After installation and when the inspector is available, make a drive-through inspection of the system. flags for daytime closure. Verify all new and used temporary railing elements comply with requirements for end connection and surface finish. Follow the districts instructions for distributing news releases. The design and construction at the contractors expense, when the contractors means and methods require the closure of an existing pedestrian route. If the portable transverse rumble strips become out of alignment or skewed by more than 6 inches, have the contractor readjust them to the original location. Flash flooding and mudslides have closed some stretches on I- 5 and SR-58. In metropolitan areas, this type of warning may be feasible with cooperation of the transportation management center. Verify temporary pavement markers comply with Section 81-3, Pavement Markers, of the Standard Specifications, except for the waiting period before placing pavement markers on new asphalt concrete. When the officer or officers arrive at the project site, the senior CHP uniformed officer will check in with the Caltrans project supervisor who should initiate Form CEM-2101, COZEEP Daily Report. The daily report number will also be the project identifier number. Invoices should include the agreement number and be submitted monthly in arrears, in triplicate, within 60 calendar days of date of service. Use the standard formula for taper length shown in the California MUTCD or in the projects traffic control plan details. Verify removal of any temporary delineation that conflicts with any subsequent or new traffic pattern for the area. If you accept a closure request, the status will change to PENDING. If you reject a closure request, LCS will send the contractor an email asking for a correction and resubmission. Drums used instead of cones, barricades, or delineators as part of a traffic control system or used as specified under Public Safety section in the contract are not to be paid for at contract item price. Require at all times the presence on the job of personnel representing the contractor who are capable of and empowered to make decisions quickly if the need arises. Anticipated cooling times needed for asphalt concrete pavements before opening a lane, shoulder, or ramp to public traffic. Verify channelizers used for temporary edge line delineation are predominantly orange and the surface- mounted type. For more information on cancellations, refer to the current COZEEP agreement. Verify attendance of subcontractors and other contractors personnel involved with traffic control. After placing components of stationary closures, the contractor may place the impact attenuator vehicle in advance of the work area to protect workers and traffic. It is important to plan which personnel, signage, and equipment will be required to implement the traffic control system. Some districts have adopted a practice of providing motorists additional warning by displaying information a mile or more in advance of the closure using portable or fixed changeable message signs. Verify that the line of sight visibility in the field meets sight distance standards. Adequate maneuver room at critical points is an important factor in preventing accidents. If the contractor plans to use cones for night work, determine the type of cone proposed. Use these guidelines when necessary during construction to make changes in traffic control plans. The following guidelines are for measuring and paying for various traffic control devices for construction areas. File formats include CSV, JSON, TXT and XML. You may also consult the district Traffic Operations office. Consider placing supplemental tapers within an existing closure. Verify the district traffic manager reviews a closure request for conflicts before approving it. Confirm that the temporary roadway is engineered to the same design considerations as those in new construction: Geometrics of alignment and roadway section, Surface of the traveled lanes and shoulders or marginal areas. Verify the contractor removes or covers any construction area signs that duplicate or contradict the signs for a project within 250 feet of another project. Acting as a resource for the resident engineer, construction engineer, DTM, and TMP manager during TMP implementation and reviewing the contractors construction contingency plan. Confirm the intended vehicle path is clearly visible. It includes public awareness campaigns, motorist information, demand management, incident management, system management, alternate route planning, and construction methods and staging. www.dot.ca.gov May 5, 2020 Mr. Patrick McDaniel California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection 2840 Mt. If a change order is processed that requires COZEEP support, and it is estimated that existing state-furnished materials funding for COZEEP is not sufficient, include additional funding for COZEEP as part of the change order. In that case, portable flashing beacons are paid for as part of the contract item for the traffic control system. If this equality is not possible, confirm that the design speed differential is no more than 10 mph. Containment may require modestly increasing the spacing between signs or require the placing of additional signs. Nighttime closures of two or more lanes on a freeway with three or more lanes of travel in the same direction. These instances do not require formally approved plans. During the term of the contract, the CHP may increase or decrease the rates shown in the contract by notifying the Caltrans statewide contract managers, who will notify the district coordinators. The contractors responsibility to provide written notice 5 days before closing an existing pedestrian route.